#include #include #include #include #include #include "allvars.h" #include "proto.h" #include "forcetree.h" #include "cosmology.h" #include "mymalloc.h" #include "endrun.h" #include "domain.h" /*! \file timestep.c * \brief routines for 'kicking' particles in * momentum space and assigning new timesteps */ static double fac2, fac3; static double dt_displacement = 0; static double dt_gravkickA, dt_gravkickB; void reverse_and_apply_gravity(); void set_global_time(double newtime) { All.Time = newtime; All.cf.a = All.Time; All.cf.a2inv = 1 / (All.Time * All.Time); All.cf.a3inv = 1 / (All.Time * All.Time * All.Time); All.cf.fac_egy = pow(All.Time, 3 * GAMMA_MINUS1); All.cf.hubble = hubble_function(All.Time); All.cf.hubble_a2 = All.Time * All.Time * hubble_function(All.Time); All.cf.D1 = GrowthFactor(All.cf.a); #ifdef LIGHTCONE lightcone_set_time(All.cf.a); #endif #ifdef COOL IonizeParams(); #endif set_softenings(); } /*! This function advances the system in momentum space, i. it does apply the 'kick' operation after the * forces have been computed. Additionally, it assigns new timesteps to particles. At start-up, a * half-timestep is carried out, as well as at the end of the simulation. In between, the half-step kick that * ends the previous timestep and the half-step kick for the new timestep are combined into one operation. */ void advance_and_find_timesteps(void) { int i, ti_step, ti_step_old, ti_min, tend, tstart, bin, binold, prev, next; double aphys; int badstepsizecount = 0; int badstepsizecount_global = 0; int j, dt_step; double dt_gravkick, dt_hydrokick; walltime_measure("/Misc"); fac2 = 1 / pow(All.Time, 3 * GAMMA - 2); fac3 = pow(All.Time, 3 * (1 - GAMMA) / 2.0); if(Flag_FullStep || dt_displacement == 0) find_dt_displacement_constraint(All.cf.hubble * All.cf.a * All.cf.a); dt_gravkickB = get_gravkick_factor(All.PM_Ti_begstep, All.Ti_Current) - get_gravkick_factor(All.PM_Ti_begstep, (All.PM_Ti_begstep + All.PM_Ti_endstep) / 2); if(All.MakeGlassFile) reverse_and_apply_gravity(); All.DoDynamicUpdate = ShouldWeDoDynamicUpdate(); /* Now assign new timesteps and kick */ if(All.DoDynamicUpdate) { GlobFlag++; DomainNumChanged = 0; DomainList = (int *) mymalloc("DomainList", NTopleaves * sizeof(int)); message(0, "kicks will prepare for dynamic update of tree\n"); } #ifdef FORCE_EQUAL_TIMESTEPS for(i = FirstActiveParticle, ti_min = TIMEBASE; i >= 0; i = NextActiveParticle[i]) { ti_step = get_timestep(i, &aphys, 0); if(ti_step < ti_min) ti_min = ti_step; } int ti_min_glob; MPI_Allreduce(&ti_min, &ti_min_glob, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD); #endif badstepsizecount = 0; for(i = FirstActiveParticle; i >= 0; i = NextActiveParticle[i]) { #ifdef FORCE_EQUAL_TIMESTEPS ti_step = ti_min_glob; #else ti_step = get_timestep(i, &aphys, 0); #endif /* make it a power 2 subdivision */ ti_min = TIMEBASE; while(ti_min > ti_step) ti_min >>= 1; ti_step = ti_min; bin = get_timestep_bin(ti_step); if(bin == -1) { message(1, "time-step of integer size 1 not allowed, id = %lu, debugging info follows. %d\n", P[i].ID, ti_step); badstepsizecount++; } binold = P[i].TimeBin; if(bin > binold) /* timestep wants to increase */ { while(TimeBinActive[bin] == 0 && bin > binold) /* make sure the new step is synchronized */ bin--; ti_step = bin ? (1 << bin) : 0; } if(All.Ti_Current >= TIMEBASE) /* we here finish the last timestep. */ { ti_step = 0; bin = 0; } if((TIMEBASE - All.Ti_Current) < ti_step) /* check that we don't run beyond the end */ { endrun(888, "\n @ /* should not happen */ \n"); ti_step = TIMEBASE - All.Ti_Current; ti_min = TIMEBASE; while(ti_min > ti_step) ti_min >>= 1; ti_step = ti_min; } if(bin != binold) { TimeBinCount[binold]--; if(P[i].Type == 0) { TimeBinCountSph[binold]--; } prev = PrevInTimeBin[i]; next = NextInTimeBin[i]; if(FirstInTimeBin[binold] == i) FirstInTimeBin[binold] = next; if(LastInTimeBin[binold] == i) LastInTimeBin[binold] = prev; if(prev >= 0) NextInTimeBin[prev] = next; if(next >= 0) PrevInTimeBin[next] = prev; if(TimeBinCount[bin] > 0) { PrevInTimeBin[i] = LastInTimeBin[bin]; NextInTimeBin[LastInTimeBin[bin]] = i; NextInTimeBin[i] = -1; LastInTimeBin[bin] = i; } else { FirstInTimeBin[bin] = LastInTimeBin[bin] = i; PrevInTimeBin[i] = NextInTimeBin[i] = -1; } TimeBinCount[bin]++; if(P[i].Type == 0) TimeBinCountSph[bin]++; P[i].TimeBin = bin; } ti_step_old = binold ? (1 << binold) : 0; tstart = P[i].Ti_begstep + ti_step_old / 2; /* midpoint of old step */ tend = P[i].Ti_begstep + ti_step_old + ti_step / 2; /* midpoint of new step */ P[i].Ti_begstep += ti_step_old; do_the_kick(i, tstart, tend, P[i].Ti_begstep); } MPI_Allreduce(&badstepsizecount, &badstepsizecount_global, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(badstepsizecount_global) { message(0, "bad timestep spotted terminating and saving snapshot as %d\n", All.SnapshotFileCount); All.NumCurrentTiStep = 0; savepositions(999999, 0); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); endrun(0, "Ending due to bad timestep"); } if(All.DoDynamicUpdate) { force_finish_kick_nodes(); myfree(DomainList); } if(All.PM_Ti_endstep == All.Ti_Current) /* need to do long-range kick */ { All.DoDynamicUpdate = 0; ti_step = TIMEBASE; while(ti_step > (dt_displacement / All.Timebase_interval)) ti_step >>= 1; if(ti_step > (All.PM_Ti_endstep - All.PM_Ti_begstep)) /* PM-timestep wants to increase */ { /* we only increase if an integer number of steps will bring us to the end */ if(((TIMEBASE - All.PM_Ti_endstep) % ti_step) > 0) ti_step = All.PM_Ti_endstep - All.PM_Ti_begstep; /* leave at old step */ } if(All.Ti_Current == TIMEBASE) /* we here finish the last timestep. */ ti_step = 0; tstart = (All.PM_Ti_begstep + All.PM_Ti_endstep) / 2; tend = All.PM_Ti_endstep + ti_step / 2; dt_gravkick = get_gravkick_factor(tstart, tend); All.PM_Ti_begstep = All.PM_Ti_endstep; All.PM_Ti_endstep = All.PM_Ti_begstep + ti_step; dt_gravkickB = -get_gravkick_factor(All.PM_Ti_begstep, (All.PM_Ti_begstep + All.PM_Ti_endstep) / 2); for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) /* do the kick */ P[i].Vel[j] += P[i].GravPM[j] * dt_gravkick; if(P[i].Type == 0) { dt_step = (P[i].TimeBin ? (1 << P[i].TimeBin) : 0); dt_gravkickA = get_gravkick_factor(P[i].Ti_begstep, All.Ti_Current) - get_gravkick_factor(P[i].Ti_begstep, P[i].Ti_begstep + dt_step / 2); dt_hydrokick = get_hydrokick_factor(P[i].Ti_begstep, All.Ti_Current) - get_hydrokick_factor(P[i].Ti_begstep, P[i].Ti_begstep + dt_step / 2); for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) SPHP(i).VelPred[j] = P[i].Vel[j] + P[i].GravAccel[j] * dt_gravkickA + SPHP(i).HydroAccel[j] * dt_hydrokick + P[i].GravPM[j] * dt_gravkickB; } } } walltime_measure("/Timeline"); } void do_the_kick(int i, int tstart, int tend, int tcurrent) { int j; MyFloat dv[3]; double minentropy; double dt_entr, dt_gravkick, dt_hydrokick, dt_gravkick2, dt_hydrokick2; dt_entr = (tend - tstart) * All.Timebase_interval; dt_gravkick = get_gravkick_factor(tstart, tend); dt_hydrokick = get_hydrokick_factor(tstart, tend); dt_gravkick2 = get_gravkick_factor(tcurrent, tend); dt_hydrokick2 = get_hydrokick_factor(tcurrent, tend); /* do