* Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Michael Pippig
* This file is part of PFFT.
* PFFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* PFFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PFFT. If not, see .
#include "pfft.h"
#include "ipfft.h"
#include /* strcmp */
static void reset_timer(
PX(timer) ths);
static size_t length(
const PX(timer) ths);
static void fprint_average_timer(
MPI_Comm comm, FILE *file, const PX(plan) ths, unsigned flags);
static void write_info_header(
MPI_Comm comm, FILE *file);
static void write_run_specific_infos(
MPI_Comm comm, FILE *file, const PX(plan) ths);
static int get_matlab_index(
MPI_Comm comm);
static void fprint_average_timer_prefixed(
MPI_Comm comm, FILE *file, const char *prefix,
const PX(timer) ths, unsigned flags);
static int file_exists(
const char *name);
static FILE* open_or_create_file_to_append(
MPI_Comm comm, const char *name);
* Functions to operate on timer in PX(plan)
PX(timer) PX(get_timer)(
const PX(plan) ths
return PX(copy_timer)(ths->timer);
void PX(reset_timer)(
PX(plan) ths
void PX(print_average_timer)(
const PX(plan) ths, MPI_Comm comm
write_info_header(comm, stdout);
write_run_specific_infos(comm, stdout, ths);
fprint_average_timer(comm, stdout, ths, PFFTI_PRINT_TIMER_BASIC);
void PX(print_average_timer_adv)(
const PX(plan) ths, MPI_Comm comm
PX(print_average_timer)(ths, comm);
fprint_average_timer(comm, stdout, ths, PFFTI_PRINT_TIMER_ADV);
void PX(write_average_timer)(
const PX(plan) ths, const char *name, MPI_Comm comm
int newfile;
FILE *f;
newfile = !file_exists(name);
f = open_or_create_file_to_append(comm, name);
if( newfile )
write_info_header(comm, f);
write_run_specific_infos(comm, f, ths);
fprint_average_timer(comm, f, ths, PFFTI_PRINT_TIMER_BASIC);
void PX(write_average_timer_adv)(
const PX(plan) ths, const char *name, MPI_Comm comm
FILE *f;
PX(write_average_timer)(ths, name, comm);
f = open_or_create_file_to_append(comm, name);
fprint_average_timer(comm, f, ths, PFFTI_PRINT_TIMER_ADV);
static void fprint_average_timer(
MPI_Comm comm, FILE *file, const PX(plan) ths, unsigned flags
if(ths->sign == FFTW_FORWARD)
fprint_average_timer_prefixed(comm, file, "pfft_forw", ths->timer, flags);
fprint_average_timer_prefixed(comm, file, "pfft_back", ths->timer, flags);
static void write_info_header(
MPI_Comm comm, FILE *file
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "\n%% n - FFT size\n");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% np - process grid\n");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% procs - number of processes\n");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% pfft - PFFT runtime\n");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% index(i) = log(procs(i)) + 1\n");
static void write_run_specific_infos(
MPI_Comm comm, FILE *file, const PX(plan) ths
int size, idx = get_matlab_index(comm);
MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_ESTIMATE)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% pfft_flags == PFFT_ESTIMATE");
else if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_PATIENT)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% pfft_flags == PFFT_PATIENT");
else if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_EXHAUSTIVE)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% pfft_flags == PFFT_EXHAUSTIVE");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% pfft_flags == PFFT_MEASURE");
if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, " | PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN");
if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, " | PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT");
if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_SHIFTED_IN)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, " | PFFT_SHIFTED_IN");
if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_SHIFTED_OUT)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, " | PFFT_SHIFTED_OUT");
