#include #include #include #include "allvars.h" #include "endrun.h" #include "paramset.h" #include "densitykernel.h" /* Optional parameters are passed the flag 0 and required parameters 1. * These macros are just to document the semantic meaning of these flags. */ #define OPTIONAL 0 #define REQUIRED 1 #ifdef BLACK_HOLES static int BlackHoleFeedbackMethodAction (ParameterSet * ps, char * name, void * data) { int v = param_get_enum(ps, name); if(HAS(v, BH_FEEDBACK_TOPHAT) == HAS(v, BH_FEEDBACK_SPLINE)) { message(1, "error BlackHoleFeedbackMethod contains either tophat or spline, but both\n"); return 1; } if(HAS(v, BH_FEEDBACK_MASS) == HAS(v, BH_FEEDBACK_VOLUME)) { message(1, "error BlackHoleFeedbackMethod contains either volume or mass, but both\n"); return 1; } return 0; } #endif #ifdef SFR static int StarformationCriterionAction(ParameterSet * ps, char * name, void * data) { int v = param_get_enum(ps, name); if(!HAS(v, SFR_CRITERION_DENSITY)) { message(1, "error: At least use SFR_CRITERION_DENSITY\n"); return 1; } #if ! defined SPH_GRAD_RHO || ! defined METALS if(HAS(v, SFR_CRITERION_MOLECULAR_H2)) { message(1, "error: enable SPH_GRAD_RHO to use h2 criterion in sfr \n"); return 1; } if(HAS(v, SFR_CRITERION_SELFGRAVITY)) { message(1, "error: enable SPH_GRAD_RHO to use selfgravity in sfr \n"); return 1; } #endif return 0; } #endif int cmp_double(const void * a, const void * b) { return ( *(double*)a - *(double*)b ); } /*! This function parses a string containing a comma-separated list of variables, * each of which is interpreted as a double. * The purpose is to read an array of output times into the code. * So specifying the output list now looks like: * OutputList 0.1,0.3,0.5,1.0 * * We sort the input after reading it, so that the initial list need not be sorted. * This function could be repurposed for reading generic arrays in future. */ static int OutputListAction(ParameterSet * ps, char * name, void * data) { char * outputlist = param_get_string(ps, name); char * strtmp=strdup(outputlist); char * token; int count; /*First parse the string to get the number of outputs*/ for(count=0, token=strtok(strtmp,","); token; count++, token=strtok(NULL, ",")) {} /* message(1, "Found %d times in output list.\n", count); */ /*Allocate enough memory*/ All.OutputListLength = count; if(All.OutputListLength > sizeof(All.OutputListTimes) / sizeof(All.OutputListTimes[0])) { message(1, "Too many entries (%d) in the OutputList, need to recompile the code. (change All.OutputListTimes in allvars.h \n", All.OutputListLength); return 1; } /*Now read in the values*/ for(count=0,token=strtok(outputlist,","); count < All.OutputListLength && token; count++, token=strtok(NULL,",")) { All.OutputListTimes[count] = atof(token); /* message(1, "Output at: %g\n", All.OutputListTimes[count]); */ } free(strtmp); qsort(All.OutputListTimes, All.OutputListLength, sizeof(double), cmp_double); return 0; } static void set_units(); static ParameterSet * create_gadget_parameter_set() { ParameterSet * ps = parameter_set_new(); param_declare_string(ps, "InitCondFile", REQUIRED, NULL, "Path to the Initial Condition File"); param_declare_string(ps, "OutputDir", REQUIRED, NULL, "Prefix to the output files"); param_declare_string(ps, "TreeCoolFile", OPTIONAL, "", "Path to the Cooling Table"); param_declare_string(ps, "MetalCoolFile", OPTIONAL, "", "Path to the Metal Cooling Table. Refer to cooling.c"); param_declare_string(ps, "UVFluctuationFile", OPTIONAL, "", "Path to the UVFluctation Table. Refer to cooling.c."); static ParameterEnum DensityKernelTypeEnum [] = { {"cubic", DENSITY_KERNEL_CUBIC_SPLINE}, {"quintic", DENSITY_KERNEL_QUINTIC_SPLINE}, {"quartic", DENSITY_KERNEL_QUARTIC_SPLINE}, {NULL, DENSITY_KERNEL_QUARTIC_SPLINE}, } ; param_declare_enum(ps, "DensityKernelType", DensityKernelTypeEnum, REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_string(ps, "SnapshotFileBase", REQUIRED, NULL, ""); param_declare_string(ps, "EnergyFile", OPTIONAL, "energy.txt", ""); param_declare_string(ps, "CpuFile", OPTIONAL, "cpu.txt", ""); param_declare_string(ps, "InfoFile", OPTIONAL, "info.txt", ""); param_declare_string(ps, "OutputList", REQUIRED, NULL, "List of output times"); param_declare_double(ps, "Omega0", REQUIRED, 0.2814, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "CMBTemperature", OPTIONAL, 2.7255, "Present-day CMB temperature in Kelvin, default from Fixsen 2009; affects background if RadiationOn is set."); param_declare_double(ps, "OmegaBaryon", REQUIRED, 0.0464, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "OmegaLambda", REQUIRED, 0.7186, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "HubbleParam", REQUIRED, 0.697, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "BoxSize", REQUIRED, 32000, ""); param_declare_int(ps, "MaxMemSizePerCore", OPTIONAL, 1200, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "CpuTimeBetRestartFile", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "TimeMax", OPTIONAL, 1.0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "TimeLimitCPU", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_int (ps, "DomainOverDecompositionFactor", OPTIONAL, 1, "Number of sub domains on a MPI rank"); param_declare_double(ps, "TreeDomainUpdateFrequency", OPTIONAL, 0.025, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "ErrTolTheta", OPTIONAL, 0.5, ""); param_declare_int(ps, "TypeOfOpeningCriterion", OPTIONAL, 1, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "ErrTolIntAccuracy", OPTIONAL, 0.02, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "ErrTolForceAcc", OPTIONAL, 0.005, ""); param_declare_int(ps, "Nmesh", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "MinGasHsmlFractional", OPTIONAL, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "MaxGasVel", OPTIONAL, 3e5, ""); param_declare_int(ps, "TypeOfTimestepCriterion", OPTIONAL, 0, "Magic numbers!"); param_declare_double(ps, "MaxSizeTimestep", OPTIONAL, 0.1, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "MinSizeTimestep", OPTIONAL, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "MaxRMSDisplacementFac", OPTIONAL, 0.2, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "ArtBulkViscConst", OPTIONAL, 0.75, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "CourantFac", OPTIONAL, 0.15, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "DensityResolutionEta", OPTIONAL, 1.0, "Resolution eta factor (See Price 2008) 1 = 33 for Cubic Spline"); param_declare_double(ps, "DensityContrastLimit", OPTIONAL, 100, "Max contrast for hydro force calculation"); param_declare_double(ps, "MaxNumNgbDeviation", OPTIONAL, 2, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "HydroCostFactor", OPTIONAL, 1, "Cost factor of hydro calculation, default to 1."); param_declare_int(ps, "NumPartPerFile", OPTIONAL, 1024 * 1024 * 128, "number of particles per file"); param_declare_int(ps, "NumWriters", OPTIONAL, NTask, "Number of concurrent writer processes. 0 implies Number of Tasks "); param_declare_int(ps, "EnableAggregatedIO", OPTIONAL, 0, "Use the Aggregated IO policy for small data set (Experimental)."); param_declare_int(ps, "MakeGlassFile", OPTIONAL, 0, "Enable to reverse the direction of gravity, only apply the PM force, and thus make a glass file."); param_declare_int(ps, "CoolingOn", REQUIRED, 0, "Enables cooling"); param_declare_double(ps, "UVRedshiftThreshold", OPTIONAL, -1.0, "Earliest Redshift that UV background is enabled. This modulates UVFluctuation and TreeCool globally. Default -1.0 means no modulation."); param_declare_int(ps, "HydroOn", REQUIRED, 1, "Enables hydro force"); param_declare_int(ps, "TreeGravOn", OPTIONAL, 