/*** * Multi-Phase star formaiton * * The algorithm here is based on Springel Hernequist 2003, and Okamoto 2010. * * The source code originally came from sfr_eff.c in Gadget-3. This version has * been heavily rewritten to add support for new wind models, new star formation * criterions, and more importantly, use use the new tree walker routines. * * I (Yu Feng) feel it is appropriate to release most of this file with a free license, * because the implementation here has diverged from the original code by too far. * * The largest remaining concern are a few functions there were obtained from Gadget-P. * They are for * self-gravity starformation condition and H2. * Eventhough they have been heavily rewritten, the core math is the same. * the license is still murky. Do not use them unless Phil Hopkins has agreed. * * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "allvars.h" #include "proto.h" #include "forcetree.h" #include "cooling.h" #include "domain.h" #include "mymalloc.h" #include "endrun.h" #ifdef METALS #define METALLICITY(i) (P[(i)].Metallicity) #else #define METALLICITY(i) (0.) #endif static void cooling_direct(int i); #ifdef SFR static double u_to_temp_fac; /* assuming very hot !*/ /* these guys really shall be local to cooling_and_starformation, but * I am too lazy to pass them around to subroutines. */ static int stars_converted; static int stars_spawned; static double sum_sm; static double sum_mass_stars; static void cooling_relaxed(int i, double egyeff, double dtime, double trelax); static int get_sfr_condition(int i); static int make_particle_star(int i); static void starformation(int i); static double get_sfr_factor_due_to_selfgravity(int i); static double get_sfr_factor_due_to_h2(int i); static double get_starformation_rate_full(int i, double dtime, MyFloat * ne_new, double * trelax, double * egyeff); static double find_star_mass(int i); #endif #ifdef WINDS typedef struct { TreeWalkQueryBase base; int NodeList[NODELISTLENGTH]; double Sfr; double Dt; double Mass; double Hsml; double TotalWeight; double DMRadius; double Vdisp; double Vmean[3]; } TreeWalkQueryWind; typedef struct { TreeWalkResultBase base; double TotalWeight; double V1sum[3]; double V2sum; int Ngb; } TreeWalkResultWind; typedef struct { TreeWalkNgbIterBase base; } TreeWalkNgbIterWind; static struct winddata { double DMRadius; double Left; double Right; double TotalWeight; union { double Vdisp; double V2sum; }; union { double Vmean[3]; double V1sum[3]; }; int Ngb; } * Wind; static int make_particle_wind(MyIDType ID, int i, double v, double vmean[3]); static int sfr_wind_weight_isactive(int target); static int sfr_wind_feedback_isactive(int target); static void sfr_wind_reduce_weight(int place, TreeWalkResultWind * remote, enum TreeWalkReduceMode mode); static void sfr_wind_copy(int place, TreeWalkQueryWind * input); static void sfr_wind_weight_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryWind * I, TreeWalkResultWind * O, TreeWalkNgbIterWind * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv); static void sfr_wind_feedback_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryWind * I, TreeWalkResultWind * O, TreeWalkNgbIterWind * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv); #endif /* * This routine does cooling and star formation for * the effective multi-phase model. */ static int sfr_cooling_isactive(int target) { return P[target].Type == 0; } #ifdef SFR #ifdef WINDS static int NPLeft; static void sfr_wind_weight_postprocess(int i) { int diff = Wind[i].Ngb - 40; if(diff < -2) { /* too few */ Wind[i].Left = Wind[i].DMRadius; } else if(diff > 2) { /* too many */ Wind[i].Right = Wind[i].DMRadius; } else { P[i].DensityIterationDone = 1; } if(Wind[i].Right >= 0) { /* if Ngb hasn't converged to 40, see if DMRadius converged*/ if(Wind[i].Right - Wind[i].Left < 1e-2) { P[i].DensityIterationDone = 1; } else { Wind[i].DMRadius = 0.5 * (Wind[i].Left + Wind[i].Right); } } else { Wind[i].DMRadius *= 1.3; } if(P[i].DensityIterationDone) { double vdisp = Wind[i].V2sum / Wind[i].Ngb; int d; for(d = 0; d < 3; d ++) { Wind[i].Vmean[d] = Wind[i].V1sum[d] / Wind[i].Ngb; vdisp -= Wind[i].Vmean[d] * Wind[i].Vmean[d]; } Wind[i].Vdisp = sqrt(vdisp / 3); } else { #pragma omp atomic NPLeft ++; } } static void sfr_wind_feedback_postprocess(int i) { P[i].IsNewParticle = 0; } #endif void cooling_and_starformation(void) /* cooling routine when star formation is enabled */ { u_to_temp_fac = (4 / (8 - 5 * (1 - HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC))) * PROTONMASS / BOLTZMANN * GAMMA_MINUS1 * All.UnitEnergy_in_cgs / All.UnitMass_in_g; walltime_measure("/Misc"); stars_spawned = stars_converted = 0; sum_sm = sum_mass_stars = 0; TreeWalk tw[1] = {0}; /* Only used to list all active particles for the parallel loop */ /* no tree walking and no need to export / copy particles. */ tw->ev_label = "SFR_COOL"; tw->isactive = sfr_cooling_isactive; int Nactive = 0; int * queue = treewalk_get_queue(tw, &Nactive); int n; #pragma omp parallel for for(n = 0; n < Nactive; n ++) { int i = queue[n]; int flag; #ifdef WINDS /*Remove a wind particle from the delay mode if the (physical) density has dropped sufficiently.*/ if(SPHP(i).DelayTime > 0 && SPHP(i).Density * All.cf.a3inv < All.WindFreeTravelDensFac * All.PhysDensThresh) { SPHP(i).DelayTime = 0; } /*Reduce the time until the particle can form stars again by the current timestep*/ if(SPHP(i).DelayTime > 0) { const double dt = (P[i].TimeBin ? (1 << P[i].TimeBin) : 0) * All.Timebase_interval; /* the actual time-step */ const double dtime = dt / All.cf.hubble; SPHP(i).DelayTime = DMAX(SPHP(i).DelayTime - dtime, 0); } #endif /* check whether conditions for star formation are fulfilled. * * f=1 normal cooling * f=0 star formation */ flag = get_sfr_condition(i); /* normal implicit isochoric cooling */ if(flag == 1 || All.QuickLymanAlphaProbability > 0) { cooling_direct(i); } #ifdef ENDLESSSTARS flag = 0; #endif if(flag == 0) { /* active star formation */ starformation(i); } } /*end of main loop over active particles */ myfree(queue); int tot_spawned, tot_converted; MPI_Allreduce(&stars_spawned, &tot_spawned, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Allreduce(&stars_converted, &tot_converted, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(tot_spawned > 0 || tot_converted > 0) { message(0, "SFR: spawned %d stars, converted %d gas particles into stars\n", tot_spawned, tot_converted); // All.TotN_sph -= tot_converted; /* Note: N_sph is only reduced once rearrange_particle_sequence is called */ /* Note: New tree construction can be avoided because of `force_add_star_to_tree()' */ } double totsfrrate, localsfr=0; int i; #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: localsfr) for(i = 0; i < N_sph; i++) localsfr += SPHP(i).Sfr; MPI_Allreduce(&localsfr, &totsfrrate, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); double total_sum_mass_stars, total_sm; MPI_Reduce(&sum_sm, &total_sm, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&sum_mass_stars, &total_sum_mass_stars, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(ThisTask == 0) { double rate; double rate_in_msunperyear; if(All.TimeStep > 0) rate = total_sm / (All.TimeStep / (All.Time * All.cf.hubble)); else rate = 0; /* convert to solar