#include #include #include #include "allvars.h" #include "proto.h" #include "treewalk.h" #include "openmpsort.h" #include "mymalloc.h" #include "domain.h" #include "forcetree.h" #include "endrun.h" struct ev_task { int top_node; int place; } ; static int *Ngblist; static int *Exportflag; /*!< Buffer used for flagging whether a particle needs to be exported to another process */ static int *Exportnodecount; static int *Exportindex; static int *Send_offset, *Send_count, *Recv_count, *Recv_offset; static struct data_nodelist { int NodeList[NODELISTLENGTH]; } *DataNodeList; /*!< the particles to be exported are grouped by task-number. This table allows the results to be disentangled again and to be assigned to the correct particle */ struct data_index { int Task; int Index; int IndexGet; }; static struct data_index *DataIndexTable; /*!< the particles to be exported are grouped by task-number. This table allows the results to be disentangled again and to be assigned to the correct particle */ static void ev_init_thread(TreeWalk * tw, LocalTreeWalk * lv); static void fill_task_queue (TreeWalk * tw, struct ev_task * tq, int * pq, int length); static void ev_begin(TreeWalk * tw); static void ev_finish(TreeWalk * tw); static int ev_primary(TreeWalk * tw); static void ev_get_remote(TreeWalk * tw); static void ev_secondary(TreeWalk * tw); static void ev_reduce_result(TreeWalk * tw); static int ev_ndone(TreeWalk * tw); static int ngb_treefind_threads(TreeWalkQueryBase * I, TreeWalkResultBase * O, TreeWalkNgbIterBase * iter, int startnode, LocalTreeWalk * lv); /*! This function is used as a comparison kernel in a sort routine. It is * used to group particles in the communication buffer that are going to * be sent to the same CPU. */ static int data_index_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { if(((struct data_index *) a)->Task < (((struct data_index *) b)->Task)) return -1; if(((struct data_index *) a)->Task > (((struct data_index *) b)->Task)) return +1; if(((struct data_index *) a)->Index < (((struct data_index *) b)->Index)) return -1; if(((struct data_index *) a)->Index > (((struct data_index *) b)->Index)) return +1; if(((struct data_index *) a)->IndexGet < (((struct data_index *) b)->IndexGet)) return -1; if(((struct data_index *) a)->IndexGet > (((struct data_index *) b)->IndexGet)) return +1; return 0; } /* * for debugging */ #define WATCH { \ printf("tw->PrimaryTasks[0] = %d %d (%d) %s:%d\n", tw->PrimaryTasks[0].top_node, tw->PrimaryTasks[0].place, tw->PQueueSize, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ } static TreeWalk * GDB_current_ev = NULL; /*This routine allocates buffers to store the number of particles that shall be exchanged between MPI tasks.*/ void TreeWalk_allocate_memory(void) { int NTaskTimesThreads; NTaskTimesThreads = All.NumThreads * NTask; Exportflag = (int *) malloc(NTaskTimesThreads * sizeof(int)); Exportindex = (int *) malloc(NTaskTimesThreads * sizeof(int)); Exportnodecount = (int *) malloc(NTaskTimesThreads * sizeof(int)); Send_count = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * NTask); Send_offset = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * NTask); Recv_count = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * NTask); Recv_offset = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * NTask); } static void ev_init_thread(TreeWalk * tw, LocalTreeWalk * lv) { int thread_id = omp_get_thread_num(); int j; lv->tw = tw; lv->exportflag = Exportflag + thread_id * NTask; lv->exportnodecount = Exportnodecount + thread_id * NTask; lv->exportindex = Exportindex + thread_id * NTask; lv->Ninteractions = 0; lv->Nnodesinlist = 0; lv->ngblist = Ngblist + thread_id * NumPart; for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++) lv->exportflag[j] = -1; } static void ev_begin(TreeWalk * tw) { Ngblist = (int*) mymalloc("Ngblist", NumPart * All.NumThreads * sizeof(int)); tw->BunchSize = (int) ((All.BufferSize * 1024 * 1024) / (sizeof(struct data_index) + sizeof(struct data_nodelist) + tw->query_type_elsize + tw->result_type_elsize)); DataIndexTable = (struct data_index *) mymalloc("DataIndexTable", tw->BunchSize * sizeof(struct data_index)); DataNodeList = (struct data_nodelist *) mymalloc("DataNodeList", tw->BunchSize * sizeof(struct data_nodelist)); memset(DataNodeList, -1, sizeof(struct data_nodelist) * tw->BunchSize); tw->PQueueSize = 0; tw->PQueue = treewalk_get_queue(tw, &tw->PQueueSize); tw->PrimaryTasks = (struct ev_task *) mymalloc("PrimaryTasks", sizeof(struct ev_task) * tw->PQueueSize); fill_task_queue(tw, tw->PrimaryTasks, tw->PQueue, tw->PQueueSize); tw->currentIndex = mymalloc("currentIndexPerThread", sizeof(int) * All.NumThreads); tw->currentEnd = mymalloc("currentEndPerThread", sizeof(int) * All.NumThreads); int i; for(i = 0; i < All.NumThreads; i ++) { tw->currentIndex[i] = ((size_t) i) * tw->PQueueSize / All.NumThreads; tw->currentEnd[i] = ((size_t) i + 1) * tw->PQueueSize / All.NumThreads; } } static void ev_finish(TreeWalk * tw) { myfree(tw->currentEnd); myfree(tw->currentIndex); myfree(tw->PrimaryTasks); myfree(tw->PQueue); myfree(DataNodeList); myfree(DataIndexTable); myfree(Ngblist); } int data_index_compare(const void *a, const void *b); static void treewalk_init_query(TreeWalk * tw, TreeWalkQueryBase * query, int i, int * NodeList) { query->ID = P[i].ID; int d; for(d = 0; d < 3; d ++) { query->Pos[d] = P[i].Pos[d]; } if(NodeList) { memcpy(query->NodeList, NodeList, sizeof(int) * NODELISTLENGTH); } else { query->NodeList[0] = All.MaxPart; /* root node */ query->NodeList[1] = -1; /* terminate immediately */ } tw->fill(i, query); }; static void treewalk_init_result(TreeWalk * tw, TreeWalkResultBase * result, TreeWalkQueryBase * query) { memset(result, 0, tw->result_type_elsize); result->ID = query->ID; } static void treewalk_reduce_result(TreeWalk * tw, TreeWalkResultBase * result, int i, enum TreeWalkReduceMode mode) { if(tw->reduce != NULL) tw->reduce(i, result, mode); } static void real_ev(TreeWalk * tw) { int tid = omp_get_thread_num(); int i; LocalTreeWalk lv[1]; ev_init_thread(tw, lv); lv->mode = 0; /* Note: exportflag is local to each thread */ int k; /* use old index to recover from a buffer overflow*/; TreeWalkQueryBase * input = alloca(tw->query_type_elsize); TreeWalkResultBase * output = alloca(tw->result_type_elsize); for(k = tw->currentIndex[tid]; k < tw->currentEnd[tid]; k++) { if(tw->BufferFullFlag) break; i = tw->PrimaryTasks[k].place; if(P[i].Evaluated) { BREAKPOINT; } if(!tw->isactive(i)) { BREAKPOINT; } int rt; /* Primary never uses node list */ treewalk_init_query(tw, input, i, NULL); treewalk_init_result(tw, output, input); lv->target = i; rt = tw->visit(input, output, lv); if(rt < 0) { P[i].Evaluated = 0; break; /* export buffer has filled up, redo this particle */ } else { P[i].Evaluated = 1; treewalk_reduce_result(tw, output, i, TREEWALK_PRIMARY); } } tw->currentIndex[tid] = k; #pragma omp atomic tw->Ninteractions += lv->Ninteractions; #pragma omp atomic tw->Nnodesinlist += lv->Nnodesinlist; } static int cmpint(const void * c1, const void * c2) { const int* i1=c1; const int* i2=c2; return i1 - i2; } int * treewalk_get_queue(TreeWalk * tw, int * len) { int i; int * queue = mymalloc("ActiveQueue", NumPart * sizeof(int)); int k = 0; if(tw->UseAllParticles) { for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) { if(!tw->isactive(i)) continue; queue[k++] = i; } } else { for(i = FirstActiveParticle; i >= 0; i = NextActiveParticle[i]) { if(!tw->isactive(i)) continue; queue[k++] = i; } /* check the uniqueness of ActiveParticle list. */ qsort(queue, k, sizeof(int), cmpint); for(i = 0; i < k - 1; i ++) { if(queue[i] == queue[i+1]) { endrun(8829, "There are duplicated active particles."); } } } *len = k; return queue; } /* returns number of exports */ static int ev_primary(TreeWalk * tw) { double tstart, tend; tw->BufferFullFlag = 0; tw->Nexport = 0; int i; tstart = second(); #pragma omp parallel for if(tw->BunchSize > 1024) for(i = 0; i < tw->BunchSize; i ++) { DataIndexTable[i].Task = NTask; /*entries with NTask is not filled with particles, and will be * sorted to the end */ } #pragma omp parallel { real_ev(tw); } /* Nexport may go off too much after BunchSize * as we don't protect it from over adding in _export_particle * */ if(tw->Nexport > tw->BunchSize) tw->Nexport = tw->BunchSize; tend = second(); tw->timecomp1 += timediff(tstart, tend); /* touching up the export list, remove incomplete particles */ #pragma omp parallel for if (tw->Nexport > 1024) for(i = 0; i < tw->Nexport; i ++) { /* if the NodeList of the particle is incomplete due * to abandoned work, also do not export it */ int place = DataIndexTable[i].Index; if(! P[place].Evaluated) { /* NTask will be placed to the end by sorting */ DataIndexTable[i].Task = NTask; /* put in some junk so that we can detect them */ DataNodeList[DataIndexTable[i].IndexGet].NodeList[0] = -2; } } qsort_openmp(DataIndexTable, tw->Nexport, sizeof(struct data_index), data_index_compare); /* adjust Nexport to skip the allocated but unused ones due to threads */ while (tw->Nexport > 0 && DataIndexTable[tw->Nexport - 1].Task == NTask) { tw->Nexport --; } if(tw->Nexport == 0 && tw->BufferFullFlag) { endrun(1231245, "Buffer too small for even one particle. For example, there are too many nodes"); } /* * fill the communication layouts, * here we reuse the legacy global variable names; * really should move them to local variables for the evaluator. * */ for(i = 0; i < NTask; i++) Send_count[i] = 0; for(i = 0; i < tw->Nexport; i++) { Send_count[DataIndexTable[i].Task]++; } tstart = second(); MPI_Alltoall(Send_count, 1, MPI_INT, Recv_count, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); tend = second(); tw->timewait1 += timediff(tstart, tend); for(i = 0, tw->Nimport = 0, Recv_offset[0] = 0, Send_offset[0] = 0; i < NTask; i++) { tw->Nimport += Recv_count[i]; if(i > 0) { Send_offset[i] = Send_offset[i - 1] + Send_count[i - 1]; Recv_offset[i] = Recv_offset[i - 1] + Recv_count[i - 1]; } } return tw->Nexport; } static int ev_ndone(TreeWalk * tw) { int ndone; double tstart, tend; tstart = second(); int done = 1; int i; for(i = 0; i < All.NumThreads; i ++) { if(tw->currentIndex[i] < tw->currentEnd[i]) { done = 0; break; } } MPI_Allreduce(&done, &ndone, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); tend = second(); tw->timewait2 += timediff(tstart, tend); return ndone; } static void ev_secondary(TreeWalk * tw) { double tstart, tend; tstart = second(); tw->dataresult = mymalloc("EvDataResult", tw->Nimport * tw->result_type_elsize); #pragma omp parallel { int j; LocalTreeWalk lv[1]; ev_init_thread(tw, lv); lv->mode = 1; #pragma omp for for(j = 0; j < tw->Nimport; j++) { TreeWalkQueryBase * input = (TreeWalkQueryBase*) (tw->dataget + j * tw->query_type_elsize); TreeWalkResultBase * output = (TreeWalkResultBase*)(tw->dataresult + j * tw->result_type_elsize); treewalk_init_result(tw, output, input); if(!tw->UseNodeList) { if(input->NodeList[0] != All.MaxPart) abort(); /* root node */ if(input->NodeList[1] != -1) abort(); /* terminate immediately */ } lv->target = -1; tw->visit(input, output, lv); } #pragma omp atomic tw->Ninteractions += lv->Ninteractions; #pragma omp atomic tw->Nnodesinlist += lv->Nnodesinlist; } tend = second(); tw->timecomp2 += timediff(tstart, tend); } /* export a particle at target and no, thread safely * * This can also be called from a nonthreaded code * * */ int treewalk_export_particle(LocalTreeWalk * lv, int no) { if(lv->mode != 0) { endrun(1, "Trying to export a ghost particle.