OutputDir = output # Directory for output FileBase = IC # Base-filename of output files Nmesh = 128 # This is the size of the FFT grid used to = # compute the displacement field. One = # should have Nmesh >= Nsample. Ngrid = 64 # number of partic per grid direction. Nsample = 128 BoxSize = 32000.0 # Periodic box size of simulation Omega0 = 0.2814 # Total matter density (at z=0) OmegaLambda = 0.7186 # Cosmological constant (at z=0) OmegaBaryon = 0.0464 # Baryon density (at z=0) ProduceGas = 0 # 0 is dm only. 1 is gas OmegaDM_2ndSpecies 0 = # Omega for a second dark matter species (at z=0) HubbleParam = 0.697 # Hubble paramater (may be used for power spec parameterization) Redshift = 9 # Starting redshift Sigma8 = 0.810 # power spectrum normalization SphereMode = 1 # if "1" only modes with |k| < k_Nyquist are = # used (i.e. a sphere in k-space), otherwise modes with = # |k_x|,|k_y|,|k_z| < k_Nyquist are used = # (i.e. a cube in k-space) = WhichSpectrum = 2 # "1" selects Eisenstein & Hu spectrum, = # "2" selects a tabulated power spectrum in = # the file 'FileWithInputSpectrum' = # otherwise, Efstathiou parametrization is used FileWithInputSpectrum = ../powerspectrum-wmap9.txt # filename of tabulated input # spectrum (if used) InputSpectrum_UnitLength_in_cm = 3.085678e24 # defines length unit of tabulated # input spectrum in cm/h. # Note: This can be chosen different from UnitLength_in_cm ShapeGamma = 0.201 # only needed for Efstathiou power spectrum PrimordialIndex = 0.971 # may be used to tilt the primordial index Seed = 181170 # seed for IC-generator UnitLength_in_cm = 3.085678e21 # defines length unit of output (in cm/h) UnitMass_in_g = 1.989e43 # defines mass unit of output (in g/cm) UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s = 1e5 # defines velocity unit of output (in cm/sec) WDM_On = 0 # Putting a '1' here will enable a WDM small-scale # smoothing of the power spectrum WDM_Vtherm_On = 0 # If set to '1', the (warm) dark matter particles will # receive an additional random thermal velocity # corresponding to their particle mass WDM_PartMass_in_kev = 10.0 # This is the particle mass in keV of the WDM particle