masses per yr */ rate_in_msunperyear = rate * (All.UnitMass_in_g / SOLAR_MASS) / (All.UnitTime_in_s / SEC_PER_YEAR); fprintf(FdSfr, "%g %g %g %g %g\n", All.Time, total_sm, totsfrrate, rate_in_msunperyear, total_sum_mass_stars); fflush(FdSfr); } walltime_measure("/Cooling/StarFormation"); #ifdef WINDS /* now lets make winds. this has to be after NumPart is updated */ if(!HAS(All.WindModel, WINDS_SUBGRID) && All.WindModel != WINDS_NONE) { int i; Wind = (struct winddata * ) mymalloc("WindExtraData", NumPart * sizeof(struct winddata)); TreeWalk tw[1] = {0}; tw->ev_label = "SFR_WIND"; tw->fill = (TreeWalkFillQueryFunction) sfr_wind_copy; tw->reduce = (TreeWalkReduceResultFunction) sfr_wind_reduce_weight; tw->UseNodeList = 1; tw->query_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkQueryWind); tw->result_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkResultWind); /* sum the total weight of surrounding gas */ tw->visit = (TreeWalkVisitFunction) treewalk_visit_ngbiter; tw->ngbiter_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkNgbIterWind); tw->ngbiter = (TreeWalkNgbIterFunction) sfr_wind_weight_ngbiter; tw->postprocess = (TreeWalkProcessFunction) sfr_wind_weight_postprocess; /* First obtain the wind queue, and set DensityIterationDone for weighting */ tw->isactive = (TreeWalkIsActiveFunction) sfr_wind_feedback_isactive; int Nqueue; int * queue = treewalk_get_queue(tw, &Nqueue); for(i = 0; i < Nqueue; i ++) { int n = queue[i]; Wind[n].DMRadius = 2 * P[n].Hsml; Wind[n].Left = 0; Wind[n].Right = -1; P[n].DensityIterationDone = 0; } myfree(queue); tw->isactive = sfr_wind_weight_isactive; int done = 0; while(!done) { NPLeft = 0; treewalk_run(tw); int64_t totalleft = 0; sumup_large_ints(1, &NPLeft, &totalleft); message(0, "Star DM iteration Total left = %ld\n", totalleft); done = totalleft == 0; } /* Then run feedback */ tw->isactive = (TreeWalkIsActiveFunction) sfr_wind_feedback_isactive; tw->ngbiter = (TreeWalkNgbIterFunction) sfr_wind_feedback_ngbiter; tw->postprocess = (TreeWalkProcessFunction) sfr_wind_feedback_postprocess; tw->reduce = NULL; treewalk_run(tw); myfree(Wind); } walltime_measure("/Cooling/Wind"); #endif } #else //No SFR /* cooling routine when star formation is disabled */ void cooling_only(void) { if(!All.CoolingOn) return; walltime_measure("/Misc"); TreeWalk tw = {0}; /* Only used to list all active particles for the parallel loop */ /* no tree walking and no need to export / copy particles. */ tw.ev_label = "SFR_COOL"; tw.isactive = sfr_cooling_isactive; int Nactive = 0; int * queue = treewalk_get_queue(&tw, &Nactive); int n; #pragma omp parallel for for(n = 0; n < Nactive; n ++) { int i = queue[n]; /* normal implicit isochoric cooling */ cooling_direct(i); } myfree(queue); walltime_measure("/Cooling/StarFormation"); } #endif static void cooling_direct(int i) { double dt = (P[i].TimeBin ? (1 << P[i].TimeBin) : 0) * All.Timebase_interval; /* the actual time-step */ double dtime; dtime = dt / All.cf.hubble; #ifdef SFR SPHP(i).Sfr = 0; #endif double ne = SPHP(i).Ne; /* electron abundance (gives ionization state and mean molecular weight) */ double unew = DMAX(All.MinEgySpec, (SPHP(i).Entropy + SPHP(i).DtEntropy * dt) / GAMMA_MINUS1 * pow(SPHP(i).EOMDensity * All.cf.a3inv, GAMMA_MINUS1)); #ifdef BLACK_HOLES if(SPHP(i).Injected_BH_Energy) { if(P[i].Mass == 0) SPHP(i).Injected_BH_Energy = 0; else unew += SPHP(i).Injected_BH_Energy / P[i].Mass; double temp = u_to_temp_fac * unew; if(temp > 5.0e9) unew = 5.0e9 / u_to_temp_fac; SPHP(i).Injected_BH_Energy = 0; } #endif struct UVBG uvbg; GetParticleUVBG(i, &uvbg); unew = DoCooling(unew, SPHP(i).Density * All.cf.a3inv, dtime, &uvbg, &ne, METALLICITY(i)); SPHP(i).Ne = ne; if(P[i].TimeBin) /* upon start-up, we need to protect against dt==0 */ { /* note: the adiabatic rate has been already added in ! */ if(dt > 0) { SPHP(i).DtEntropy = (unew * GAMMA_MINUS1 / pow(SPHP(i).EOMDensity * All.cf.a3inv, GAMMA_MINUS1) - SPHP(i).Entropy) / dt; if(SPHP(i).DtEntropy < -0.5 * SPHP(i).Entropy / dt) SPHP(i).DtEntropy = -0.5 * SPHP(i).Entropy / dt; } } } #if defined(SFR) /* returns 0 if the particle is actively forming stars */ static int get_sfr_condition(int i) { int flag = 1; /* no sfr !*/ if(!All.StarformationOn) { return flag; } if(SPHP(i).Density * All.cf.a3inv >= All.PhysDensThresh) flag = 0; if(SPHP(i).Density < All.OverDensThresh) flag = 1; /* massless particles never form stars! */ if(P[i].Mass == 0) flag = 1; #ifdef WINDS if(SPHP(i).DelayTime > 0) flag = 1; /* only normal cooling for particles in the wind */ #endif if(All.QuickLymanAlphaProbability > 0) { double dt = (P[i].TimeBin ? (1 << P[i].TimeBin) : 0) * All.Timebase_interval; double unew = DMAX(All.MinEgySpec, (SPHP(i).Entropy + SPHP(i).DtEntropy * dt) / GAMMA_MINUS1 * pow(SPHP(i).EOMDensity * All.cf.a3inv, GAMMA_MINUS1)); double temp = u_to_temp_fac * unew; if(SPHP(i).Density > All.OverDensThresh && temp < 1.0e5) flag = 0; else flag = 1; } return flag; } #ifdef WINDS static int sfr_wind_weight_isactive(int target) { if(P[target].Type == 4) { if(P[target].IsNewParticle && !P[target].DensityIterationDone) { return 1; } } return 0; } static int sfr_wind_feedback_isactive(int target) { if(P[target].Type == 4) { if(P[target].IsNewParticle) { return 1; } } return 0; } static void sfr_wind_reduce_weight(int place, TreeWalkResultWind * O, enum TreeWalkReduceMode mode) { TREEWALK_REDUCE(Wind[place].TotalWeight, O->TotalWeight); int k; for(k = 0; k < 3; k ++) { TREEWALK_REDUCE(Wind[place].V1sum[k], O->V1sum[k]); } TREEWALK_REDUCE(Wind[place].V2sum, O->V2sum); TREEWALK_REDUCE(Wind[place].Ngb, O->Ngb); /* message(1, "Reduce ID=%ld, NGB=%d TotalWeight=%g V2sum=%g V1sum=%g %g %g\n", P[place].ID, O->Ngb, O->TotalWeight, O->V2sum, O->V1sum[0], O->V1sum[1], O->V1sum[2]); */ } static void sfr_wind_copy(int place, TreeWalkQueryWind * input) { double dt = (P[place].TimeBin ? (1 << P[place].TimeBin) : 0) * All.Timebase_interval / All.cf.hubble; input->Dt = dt; input->Mass = P[place].Mass; input->Hsml = P[place].Hsml; input->TotalWeight = Wind[place].TotalWeight; input->DMRadius = Wind[place].DMRadius; input->Vdisp = Wind[place].Vdisp; int k; for (k = 0; k < 3; k ++) input->Vmean[k] = Wind[place].Vmean[k]; } static void sfr_wind_weight_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryWind * I, TreeWalkResultWind * O, TreeWalkNgbIterWind * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv) { /* this evaluator walks the tree and sums the total mass of surrounding gas * particles as described in VS08. */ /* it also calculates the DM dispersion of the nearest 40 DM paritlces */ if(iter->base.other == -1) { double hsearch = DMAX(I->Hsml, I->DMRadius); iter->base.Hsml = hsearch; iter->base.mask = 1 + 2; /* gas and dm */ iter->base.symmetric = NGB_TREEFIND_ASYMMETRIC; return; } int other = iter->base.other; double r = iter->base.r; double * dist = iter->base.dist; if(P[other].Type == 0) { if(r > I->Hsml) return; /* Ignore wind particles */ if(SPHP(other).DelayTime > 0) return; /* NOTE: think twice if we want a symmetric tree walk when wk is used. */ //double wk = density_kernel_wk(&kernel, r); double wk = 1.0; O->TotalWeight += wk * P[other].Mass; } if(P[other].Type == 1) { if(r > I->DMRadius) return; O->Ngb ++; int d; for(d = 0; d < 3; d ++) { /* Add