\n"); } int target = lv->target; int *exportflag = lv->exportflag; int *exportnodecount = lv->exportnodecount; int *exportindex = lv->exportindex; TreeWalk * tw = lv->tw; int task; task = DomainTask[no - (All.MaxPart + MaxNodes)]; if(exportflag[task] != target) { exportflag[task] = target; exportnodecount[task] = NODELISTLENGTH; } if(exportnodecount[task] == NODELISTLENGTH) { int nexp; if(tw->Nexport < tw->BunchSize) { nexp = atomic_fetch_and_add(&tw->Nexport, 1); } else { nexp = tw->BunchSize; } if(nexp >= tw->BunchSize) { /* out of buffer space. Need to discard work for this particle and interrupt */ tw->BufferFullFlag = 1; #pragma omp flush return -1; } exportnodecount[task] = 0; exportindex[task] = nexp; DataIndexTable[nexp].Task = task; DataIndexTable[nexp].Index = target; DataIndexTable[nexp].IndexGet = nexp; } if(tw->UseNodeList) { DataNodeList[exportindex[task]].NodeList[exportnodecount[task]++] = DomainNodeIndex[no - (All.MaxPart + MaxNodes)]; if(exportnodecount[task] < NODELISTLENGTH) DataNodeList[exportindex[task]].NodeList[exportnodecount[task]] = -1; } return 0; } void treewalk_run(TreeWalk * tw) { /* run the evaluator */ GDB_current_ev = tw; ev_begin(tw); do { ev_primary(tw); /* do local particles and prepare export list */ /* exchange particle data */ ev_get_remote(tw); report_memory_usage(tw->ev_label); /* now do the particles that were sent to us */ ev_secondary(tw); /* import the result to local particles */ ev_reduce_result(tw); tw->Niterations ++; tw->Nexport_sum += tw->Nexport; } while(ev_ndone(tw) < NTask); double tstart, tend; tstart = second(); if(tw->postprocess) { int i; #pragma omp parallel for if(tw->PQueueSize > 64) for(i = 0; i < tw->PQueueSize; i ++) { tw->postprocess(tw->PQueue[i]); } } tend = second(); tw->timecomp3 = timediff(tstart, tend); ev_finish(tw); } static void ev_communicate(void * sendbuf, void * recvbuf, size_t elsize, int import) { /* if import is 1, import the results from neigbhours */ MPI_Datatype type; MPI_Type_contiguous(elsize, MPI_BYTE, &type); MPI_Type_commit(&type); if(import) { MPI_Alltoallv_sparse( sendbuf, Recv_count, Recv_offset, type, recvbuf, Send_count, Send_offset, type, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else { MPI_Alltoallv_sparse( sendbuf, Send_count, Send_offset, type, recvbuf, Recv_count, Recv_offset, type, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } MPI_Type_free(&type); } /* returns the remote particles */ static void ev_get_remote(TreeWalk * tw) { int j; double tstart, tend; void * recvbuf = mymalloc("EvDataGet", tw->Nimport * tw->query_type_elsize); char * sendbuf = mymalloc("EvDataIn", tw->Nexport * tw->query_type_elsize); memset(sendbuf, -1, tw->Nexport * tw->query_type_elsize); tstart = second(); /* prepare particle data for export */ // #pragma omp parallel for if (tw->Nexport > 128) for(j = 0; j < tw->Nexport; j++) { int place = DataIndexTable[j].Index; TreeWalkQueryBase * input = (TreeWalkQueryBase*) (sendbuf + j * tw->query_type_elsize); int * nodelist = NULL; if(tw->UseNodeList) { nodelist = DataNodeList[DataIndexTable[j].IndexGet].NodeList; } treewalk_init_query(tw, input, place, nodelist); } tend = second(); tw->timecomp1 += timediff(tstart, tend); tstart = second(); ev_communicate(sendbuf, recvbuf, tw->query_type_elsize, 0); tend = second(); tw->timecommsumm1 += timediff(tstart, tend); myfree(sendbuf); tw->dataget = recvbuf; } static int data_index_compare_by_index(const void *a, const void *b) { if(((struct data_index *) a)->Index < (((struct data_index *) b)->Index)) return -1; if(((struct data_index *) a)->Index > (((struct data_index *) b)->Index)) return +1; if(((struct data_index *) a)->IndexGet < (((struct data_index *) b)->IndexGet)) return -1; if(((struct data_index *) a)->IndexGet > (((struct data_index *) b)->IndexGet)) return +1; return 0; } static void ev_reduce_result(TreeWalk * tw) { int j; double tstart, tend; void * sendbuf = tw->dataresult; char * recvbuf = (char*) mymalloc("EvDataOut", tw->Nexport * tw->result_type_elsize); tstart = second(); ev_communicate(sendbuf, recvbuf, tw->result_type_elsize, 1); tend = second(); tw->timecommsumm2 += timediff(tstart, tend); tstart = second(); for(j = 0; j < tw->Nexport; j++) { DataIndexTable[j].IndexGet = j; } /* mysort is a lie! */ qsort_openmp(DataIndexTable, tw->Nexport, sizeof(struct data_index), data_index_compare_by_index); int * UniqueOff = mymalloc("UniqueIndex", sizeof(int) * (tw->Nexport + 1)); UniqueOff[0] = 0; int Nunique = 0; for(j = 1; j < tw->Nexport; j++) { if(DataIndexTable[j].Index != DataIndexTable[j-1].Index) UniqueOff[++Nunique] = j; } if(tw->Nexport > 0) UniqueOff[++Nunique] = tw->Nexport; if(tw->reduce != NULL) { #pragma omp parallel for private(j) if(Nunique > 16) for(j = 0; j < Nunique; j++) { int k; int place = DataIndexTable[UniqueOff[j]].Index; int start = UniqueOff[j]; int end = UniqueOff[j + 1]; for(k = start; k < end; k++) { int get = DataIndexTable[k].IndexGet; TreeWalkResultBase * output = (TreeWalkResultBase*) (recvbuf + tw->result_type_elsize * get); treewalk_reduce_result(tw, output, place, TREEWALK_GHOSTS); } } } myfree(UniqueOff); tend = second(); tw->timecomp1 += timediff(tstart, tend); myfree(recvbuf); myfree(tw->dataresult); myfree(tw->dataget); } #if 0 static int ev_task_cmp_by_top_node(const void * p1, const void * p2) { const struct ev_task * t1 = p1, * t2 = p2; if(t1->top_node > t2->top_node) return 1; if(t1->top_node < t2->top_node) return -1; return 0; } #endif static void fill_task_queue (TreeWalk * tw, struct ev_task * tq, int * pq, int length) { int i; #pragma omp parallel for if(length > 1024) for(i = 0; i < length; i++) { int no = -1; /* if(0) { no = Father[pq[i]]; while(no != -1) { if(Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags & (1 << BITFLAG_TOPLEVEL)) { break; } no = Nodes[no].u.d.father; } } */ tq[i].top_node = no; tq[i].place = pq[i]; P[pq[i]].Evaluated = 0; } // qsort(tq, length, sizeof(struct ev_task), ev_task_cmp_by_top_node); } /********** * * This particular TreeWalkVisitFunction that uses the nbgiter memeber of * The TreeWalk object to iterate over the neighbours of a Query. * * All Pairwise interactions are implemented this way. * * Note: Short range gravity is not based on pair enumeration. * We may want to port it over and see if gravtree.c receives any speed up. * * Required fields in TreeWalk: ngbiter, ngbiter_type_elsize. * * Before the iteration starts, ngbiter is called with iter->base.other == -1. * The callback function shall initialize the interator with Hsml, mask, and symmetric. * *****/ int treewalk_visit_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryBase * I, TreeWalkResultBase * O, LocalTreeWalk * lv) { TreeWalkNgbIterBase * iter = alloca(lv->tw->ngbiter_type_elsize); /* Kick-start the iteration with other == -1 */ iter->other = -1; lv->tw->ngbiter(I, O, iter, lv); int ninteractions = 0; int inode = 0; for(inode = 0; inode < NODELISTLENGTH && I->NodeList[inode] >= 0; inode++) { int startnode = Nodes[I->NodeList[inode]].u.d.nextnode; /* open it */ int numcand = ngb_treefind_threads(I, O, iter, startnode, lv); /* Export buffer is full end prematurally */ if(numcand < 0) return numcand; /* If we are here, export is succesful. Work on the this particle -- first * filter out all of the candidates that are actually outside. */ int numngb; for(numngb = 0; numngb < numcand; numngb ++) { int other = lv->ngblist[numngb]; if(!