if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_TUNE)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, " | PFFT_TUNE");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, " | PFFT_NO_TUNE");
if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_PRESERVE_INPUT)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, " | PFFT_PRESERVE_INPUT");
if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_DESTROY_INPUT)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, " | PFFT_DESTROY_INPUT");
if(ths->pfft_flags & PFFT_BUFFERED_INPLACE)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, " | PFFT_BUFFERED_INPLACE");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "\n");
if(ths->fftw_flags & FFTW_ESTIMATE)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% fftw_flags == FFTW_ESTIMATE\n");
else if(ths->fftw_flags & FFTW_PATIENT)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% fftw_flags == FFTW_PATIENT\n");
else if(ths->fftw_flags & FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% fftw_flags == FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE\n");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%% fftw_flags == FFTW_MEASURE\n");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "index(%d) = %d; ", idx, idx);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "procs(%d) = %d; ", idx, size);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "np_pfft(%d, 1:%d) = [", idx, ths->rnk_pm);
for(int t=0; trnk_pm; t++)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%td ", ths->np[t]);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "];\n");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "n_pfft(%d, 1:%d) = [", idx, ths->rnk_n);
for(int t=0; trnk_n; t++)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%td ", ths->n[t]);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "]; ");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "ni_pfft(%d, 1:%d) = [", idx, ths->rnk_n);
for(int t=0; trnk_n; t++)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%td ", ths->ni[t]);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "]; ");
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "no_pfft(%d, 1:%d) = [", idx, ths->rnk_n);
for(int t=0; trnk_n; t++)
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%td ", ths->no[t]);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "];\n");
static int get_matlab_index(
MPI_Comm comm
int size;
R idx;
MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
idx = pfft_log2((R) size)+1;
return (int) idx;
* Functions to operate on PX(timer)
PX(timer) PX(copy_timer)(
const PX(timer) orig
PX(timer) copy = PX(mktimer)(orig->rnk_pm);
copy->iter = orig->iter;
copy->whole = orig->whole;
for(int t=0; trnk_trafo; t++)
copy->trafo[t] = orig->trafo[t];
for(int t=0; trnk_remap; t++)
copy->remap[t] = orig->remap[t];
for(int t=0; t<2; t++)
copy->remap_3dto2d[t] = orig->remap_3dto2d[t];
copy->itwiddle = orig->itwiddle;
copy->otwiddle = orig->otwiddle;
return copy;
void PX(average_timer)(
PX(timer) ths
if(ths->iter <= 0)
ths->whole /= ths->iter;
for(int t=0; trnk_trafo; t++)
ths->trafo[t] /= ths->iter;
for(int t=0; trnk_remap; t++)
ths->remap[t] /= ths->iter;
for(int t=0; t<2; t++)
ths->remap_3dto2d[t] /= ths->iter;
ths->itwiddle /= ths->iter;
ths->otwiddle /= ths->iter;
ths->iter = 1;
PX(timer) PX(add_timers)(
const PX(timer) sum1, const PX(timer) sum2
PX(timer) res = PX(copy_timer)(sum1);
res->iter += sum2->iter;
res->whole += sum2->whole;
for(int t=0; trnk_trafo; t++)
res->trafo[t] += sum2->trafo[t];
for(int t=0; trnk_remap; t++)
res->remap[t] += sum2->remap[t];
for(int t=0; t<2; t++)
res->remap_3dto2d[t] += sum2->remap_3dto2d[t];
res->itwiddle += sum2->itwiddle;
res->otwiddle += sum1->otwiddle;
return res;
PX(timer) PX(reduce_max_timer)(
const PX(timer) ths, MPI_Comm comm
PX(timer) ths_max;
double *times = PX(convert_timer2vec)(ths);
double *times_max = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * length(ths));
MPI_Reduce(times, times_max, length(ths), MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, comm);
ths_max = PX(convert_vec2timer)(times_max);