hubble flow; FIXME: this shall be a function, and the direction looks wrong too. */ double vel = P[other].Vel[d] + All.cf.hubble * All.cf.a * All.cf.a * dist[d]; O->V1sum[d] += vel; O->V2sum += vel * vel; } } /* message(1, "ThisTask = %d %ld ngb=%d NGB=%d TotalWeight=%g V2sum=%g V1sum=%g %g %g\n", ThisTask, I->ID, numngb, O->Ngb, O->TotalWeight, O->V2sum, O->V1sum[0], O->V1sum[1], O->V1sum[2]); */ } static void sfr_wind_feedback_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryWind * I, TreeWalkResultWind * O, TreeWalkNgbIterWind * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv) { /* this evaluator walks the tree and blows wind. */ if(iter->base.other == -1) { iter->base.mask = 1; iter->base.symmetric = NGB_TREEFIND_ASYMMETRIC; iter->base.Hsml = I->Hsml; return; } int other = iter->base.other; double r = iter->base.r; /* skip wind particles */ if(SPHP(other).DelayTime > 0) return; /* this is radius cut is redundant because the tree walk is asymmetric * we may want to use fancier weighting that requires symmetric in the future. */ if(r > I->Hsml) return; double windeff=0; double v=0; if(HAS(All.WindModel, WINDS_FIXED_EFFICIENCY)) { windeff = All.WindEfficiency; v = All.WindSpeed * All.cf.a; } else if(HAS(All.WindModel, WINDS_USE_HALO)) { windeff = 1.0 / (I->Vdisp / All.cf.a / All.WindSigma0); windeff *= windeff; v = All.WindSpeedFactor * I->Vdisp; } else { endrun(1, "WindModel = 0x%X is strange. This shall not happen.\n", All.WindModel); } //double wk = density_kernel_wk(&kernel, r); /* in this case the particle is already locked by the tree walker */ /* we may want to add another lock to avoid this. */ if(P[other].ID != I->base.ID) lock_particle(other); double wk = 1.0; double p = windeff * wk * I->Mass / I->TotalWeight; double random = get_random_number(I->base.ID + P[other].ID); if (random < p) { make_particle_wind(I->base.ID, other, v, I->Vmean); } if(P[other].ID != I->base.ID) unlock_particle(other); } static int make_particle_wind(MyIDType ID, int i, double v, double vmean[3]) { /* v and vmean are in internal units (km/s *a ), not km/s !*/ /* returns 0 if particle i is converted to wind. */ // message(1, "%ld Making ID=%ld (%g %g %g) to wind with v= %g\n", ID, P[i].ID, P[i].Pos[0], P[i].Pos[1], P[i].Pos[2], v); int j; /* ok, make the particle go into the wind */ double dir[3]; if(HAS(All.WindModel, WINDS_ISOTROPIC)) { double theta = acos(2 * get_random_number(P[i].ID + 3) - 1); double phi = 2 * M_PI * get_random_number(P[i].ID + 4); dir[0] = sin(theta) * cos(phi); dir[1] = sin(theta) * sin(phi); dir[2] = cos(theta); } else { double vel[3]; for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { vel[j] = P[i].Vel[j] - vmean[j]; } dir[0] = P[i].GravAccel[1] * vel[2] - P[i].GravAccel[2] * vel[1]; dir[1] = P[i].GravAccel[2] * vel[0] - P[i].GravAccel[0] * vel[2]; dir[2] = P[i].GravAccel[0] * vel[1] - P[i].GravAccel[1] * vel[0]; } double norm = 0; for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) norm += dir[j] * dir[j]; norm = sqrt(norm); if(get_random_number(P[i].ID + 5) < 0.5) norm = -norm; if(norm != 0) { for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) dir[j] /= norm; for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { P[i].Vel[j] += v * dir[j]; SPHP(i).VelPred[j] += v * dir[j]; } SPHP(i).DelayTime = All.WindFreeTravelLength / (v / All.cf.a); } return 0; } #endif static int make_particle_star(int i) { double mass_of_star = find_star_mass(i); /* here we spawn a new star particle */ int newstar = 0; /* ok, make a star */ if(P[i].Mass < 1.1 * mass_of_star || All.QuickLymanAlphaProbability > 0) { /* here we turn the gas particle itself