((1<mask)) continue; drift_particle(other, All.Ti_Current); double dist; if(iter->symmetric == NGB_TREEFIND_SYMMETRIC) { dist = DMAX(P[other].Hsml, iter->Hsml); } else { dist = iter->Hsml; } double r2 = 0; int d; double h2 = dist * dist; for(d = 0; d < 3; d ++) { /* the distance vector points to 'other' */ iter->dist[d] = NEAREST(I->Pos[d] - P[other].Pos[d]); r2 += iter->dist[d] * iter->dist[d]; if(r2 > h2) break; } if(r2 > h2) continue; /* update the iter and call the iteration function*/ iter->r2 = r2; iter->r = sqrt(r2); iter->other = other; lv->tw->ngbiter(I, O, iter, lv); } ninteractions += numngb; } lv->Ninteractions += ninteractions; lv->Nnodesinlist += inode; return 0; } /** * Cull a node. * * Returns 1 if the node shall be opened; * Returns 0 if the node has no business with this query. */ static int cull_node(TreeWalkQueryBase * I, TreeWalkNgbIterBase * iter, int no) { struct NODE * current = &Nodes[no]; double dist; if(iter->symmetric == NGB_TREEFIND_SYMMETRIC) { dist = DMAX(Extnodes[no].hmax, iter->Hsml) + 0.5 * current->len; } else { dist = iter->Hsml + 0.5 * current->len; } double r2 = 0; double dx = 0; /* do each direction */ int d; for(d = 0; d < 3; d ++) { dx = NEAREST(current->center[d] - I->Pos[d]); if(dx > dist) return 0; if(dx < -dist) return 0; r2 += dx * dx; } /* now test against the minimal sphere enclosing everything */ dist += FACT1 * current->len; if(r2 > dist * dist) { return 0; } return 1; } /***** * This is the internal code that looks for particles in the ngb tree from * searchcenter upto hsml. if iter->symmetric is NGB_TREE_FIND_SYMMETRIC, then upto * max(P[other].Hsml, iter->Hsml). * * Particle that intersects with other domains are marked for export. * The hosting nodes are exported as well, if tw->UseNodeList is True. * * For all 'other' particle within the neighbourhood and are local on this processor, * this function calls the ngbiter member of the TreeWalk object. * iter->base.other, iter->base.dist iter->base.r2, iter->base.r, are properly initialized. * * */ static int ngb_treefind_threads(TreeWalkQueryBase * I, TreeWalkResultBase * O, TreeWalkNgbIterBase * iter, int startnode, LocalTreeWalk * lv) { int no; struct NODE *current; int numcand = 0; no = startnode; while(no >= 0) { if(no < All.MaxPart) /* single particle */ { lv->ngblist[numcand++] = no; no = Nextnode[no]; continue; } if(no >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) { /* pseudo particle */ if(lv->mode == 1) { if(!lv->tw->UseNodeList) { no = Nextnode[no - MaxNodes]; continue; } else { endrun(12312, "Touching outside of my domain from a node list of a ghost. This shall not happen."); } } else { if(-1 == treewalk_export_particle(lv, no)) return -1; } no = Nextnode[no - MaxNodes]; continue; } /* An actuall node with struct NODE */ force_drift_node(no, All.Ti_Current); current = &Nodes[no]; if(lv->mode == 1) { if (lv->tw->UseNodeList) { if(current->u.d.bitflags & (1 << BITFLAG_TOPLEVEL)) { /* we reached a top-level node again, which means that we are done with the branch */ break; } } } if(!(current->u.d.bitflags & (1 << BITFLAG_MULTIPLEPARTICLES))) { /* open cell to check the only particle inside */ no = current->u.d.nextnode; continue; } /* Cull the node */ if(0 == cull_node(I, iter, no)) { /* in case the node can be discarded */ no = current->u.d.sibling; continue; } /* ok, we need to open the node */ no = current->u.d.nextnode; continue; } return numcand; }