the kick */ for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { dv[j] = P[i].GravAccel[j] * dt_gravkick; P[i].Vel[j] += dv[j]; } if(P[i].Type == 0) /* SPH stuff */ { for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // SPHP(i).HydroAccel[0] = 0.0; dv[j] += SPHP(i).HydroAccel[j] * dt_hydrokick; P[i].Vel[j] += SPHP(i).HydroAccel[j] * dt_hydrokick; SPHP(i).VelPred[j] = P[i].Vel[j] - dt_gravkick2 * P[i].GravAccel[j] - dt_hydrokick2 * SPHP(i).HydroAccel[j]; SPHP(i).VelPred[j] += P[i].GravPM[j] * dt_gravkickB; } const double velfac = sqrt(All.cf.a3inv); double vv=0; for(j=0; j < 3; j++) vv += P[i].Vel[j] * P[i].Vel[j]; vv = sqrt(vv); if(vv > All.MaxGasVel * velfac) for(j=0;j < 3; j++) { P[i].Vel[j] *= All.MaxGasVel * velfac / vv; SPHP(i).VelPred[j] = P[i].Vel[j] - dt_gravkick2 * P[i].GravAccel[j] - dt_hydrokick2 * SPHP(i).HydroAccel[j]; SPHP(i).VelPred[j] += P[i].GravPM[j] * dt_gravkickB; } /* In case of cooling, we prevent that the entropy (and hence temperature decreases by more than a factor 0.5 */ if(SPHP(i).DtEntropy * dt_entr > -0.5 * SPHP(i).Entropy) SPHP(i).Entropy += SPHP(i).DtEntropy * dt_entr; else SPHP(i).Entropy *= 0.5; if(All.MinEgySpec) { minentropy = All.MinEgySpec * GAMMA_MINUS1 / pow(SPHP(i).EOMDensity * All.cf.a3inv, GAMMA_MINUS1); if(SPHP(i).Entropy < minentropy) { SPHP(i).Entropy = minentropy; SPHP(i).DtEntropy = 0; } } /* In case the timestep increases in the new step, we make sure that we do not 'overcool'. */ dt_entr = (P[i].TimeBin ? (1 << P[i].TimeBin) : 0) / 2 * All.Timebase_interval; if(SPHP(i).Entropy + SPHP(i).DtEntropy * dt_entr < 0.5 * SPHP(i).Entropy) SPHP(i).DtEntropy = -0.5 * SPHP(i).Entropy / dt_entr; } if(All.DoDynamicUpdate) force_kick_node(i, dv); } /*! This function normally (for flag==0) returns the maximum allowed timestep of a particle, expressed in * terms of the integer mapping that is used to represent the total simulated timespan. The physical * acceleration is returned in aphys. The latter is used in conjunction with the PSEUDOSYMMETRIC integration * option, which also makes of the second function of get_timestep. When it is called with a finite timestep * for flag, it returns the physical acceleration that would lead to this timestep, assuming timestep * criterion 0. */ int get_timestep(int p, /*!< particle index */ double *aphys, /*!< acceleration (physical units) */ int flag /*!< either 0 for normal operation, or finite timestep to get corresponding aphys */ ) { double ax, ay, az, ac; double dt = 0, dt_courant = 0; int ti_step; double dt_viscous = 0; /*Set to max timestep allowed if the tree is off*/ if(!All.TreeGravOn) return All.MaxSizeTimestep / All.Timebase_interval; if(flag <= 0) { ax = All.cf.a2inv * P[p].GravAccel[0]; ay = All.cf.a2inv * P[p].GravAccel[1]; az = All.cf.a2inv * P[p].GravAccel[2]; ax += All.cf.a2inv * P[p].GravPM[0]; ay += All.cf.a2inv * P[p].GravPM[1]; az += All.cf.a2inv * P[p].GravPM[2]; if(P[p].Type == 0) { ax += fac2 * SPHP(p).HydroAccel[0]; ay += fac2 * SPHP(p).HydroAccel[1]; az += fac2 * SPHP(p).HydroAccel[2]; } ac = sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az); /* this is now the physical acceleration */ *aphys = ac; } else ac = *aphys; if(ac == 0) ac = 1.0e-30; switch (All.TypeOfTimestepCriterion) { case 0: if(flag > 0) { dt = flag * All.Timebase_interval; dt /= All.cf.hubble; /* convert dloga to physical timestep */ ac = 2 * All.ErrTolIntAccuracy * All.cf.a * All.SofteningTable[P[p].Type] / (dt * dt); *aphys = ac; return flag; } dt = sqrt(2 * All.ErrTolIntAccuracy * All.cf.a * All.SofteningTable[P[p].Type] / ac); #ifdef ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS #ifdef ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS_HSML if(P[p].Type == 0) dt = sqrt(2 * All.ErrTolIntAccuracy * All.cf.a * P[p].Hsml / 2.8 / ac); #else if(P[p].Type == 0) dt = sqrt(2 * All.ErrTolIntAccuracy * All.cf.a * All.SofteningTable[P[p].Type] * pow(P[p].Mass / All.ReferenceGasMass, 1.0 / 3) / ac); #endif #endif break; default: endrun(888, "\n !!!2@@@!!! \n"); break; } if(P[p].Type == 0) { dt_courant = 2 * All.CourantFac * All.Time * P[p].Hsml / (fac3 * SPHP(p).MaxSignalVel); if(dt_courant < dt) dt = dt_courant; } #ifdef BLACK_HOLES if(P[p].Type == 5) { if(BHP(p).Mdot > 0 && BHP(p).Mass > 0) { double dt_accr = 0.25 * BHP(p).Mass / BHP(p).Mdot; if(dt_accr < dt) dt = dt_accr; } if(BHP(p).TimeBinLimit > 0) { double dt_limiter = (1L << BHP(p).TimeBinLimit) * All.Timebase_interval / All.cf.hubble; if (dt_limiter < dt) dt = dt_limiter; } } #endif /* convert the physical timestep to dloga if needed. Note: If comoving integration has not been selected, All.cf.hubble=1. */ dt *= All.cf.hubble; if(dt >= All.MaxSizeTimestep) dt = All.MaxSizeTimestep; if(dt >= dt_displacement) dt = dt_displacement; if(dt < All.MinSizeTimestep) dt = All.MinSizeTimestep; ti_step = (int) (dt / All.Timebase_interval); if(!(ti_step > 1 && ti_step < TIMEBASE)) { message(1, "Error: A timestep of size zero was assigned on the integer timeline!\n" "We better stop.\n" "Task=%d type %d Part-ID=%lu dt=%g dtc=%g dtv=%g dtdis=%g tibase=%g ti_step=%d ac=%g xyz=(%g|%g|%g) tree=(%g|%g|%g), dt0=%g, ErrTolIntAccuracy=%g\n\n", ThisTask, P[p].Type, (MyIDType)P[p].ID, dt, dt_courant, dt_viscous, dt_displacement, All.Timebase_interval, ti_step, ac, P[p].Pos[0], P[p].Pos[1], P[p].Pos[2], P[p].GravAccel[0], P[p].GravAccel[1], P[p].GravAccel[2], sqrt(2 * All.ErrTolIntAccuracy * All.cf.a * All.SofteningTable[P[p].Type] / ac) * All.cf.hubble, All.ErrTolIntAccuracy ); message(1, "pm_force=(%g|%g|%g)\n", P[p].GravPM[0], P[p].GravPM[1], P[p].GravPM[2]); if(P[p].Type == 0) message(1, "hydro-frc=(%g|%g|%g) dens=%g hsml=%g numngb=%g\n", SPHP(p).HydroAccel[0], SPHP(p).HydroAccel[1], SPHP(p).HydroAccel[2], SPHP(p).Density, P[p].Hsml, P[p].NumNgb); #ifdef DENSITY_INDEPENDENT_SPH if(P[p].Type == 0) message(1, "egyrho=%g entvarpred=%g dhsmlegydensityfactor=%g Entropy=%g, dtEntropy=%g, Pressure=%g\n", SPHP(p).EgyWtDensity, SPHP(p).EntVarPred, SPHP(p).DhsmlEgyDensityFactor, SPHP(p).Entropy, SPHP(p).DtEntropy, SPHP(p).Pressure); #endif #ifdef SFR if(P[p].Type == 0) { message(1, "sfr = %g\n" , SPHP(p).Sfr); } #endif #ifdef BLACK_HOLES if(P[p].Type == 0) { message(1, "injected_energy = %g\n" , SPHP(p).Injected_BH_Energy); } #endif } return ti_step; } /*! This function computes an upper limit ('dt_displacement') to the global timestep of the system based on * the rms velocities of particles. For cosmological simulations, the criterion used is that the rms * displacement should be at most a fraction MaxRMSDisplacementFac of the mean particle separation. Note that * the latter is estimated using the assigned particle masses, separately for each particle type. If comoving * integration is not used, the function imposes no constraint on the timestep. */ void find_dt_displacement_constraint(double hfac /*!