into a star */ stars_converted++; N_star++; sum_mass_stars += P[i].Mass; P[i].Type = 4; TimeBinCountSph[P[i].TimeBin]--; newstar = i; } else { /* FIXME: sorry this is not thread safe */ int child = domain_fork_particle(i); N_star++; /* set ptype */ P[child].Type = 4; P[child].Mass = mass_of_star; P[i].Mass -= P[child].Mass; sum_mass_stars += P[child].Mass; newstar = child; stars_spawned++; } P[newstar].StarFormationTime = All.Time; #ifdef WINDS P[newstar].IsNewParticle = 1; #endif return 0; } static void cooling_relaxed(int i, double egyeff, double dtime, double trelax) { const double densityfac = pow(SPHP(i).EOMDensity * All.cf.a3inv, GAMMA_MINUS1) / GAMMA_MINUS1; double egycurrent = SPHP(i).Entropy * densityfac; #ifdef BLACK_HOLES if(SPHP(i).Injected_BH_Energy > 0) { struct UVBG uvbg; GetParticleUVBG(i, &uvbg); egycurrent += SPHP(i).Injected_BH_Energy / P[i].Mass; double temp = u_to_temp_fac * egycurrent; if(temp > 5.0e9) egycurrent = 5.0e9 / u_to_temp_fac; if(egycurrent > egyeff) { double ne = SPHP(i).Ne; double tcool = GetCoolingTime(egycurrent, SPHP(i).Density * All.cf.a3inv, &uvbg, &ne, P[i].Metallicity); if(tcool < trelax && tcool > 0) trelax = tcool; } SPHP(i).Injected_BH_Energy = 0; } #endif SPHP(i).Entropy = (egyeff + (egycurrent - egyeff) * exp(-dtime / trelax)) /densityfac; SPHP(i).DtEntropy = 0; } static void starformation(int i) { double mass_of_star = find_star_mass(i); double dt = (P[i].TimeBin ? (1 << P[i].TimeBin) : 0) * All.Timebase_interval; /* the actual time-step */ double dtime = dt / All.cf.hubble; double egyeff, trelax; double rateOfSF = get_starformation_rate_full(i, dtime, &SPHP(i).Ne, &trelax, &egyeff); /* amount of stars expect to form */ double sm = rateOfSF * dtime; double p = sm / P[i].Mass; sum_sm += P[i].Mass * (1 - exp(-p)); /* convert to Solar per Year but is this damn variable otherwise used * at all? */ SPHP(i).Sfr = rateOfSF * (All.UnitMass_in_g / SOLAR_MASS) / (All.UnitTime_in_s / SEC_PER_YEAR); #ifdef METALS double w = get_random_number(P[i].ID); P[i].Metallicity += w * METAL_YIELD * (1 - exp(-p)); #endif if(dt > 0 && P[i].TimeBin) { /* upon start-up, we need to protect against dt==0 */ cooling_relaxed(i, egyeff, dtime, trelax); } double prob = P[i].Mass / mass_of_star * (1 - exp(-p)); if(All.QuickLymanAlphaProbability > 0.0) { prob = All.QuickLymanAlphaProbability; } if(get_random_number(P[i].ID + 1) < prob) { #pragma omp critical (_sfr_) make_particle_star(i); } if(P[i].Type == 0) { /* to protect using a particle that has been turned into a star */ #ifdef METALS P[i].Metallicity += (1 - w) * METAL_YIELD * (1 - exp(-p)); #endif #ifdef WINDS if(HAS(All.WindModel, WINDS_SUBGRID)) { /* Here comes the Springel Hernquist 03 wind model */ double pw = All.WindEfficiency * sm / P[i].Mass; double prob = 1 - exp(-pw); double zero[3] = {0, 0, 0}; if(get_random_number(P[i].ID + 2) < prob) make_particle_wind(P[i].ID, i, All.WindSpeed * All.cf.a, zero); } #endif } } double get_starformation_rate(int i) { /* returns SFR in internal units */ return get_starformation_rate_full(i, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); } static double get_starformation_rate_full(int i, double dtime, MyFloat * ne_new, double * trelax, double * egyeff) { double rateOfSF; int flag; double tsfr; double factorEVP, egyhot, ne, tcool, y, x, cloudmass; struct UVBG uvbg; flag = get_sfr_condition(i); if(flag == 1) { /* this shall not happen but let's put in some safe * numbers in case the code run wary! * * the only case trelax and egyeff are * required is in starformation(i) * */ if (trelax) { *trelax = All.MaxSfrTimescale; } if (egyeff) { *egyeff = All.EgySpecCold; } return 0; } tsfr = sqrt(All.PhysDensThresh / (SPHP(i).Density * All.cf.a3inv)) * All.MaxSfrTimescale; /* * gadget-p doesn't have this cap. * without the cap sm can be bigger than cloudmass. */ if(tsfr < dtime) tsfr = dtime; GetParticleUVBG(i, &uvbg); factorEVP = pow(SPHP(i).Density * All.cf.a3inv / All.PhysDensThresh, -0.8) * All.FactorEVP; egyhot = All.EgySpecSN / (1 + factorEVP) + All.EgySpecCold; ne = SPHP(i).Ne; tcool = GetCoolingTime(egyhot, SPHP(i).Density * All.cf.a3inv, &uvbg, &ne, METALLICITY(i)); y = tsfr / tcool * egyhot / (All.FactorSN * All.EgySpecSN - (1 - All.FactorSN) * All.EgySpecCold); x = 1 + 1 / (2 * y) - sqrt(1 / y + 1 / (4 * y * y)); cloudmass = x * P[i].Mass; rateOfSF = (1 - All.FactorSN) * cloudmass / tsfr; if (ne_new ) { *ne_new = ne; } if (trelax) { *trelax = tsfr * (1 - x) / x / (All.FactorSN * (1 + factorEVP)); } if (egyeff) { *egyeff = egyhot * (1 - x) + All.EgySpecCold * x; } if (HAS(All.StarformationCriterion, SFR_CRITERION_MOLECULAR_H2)) { rateOfSF *= get_sfr_factor_due_to_h2(i); } if (HAS(All.StarformationCriterion, SFR_CRITERION_SELFGRAVITY)) { rateOfSF *= get_sfr_factor_due_to_selfgravity(i); } return rateOfSF; } void init_clouds(void) { if(!All.StarformationOn) return; double A0, dens, tcool, ne, coolrate, egyhot, x, u4, meanweight; double tsfr, y, peff, fac, neff, egyeff, factorEVP, sigma, thresholdStarburst; if(All.PhysDensThresh == 0) { A0 = All.FactorEVP; egyhot = All.EgySpecSN / A0; meanweight = 4 / (8 - 5 * (1 - HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC)); /* note: assuming FULL ionization */ u4 = 1 / meanweight * (1.0 / GAMMA_MINUS1) * (BOLTZMANN / PROTONMASS) * 1.0e4; u4 *= All.UnitMass_in_g / All.UnitEnergy_in_cgs; dens = 1.0e6 * 3 * All.Hubble * All.Hubble / (8 * M_PI * All.G); /* to be guaranteed to get z=0 rate */ set_global_time(1.0); ne = 1.0; SetZeroIonization(); struct UVBG uvbg; GetGlobalUVBG(&uvbg); /*XXX: We set the threshold without metal cooling; * It probably make sense to set the parameters with * a metalicity dependence. * */ tcool = GetCoolingTime(egyhot, dens, &uvbg, &ne, 0.0); coolrate = egyhot / tcool / dens; x = (egyhot - u4) / (egyhot - All.EgySpecCold); All.PhysDensThresh = x / pow(1 - x, 2) * (All.FactorSN * All.EgySpecSN - (1 - All.FactorSN) * All.EgySpecCold) / (All.MaxSfrTimescale * coolrate); message(0, "A0= %g \n", A0); message(0, "Computed: PhysDensThresh= %g (int units) %g h^2 cm^-3\n", All.PhysDensThresh, All.PhysDensThresh / (PROTONMASS / HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC / All.UnitDensity_in_cgs)); message(0, "EXPECTED FRACTION OF COLD GAS AT THRESHOLD = %g\n", x); message(0, "tcool=%g dens=%g egyhot=%g\n", tcool, dens, egyhot); dens = All.PhysDensThresh * 10; do { tsfr = sqrt(All.PhysDensThresh / (dens)) * All.MaxSfrTimescale; factorEVP = pow(dens / All.PhysDensThresh, -0.8) * All.FactorEVP; egyhot = All.EgySpecSN / (1 + factorEVP) + All.EgySpecCold; ne = 0.5; tcool = GetCoolingTime(egyhot, dens, &uvbg, &ne, 0.0); y = tsfr / tcool * egyhot / (All.FactorSN * All.EgySpecSN - (1 - All.FactorSN) * All.EgySpecCold); x = 1 + 1 / (2 * y) - sqrt(1 / y + 1 / (4 * y * y)); egyeff = egyhot * (1 - x) + All.EgySpecCold * x; peff = GAMMA_MINUS1 * dens * egyeff; fac = 1 / (log(dens * 1.025) - log(dens)); dens *= 1.025; neff = -log(peff) * fac; tsfr = sqrt(All.PhysDensThresh / (dens)) * All.MaxSfrTimescale; factorEVP = pow(dens / All.PhysDensThresh, -0.8) * All.FactorEVP; egyhot = All.EgySpecSN / (1 + factorEVP) + All.EgySpecCold; ne = 0.5; tcool = GetCoolingTime(egyhot, dens, &uvbg, &ne, 0.0); y = tsfr / tcool * egyhot / (All.FactorSN * All.EgySpecSN - (1 - All.FactorSN) * All.EgySpecCold); x = 1 + 1 / (2 * y) - sqrt(1 / y + 1 / (4 * y * y)); egyeff = egyhot * (1 - x) + All.EgySpecCold * x; peff = GAMMA_MINUS1 * dens * egyeff; neff += log(peff) * fac; } while(neff > 4.0 / 3); thresholdStarburst = dens; message(0, "Run-away sets in for dens=%g\n", thresholdStarburst); message(0, "Dynamic range for quiescent star formation= %g\n", thresholdStarburst / All.PhysDensThresh); sigma = 10.0 / All.Hubble * 1.0e-10 / pow(1.0e-3, 2); message(0, "Isotherm sheet central density: %g z0=%g\n", M_PI * All.G * sigma * sigma / (2 * GAMMA_MINUS1) / u4, GAMMA_MINUS1 * u4 / (2 * M_PI * All.G * sigma)); } } /******************** * * The follow functions are from Desika and Gadget-P. * We really are mostly concerned about H2 here. * * You may need a license to run with these modess. * */ #if defined SPH_GRAD_RHO && defined METALS static double ev_NH_from_GradRho(MyFloat gradrho[3], double hsml, double rho, double include_h) { /* column density from GradRho, copied from gadget-p; what is it * calculating? */ double gradrho_mag; if(rho<=0) { gradrho_mag = 0; } else { gradrho_mag = sqrt(gradrho[0]*gradrho[0]+gradrho[1]*gradrho[1]+gradrho[2]*gradrho[2]); if(gradrho_mag > 0) {gradrho_mag = rho*rho/gradrho_mag;} else {gradrho_mag=0;} if(include_h > 0) gradrho_mag += include_h*rho*hsml; } return gradrho_mag; // *(Z/Zsolar) add metallicity dependence } #endif static double get_sfr_factor_due_to_h2(int i) { /* Krumholz & Gnedin fitting function for f_H2 as a function of local * properties, from gadget-p; we return the enhancement on SFR in this * function */ #if ! defined SPH_GRAD_RHO || ! defined METALS /* if SPH_GRAD_RHO is not enabled, disable H2 molecular gas * this really shall not happen because begrun will check against the * condition. Ditto if not metal tracking. * */ return 1.0; #else double tau_fmol; double zoverzsun = P[i].Metallicity/METAL_YIELD; tau_fmol = ev_NH_from_GradRho(SPHP(i).GradRho,P[i].Hsml,SPHP(i).Density,1) * All.cf.a2inv; tau_fmol *= (0.1 + zoverzsun); if(tau_fmol>0) { tau_fmol *= 434.78*All.UnitDensity_in_cgs*All.CP.HubbleParam*All.UnitLength_in_cm; double y = 0.756*(1+3.1*pow(zoverzsun,0.365)); y = log(1+0.6*y+0.01*y*y)/(0.6*tau_fmol); y = 1-0.75*y/(1+0.25*y); if(y<0) y=0; if(y>1) y=1; return y; } // if(tau_fmol>0) return 1.0; #endif } static double get_sfr_factor_due_to_selfgravity(int i) { #ifdef SPH_GRAD_RHO double divv = SPHP(i).DivVel * All.cf.a2inv; divv += 3.0*All.cf.hubble_a2; // hubble-flow correction if(HAS(All.StarformationCriterion, SFR_CRITERION_CONVERGENT_FLOW)) { if( divv>=0 ) return 0; // restrict to convergent flows (optional) // } double dv2abs = (divv*divv + (SPHP(i).CurlVel*All.cf.a2inv) * (SPHP(i).CurlVel*All.cf.a2inv) ); // all in physical units double alpha_vir = 0.2387 * dv2abs/(All.G * SPHP(i).Density*All.cf.a3inv); double y = 1.0; if((alpha_vir < 1.0) || (SPHP(i).Density * All.cf.a3inv > 100. * All.PhysDensThresh) ) { y = 66.7; } else { y = 0.1; } // PFH: note the latter flag is an arbitrary choice currently set // -by hand- to prevent runaway densities from this prescription! // if (HAS(All.StarformationCriterion, SFR_CRITERION_CONTINUOUS_CUTOFF)) { // continuous cutoff w alpha_vir instead of sharp (optional) // y *= 1.0/(1.0 + alpha_vir); } return y; #else return 1.0; #endif } static double find_star_mass(int i) { double mass_of_star = All.MassTable[0] / GENERATIONS; if(mass_of_star > P[i].Mass) { /* if some mass has been stolen by BH, e.g */ mass_of_star = P[i].Mass; } /* if we are the last particle */ if(fabs(mass_of_star - P[i].Mass) / mass_of_star < 0.5) { mass_of_star = P[i].Mass; } return mass_of_star; } #endif