free(times); free(times_max);
return ths_max;
double* PX(convert_timer2vec)(
const PX(timer) ths
int m=0;
double *times = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * length(ths));
times[m++] = (double) ths->rnk_pm;
times[m++] = (double) ths->rnk_trafo;
times[m++] = (double) ths->rnk_remap;
times[m++] = (double) ths->iter;
times[m++] = ths->whole;
for(int t=0; trnk_trafo; t++)
times[m++] = ths->trafo[t];
for(int t=0; trnk_remap; t++)
times[m++] = ths->remap[t];
for(int t=0; t<2; t++)
times[m++] = ths->remap_3dto2d[t];
times[m++] = ths->itwiddle;
times[m++] = ths->otwiddle;
return times;
PX(timer) PX(convert_vec2timer)(
const double *times
int m=3;
PX(timer) ths = PX(mktimer)((int) times[0]);
ths->iter = (int) times[m++];
ths->whole = times[m++];
for(int t=0; trnk_trafo; t++)
ths->trafo[t] = times[m++];
for(int t=0; trnk_remap; t++)
ths->remap[t] = times[m++];
for(int t=0; t<2; t++)
ths->remap_3dto2d[t] = times[m++];
ths->itwiddle = times[m++];
ths->otwiddle = times[m++];
return ths;
static void reset_timer(
PX(timer) ths
ths->iter = 0;
ths->whole = 0;
for(int t=0; trnk_trafo; t++)
ths->trafo[t] = 0;
for(int t=0; trnk_remap; t++)
ths->remap[t] = 0;
for(int t=0; t<2; t++)
ths->remap_3dto2d[t] = 0;
ths->itwiddle = 0;
ths->otwiddle = 0;
PX(timer) PX(mktimer)(
int rnk_pm
PX(timer) ths = (PX(timer)) malloc(sizeof(PX(timer_s)));
ths->rnk_pm = rnk_pm;
ths->rnk_trafo = 2*rnk_pm+2;
ths->rnk_remap = 2*rnk_pm;
ths->trafo = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (size_t) ths->rnk_trafo);
ths->remap = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (size_t) ths->rnk_remap);
return ths;
static size_t length(
const PX(timer) ths
/* +3 for rnk_pm, rnk_trafo, rnk_remap */
/* +1 for number of iterations */
/* +1 for whole trafo timer */
/* +2 for remap_3dto2d[2] */
/* +2 for itwiddle, otwiddle */
return (size_t) (ths->rnk_trafo + ths->rnk_remap + 9);
void PX(destroy_timer)(
PX(timer) ths
if(ths->trafo != NULL)
if(ths->remap != NULL)
static void fprint_average_timer_prefixed(
MPI_Comm comm, FILE *file, const char *prefix,
const PX(timer) ths, unsigned flags
int k=0, l=0;
int idx = get_matlab_index(comm);
PX(timer) mt = PX(reduce_max_timer)(ths, comm);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_iter(%d) = %d; ", prefix, idx, ths->iter);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s(%d) = %.3e;\n", prefix, idx, mt->whole);
} else if(flags & PFFTI_PRINT_TIMER_ADV){
/* print times of transposed out step */
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_itwiddle(%d) = %.3e;\n",
prefix, idx, mt->itwiddle);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_remap_3dto2d(%d, 2) = %.3e;\n",
prefix, idx, mt->remap_3dto2d[0]);
for(int t=0; trnk_pm; t++, k++, l++){
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_trafo%d(%d, 2) = %.3e; ",
prefix, k+1, idx, mt->trafo[k]);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_remap%d(%d, 1) = %.3e;\n",
prefix, l+1, idx, mt->remap[l]);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_trafo%d(%d, 2) = %.3e;\n",
prefix, k+1, idx, mt->trafo[k]);
/* print times of transposed in step */
for(int t=0; trnk_pm; t++, k++, l++){
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_trafo%d(%d, 2) = %.3e; ",
prefix, k+1, idx, mt->trafo[k]);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_remap%d(%d, 1) = %.3e;\n",
prefix, l+1, idx, mt->remap[l]);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_trafo%d(%d, 2) = %.3e;\n",
prefix, k+1, idx, mt->trafo[k]);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_remap_2dto3d(%d, 2) = %.3e;\n",
prefix, idx, mt->remap_3dto2d[1]);
PX(fprintf)(comm, file, "%s_otwiddle(%d) = %.3e;\n",
prefix, idx, mt->otwiddle);
* Functions to operate with files
static int file_exists(
const char *name
FILE *f;
f=fopen(name, "r");
if(f != NULL)
return (f != NULL);
static FILE* open_or_create_file_to_append(
MPI_Comm comm, const char *name
FILE *f=fopen(name, "a+");
PX(fprintf)(comm, stderr, "Error: Cannot open file %s.\n", name);
return f;