< should be a^2*H(a) */ ) { int i, type; int count[6]; int64_t count_sum[6]; double v[6], v_sum[6], mim[6], min_mass[6]; double dt, dmean, asmth = 0; dt_displacement = All.MaxSizeTimestep; for(type = 0; type < 6; type++) { count[type] = 0; v[type] = 0; mim[type] = 1.0e30; } for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) { v[P[i].Type] += P[i].Vel[0] * P[i].Vel[0] + P[i].Vel[1] * P[i].Vel[1] + P[i].Vel[2] * P[i].Vel[2]; if(P[i].Mass > 0) { if(mim[P[i].Type] > P[i].Mass) mim[P[i].Type] = P[i].Mass; } count[P[i].Type]++; } MPI_Allreduce(v, v_sum, 6, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Allreduce(mim, min_mass, 6, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD); sumup_large_ints(6, count, count_sum); #ifdef SFR /* add star and gas particles together to treat them on equal footing, using the original gas particle spacing. */ v_sum[0] += v_sum[4]; count_sum[0] += count_sum[4]; v_sum[4] = v_sum[0]; count_sum[4] = count_sum[0]; #ifdef BLACK_HOLES v_sum[0] += v_sum[5]; count_sum[0] += count_sum[5]; v_sum[5] = v_sum[0]; count_sum[5] = count_sum[0]; min_mass[5] = min_mass[0]; #endif #endif for(type = 0; type < 6; type++) { if(count_sum[type] > 0) { if(type == 0 || (type == 4 && All.StarformationOn)) dmean = pow(min_mass[type] / (All.CP.OmegaBaryon * 3 * All.Hubble * All.Hubble / (8 * M_PI * All.G)), 1.0 / 3); else /* FIXME: @sbird watch out for this for neutrinos */ dmean = pow(min_mass[type] / ((All.CP.OmegaCDM) * 3 * All.Hubble * All.Hubble / (8 * M_PI * All.G)), 1.0 / 3); #ifdef BLACK_HOLES if(type == 5) dmean = pow(min_mass[type] / (All.CP.OmegaBaryon * 3 * All.Hubble * All.Hubble / (8 * M_PI * All.G)), 1.0 / 3); #endif dt = All.MaxRMSDisplacementFac * hfac * dmean / sqrt(v_sum[type] / count_sum[type]); asmth = All.Asmth[0]; if(asmth < dmean) dt = All.MaxRMSDisplacementFac * hfac * asmth / sqrt(v_sum[type] / count_sum[type]); message(0, "type=%d dmean=%g asmth=%g minmass=%g a=%g sqrt()=%g dlogmax=%g\n", type, dmean, asmth, min_mass[type], All.Time, sqrt(v_sum[type] / count_sum[type]), dt); if(type != All.FastParticleType) /* don't constrain the step to the neutrinos */ if(dt < dt_displacement) dt_displacement = dt; } } message(0, "displacement time constraint: %g (%g)\n", dt_displacement, All.MaxSizeTimestep); } int get_timestep_bin(int ti_step) { int bin = -1; if(ti_step == 0) return 0; if(ti_step == 1) { return -1; } while(ti_step) { bin++; ti_step >>= 1; } return bin; } /* This function reverse the direction of the gravitational force. * This is only useful for making Lagrangian glass files*/ void reverse_and_apply_gravity() { double dispmax=0, globmax; int i; for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) { int j; /*Reverse the direction of acceleration*/ for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { P[i].GravAccel[j] *= -1; P[i].GravAccel[j] -= P[i].GravPM[j]; P[i].GravPM[j] = 0; } double disp = sqrt(P[i].GravAccel[0] * P[i].GravAccel[0] + P[i].GravAccel[1] * P[i].GravAccel[1] + P[i].GravAccel[2] * P[i].GravAccel[2]); disp *= 2.0 / (3 * All.Hubble * All.Hubble); if(disp > dispmax) dispmax = disp; } MPI_Allreduce(&dispmax, &globmax, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); double dmean = pow(P[0].Mass / (All.CP.Omega0 * 3 * All.Hubble * All.Hubble / (8 * M_PI * All.G)), 1.0 / 3); const double fac = DMIN(1.0, dmean / globmax); message(0, "Glass-making: dmean= %g global disp-maximum= %g\n", dmean, globmax); /* Move the actual particles according to the (reversed) gravitational force. * Not sure why this is here rather than in the main code.*/ for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) { int j; for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { P[i].Vel[j] = 0; P[i].Pos[j] += fac * P[i].GravAccel[j] * 2.0 / (3 * All.Hubble * All.Hubble); P[i].GravAccel[j] = 0; } } }