1, "Enables tree gravity"); param_declare_int(ps, "StarformationOn", REQUIRED, 0, "Enables star formation"); param_declare_int(ps, "RadiationOn", OPTIONAL, 0, "Include radiation density in the background evolution."); param_declare_int(ps, "FastParticleType", OPTIONAL, 2, "Particles of this type will not decrease the timestep. Default neutrinos."); param_declare_int(ps, "NoTreeType", OPTIONAL, 2, "Particles of this type will not produce tree forces. Default neutrinos."); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningHalo", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningDisk", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningBulge", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningGas", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningStars", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningBndry", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningHaloMaxPhys", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningDiskMaxPhys", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningBulgeMaxPhys", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningGasMaxPhys", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningStarsMaxPhys", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SofteningBndryMaxPhys", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "BufferSize", OPTIONAL, 100, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "PartAllocFactor", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "TopNodeAllocFactor", OPTIONAL, 0.5, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "InitGasTemp", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "MinGasTemp", REQUIRED, 0, ""); #if defined(ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS) && !defined(ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS_HSML) param_declare_double(ps, "ReferenceGasMass", REQUIRED, 0, ""); #endif param_declare_int(ps, "RestartFromBlueTidesPhaseI", 0, 0, "The Restart snapshot is BlueTidesPhaseI, some fields are missing. "); param_declare_int(ps, "SnapshotWithFOF", REQUIRED, 0, "Enable Friends-of-Friends halo finder."); param_declare_double(ps, "FOFHaloLinkingLength", OPTIONAL, 0.2, "Linking length for Friends of Friends halos."); param_declare_int(ps, "FOFHaloMinLength", OPTIONAL, 32, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "MinFoFMassForNewSeed", OPTIONAL, 5e2, "Minimal Mass for seeding tracer particles "); param_declare_double(ps, "TimeBetweenSeedingSearch", OPTIONAL, 1e5, "Time Between Seeding Attempts: default to a a large value, meaning never."); #ifdef BLACK_HOLES param_declare_int(ps, "BlackHoleOn", REQUIRED, 1, "Enable Blackhole "); param_declare_double(ps, "BlackHoleAccretionFactor", OPTIONAL, 100, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "BlackHoleEddingtonFactor", OPTIONAL, 3, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "SeedBlackHoleMass", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "BlackHoleNgbFactor", OPTIONAL, 2, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "BlackHoleMaxAccretionRadius", OPTIONAL, 99999., ""); param_declare_double(ps, "BlackHoleFeedbackFactor", OPTIONAL, 0.05, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "BlackHoleFeedbackRadius", REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "BlackHoleFeedbackRadiusMaxPhys", REQUIRED, 0, ""); static ParameterEnum BlackHoleFeedbackMethodEnum [] = { {"mass", BH_FEEDBACK_MASS}, {"volume", BH_FEEDBACK_VOLUME}, {"tophat", BH_FEEDBACK_TOPHAT}, {"spline", BH_FEEDBACK_SPLINE}, {NULL, BH_FEEDBACK_SPLINE | BH_FEEDBACK_MASS}, }; param_declare_enum(ps, "BlackHoleFeedbackMethod", BlackHoleFeedbackMethodEnum, REQUIRED, 0, ""); #endif #ifdef SFR static ParameterEnum StarformationCriterionEnum [] = { {"density", SFR_CRITERION_DENSITY}, {"h2", SFR_CRITERION_MOLECULAR_H2}, {"selfgravity", SFR_CRITERION_SELFGRAVITY}, {"convergent", SFR_CRITERION_CONVERGENT_FLOW}, {"continous", SFR_CRITERION_CONTINUOUS_CUTOFF}, {NULL, SFR_CRITERION_DENSITY}, }; static ParameterEnum WindModelEnum [] = { {"subgrid", WINDS_SUBGRID}, {"decouple", WINDS_DECOUPLE_SPH}, {"halo", WINDS_USE_HALO}, {"fixedefficiency", WINDS_FIXED_EFFICIENCY}, {"sh03", WINDS_SUBGRID | WINDS_DECOUPLE_SPH | WINDS_FIXED_EFFICIENCY} , {"vs08", WINDS_FIXED_EFFICIENCY}, {"ofjt10", WINDS_USE_HALO | WINDS_DECOUPLE_SPH}, {"isotropic", WINDS_ISOTROPIC }, {"nowind", WINDS_NONE}, {NULL, WINDS_SUBGRID | WINDS_DECOUPLE_SPH | WINDS_FIXED_EFFICIENCY}, }; param_declare_enum(ps, "StarformationCriterion", StarformationCriterionEnum, REQUIRED, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "CritOverDensity", OPTIONAL, 57.7, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "CritPhysDensity", OPTIONAL, 0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "FactorSN", OPTIONAL, 0.1, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "FactorEVP", OPTIONAL, 1000, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "TempSupernova", OPTIONAL, 1e8, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "TempClouds", OPTIONAL, 1000, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "MaxSfrTimescale", OPTIONAL, 1.5, ""); param_declare_enum(ps, "WindModel", WindModelEnum, REQUIRED, 0, ""); /* The following two are for VS08 and SH03*/ param_declare_double(ps, "WindEfficiency", OPTIONAL, 2.0, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "WindEnergyFraction", OPTIONAL, 1.0, ""); /* The following two are for OFJT10*/ param_declare_double(ps, "WindSigma0", OPTIONAL, 353, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "WindSpeedFactor", OPTIONAL, 3.7, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "WindFreeTravelLength", OPTIONAL, 20, ""); param_declare_double(ps, "WindFreeTravelDensFac", OPTIONAL, 0., ""); param_declare_double(ps, "QuickLymanAlphaProbability", OPTIONAL, 0, ""); #endif #ifdef BLACK_HOLES param_set_action(ps, "BlackHoleFeedbackMethod", BlackHoleFeedbackMethodAction, NULL); #endif #ifdef SFR param_set_action(ps, "StarformationCriterion", StarformationCriterionAction, NULL); #endif param_set_action(ps, "OutputList", OutputListAction, NULL); return ps; } /*! This function parses the parameterfile in a simple way. Each paramater is * defined by a keyword (`tag'), and can be either of type douple, int, or * character string. The routine makes sure that each parameter appears * exactly once in the parameterfile, otherwise error messages are * produced that complain about the missing parameters. */ void read_parameter_file(char *fname) { if(ThisTask == 0) { ParameterSet * ps = create_gadget_parameter_set(); if(0 != param_parse_file(ps, fname)) { endrun(1, "Parsing %s failed.", fname); } if(0 != param_validate(ps)) { endrun(1, "Validation of %s failed.", fname); } message(1, "----------- Running with Parameters ----------\n"); param_dump(ps, stdout); message(1, "----------------------------------------------\n"); All.NumThreads = omp_get_max_threads(); /* Start reading the values */ param_get_string2(ps, "InitCondFile", All.InitCondFile); param_get_string2(ps, "OutputDir", All.OutputDir); param_get_string2(ps, "TreeCoolFile", All.TreeCoolFile); param_get_string2(ps, "MetalCoolFile", All.MetalCoolFile); param_get_string2(ps, "UVFluctuationfile", All.UVFluctuationFile); param_get_string2(ps, "SnapshotFileBase", All.SnapshotFileBase); param_get_string2(ps, "EnergyFile", All.EnergyFile); param_get_string2(ps, "CpuFile", All.CpuFile); param_get_string2(ps, "InfoFile", All.InfoFile); param_get_string2(ps, "OutputList", All.OutputList); All.RestartFromBlueTidesPhaseI = param_get_int(ps, "RestartFromBlueTidesPhaseI"); All.DensityKernelType = param_get_enum(ps, "DensityKernelType"); All.CP.CMBTemperature = param_get_double(ps, "CMBTemperature"); All.CP.RadiationOn = param_get_int(ps, "RadiationOn"); All.CP.Omega0 = param_get_double(ps, "Omega0"); All.CP.OmegaBaryon = param_get_double(ps, "OmegaBaryon"); All.CP.OmegaLambda = param_get_double(ps, "OmegaLambda"); All.CP.HubbleParam = param_get_double(ps, "HubbleParam"); All.BoxSize = param_get_double(ps, "BoxSize"); All.DomainOverDecompositionFactor = param_get_int(ps, "DomainOverDecompositionFactor"); All.MaxMemSizePerCore = param_get_int(ps, "MaxMemSizePerCore"); All.CpuTimeBetRestartFile = param_get_double(ps, "CpuTimeBetRestartFile"); All.TimeBegin = -1.0; /* no longer need TimeBegin; always use IC or snapshot */ All.TimeMax = param_get_double(ps, "TimeMax"); All.TreeDomainUpdateFrequency = param_get_double(ps, "TreeDomainUpdateFrequency"); All.ErrTolTheta = param_get_double(ps, "ErrTolTheta"); All.ErrTolIntAccuracy = param_get_double(ps, "ErrTolIntAccuracy"); All.ErrTolForceAcc = param_get_double(ps, "ErrTolForceAcc"); All.Nmesh = param_get_int(ps, "Nmesh"); All.MinGasHsmlFractional = param_get_double(ps, "MinGasHsmlFractional"); All.MaxGasVel = param_get_double(ps, "MaxGasVel"); All.MaxSizeTimestep = param_get_double(ps, "MaxSizeTimestep"); All.MinSizeTimestep = param_get_double(ps, "MinSizeTimestep"); All.MaxRMSDisplacementFac = param_get_double(ps, "MaxRMSDisplacementFac"); All.ArtBulkViscConst = param_get_double(ps, "ArtBulkViscConst"); All.CourantFac = param_get_double(ps, "CourantFac"); All.DensityResolutionEta = param_get_double(ps, "DensityResolutionEta"); All.HydroCostFactor = param_get_double(ps, "HydroCostFactor"); All.DensityContrastLimit = param_get_double(ps, "DensityContrastLimit"); All.MaxNumNgbDeviation = param_get_double(ps, "MaxNumNgbDeviation"); All.NumPartPerFile = param_get_int(ps, "NumPartPerFile"); All.NumWriters = param_get_int(ps, "NumWriters"); All.EnableAggregatedIO = param_get_int(ps, "EnableAggregatedIO"); All.MakeGlassFile = param_get_int(ps, "MakeGlassFile"); All.CoolingOn = param_get_int(ps, "CoolingOn"); All.UVRedshiftThreshold = param_get_double(ps, "UVRedshiftThreshold"); All.HydroOn = param_get_int(ps, "HydroOn"); All.TreeGravOn = param_get_int(ps, "TreeGravOn"); All.FastParticleType = param_get_int(ps, "FastParticleType"); All.NoTreeType = param_get_int(ps, "NoTreeType"); All.StarformationOn = param_get_int(ps, "StarformationOn"); All.TypeOfTimestepCriterion = param_get_int(ps, "TypeOfTimestepCriterion"); All.TypeOfOpeningCriterion = param_get_int(ps, "TypeOfOpeningCriterion"); All.TimeLimitCPU = param_get_double(ps, "TimeLimitCPU"); All.SofteningHalo = param_get_double(ps, "SofteningHalo"); All.SofteningDisk = param_get_double(ps, "SofteningDisk"); All.SofteningBulge = param_get_double(ps, "SofteningBulge"); All.SofteningGas = param_get_double(ps, "SofteningGas"); All.SofteningStars = param_get_double(ps, "SofteningStars"); All.SofteningBndry = param_get_double(ps, "SofteningBndry"); All.SofteningHaloMaxPhys= param_get_double(ps, "SofteningHaloMaxPhys"); All.SofteningDiskMaxPhys= param_get_double(ps, "SofteningDiskMaxPhys"); All.SofteningBulgeMaxPhys= param_get_double(ps, "SofteningBulgeMaxPhys"); All.SofteningGasMaxPhys= param_get_double(ps, "SofteningGasMaxPhys"); All.SofteningStarsMaxPhys= param_get_double(ps, "SofteningStarsMaxPhys"); All.SofteningBndryMaxPhys= param_get_double(ps, "SofteningBndryMaxPhys"); All.BufferSize = param_get_double(ps, "BufferSize"); All.PartAllocFactor = param_get_double(ps, "PartAllocFactor"); All.TopNodeAllocFactor = param_get_double(ps, "TopNodeAllocFactor"); All.InitGasTemp = param_get_double(ps, "InitGasTemp"); All.MinGasTemp = param_get_double(ps, "MinGasTemp"); #if defined(ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS) && !defined(ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT_FORGAS_HSML) All.ReferenceGasMass = param_get_double(ps, "ReferenceGasMass"); #endif All.SnapshotWithFOF = param_get_int(ps, "SnapshotWithFOF"); All.FOFHaloLinkingLength = param_get_double(ps, "FOFHaloLinkingLength"); All.FOFHaloMinLength = param_get_int(ps, "FOFHaloMinLength"); All.MinFoFMassForNewSeed = param_get_double(ps, "MinFoFMassForNewSeed"); All.TimeBetweenSeedingSearch = param_get_double(ps, "TimeBetweenSeedingSearch"); #ifdef BLACK_HOLES All.BlackHoleSoundSpeedFromPressure = 0; All.BlackHoleOn = param_get_int(ps, "BlackHoleOn"); All.BlackHoleAccretionFactor = param_get_double(ps, "BlackHoleAccretionFactor"); All.BlackHoleEddingtonFactor = param_get_double(ps, "BlackHoleEddingtonFactor"); All.SeedBlackHoleMass = param_get_double(ps, "SeedBlackHoleMass"); All.BlackHoleNgbFactor = param_get_double(ps, "BlackHoleNgbFactor"); All.BlackHoleMaxAccretionRadius = param_get_double(ps, "BlackHoleMaxAccretionRadius"); All.BlackHoleFeedbackFactor = param_get_double(ps, "BlackHoleFeedbackFactor"); All.BlackHoleFeedbackRadius = param_get_double(ps, "BlackHoleFeedbackRadius"); All.BlackHoleFeedbackRadiusMaxPhys = param_get_double(ps, "BlackHoleFeedbackRadiusMaxPhys"); All.BlackHoleFeedbackMethod = param_get_enum(ps, "BlackHoleFeedbackMethod"); #endif #ifdef SFR All.StarformationCriterion = param_get_enum(ps, "StarformationCriterion"); All.CritOverDensity = param_get_double(ps, "CritOverDensity"); All.CritPhysDensity = param_get_double(ps, "CritPhysDensity"); All.FactorSN = param_get_double(ps, "FactorSN"); All.FactorEVP = param_get_double(ps, "FactorEVP"); All.TempSupernova = param_get_double(ps, "TempSupernova"); All.TempClouds = param_get_double(ps, "TempClouds"); All.MaxSfrTimescale = param_get_double(ps, "MaxSfrTimescale"); All.WindModel = param_get_enum(ps, "WindModel"); /* The following two are for VS08 and SH03*/ All.WindEfficiency = param_get_double(ps, "WindEfficiency"); All.WindEnergyFraction = param_get_double(ps, "WindEnergyFraction"); /* The following two are for OFJT10*/ All.WindSigma0 = param_get_double(ps, "WindSigma0"); All.WindSpeedFactor = param_get_double(ps, "WindSpeedFactor"); All.WindFreeTravelLength = param_get_double(ps, "WindFreeTravelLength"); All.WindFreeTravelDensFac = param_get_double(ps, "WindFreeTravelDensFac"); All.QuickLymanAlphaProbability = param_get_double(ps, "QuickLymanAlphaProbability"); #endif parameter_set_free(ps); if(All.TypeOfTimestepCriterion >= 3) { endrun(1, "The specified timestep criterion is not valid\n"); } #ifdef SFR if(All.StarformationOn == 0) { message(1, "StarformationOn is disabled!\n"); } else { if(All.CoolingOn == 0) { endrun(1, "You try to use the code with star formation enabled,\n" "but you did not switch on cooling.\nThis mode is not supported.\n"); } } #else if(All.StarformationOn == 1) { endrun(1, "Code was compiled with star formation switched off.\n" "You must set `StarformationOn=0', or recompile the code.\n"); All.StarformationOn = 0; } #endif #ifdef METALS #ifndef SFR endrun(1, "Code was compiled with METALS, but not with SFR.\n" "This is not allowed.\n"); #endif #endif DensityKernel kernel; density_kernel_init(&kernel, 1.0); All.DesNumNgb = density_kernel_desnumngb(&kernel, All.DensityResolutionEta); message(1, "The Density Kernel type is %s\n", kernel.name); message(1, "The Density resolution is %g * mean separation, or %d neighbours\n", All.DensityResolutionEta, All.DesNumNgb); set_units(); message(1, "Hubble (internal units) = %g\n", All.Hubble); message(1, "G (internal units) = %g\n", All.G); message(1, "UnitMass_in_g = %g \n", All.UnitMass_in_g); message(1, "UnitTime_in_s = %g \n", All.UnitTime_in_s); message(1, "UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s = %g \n", All.UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s); message(1, "UnitDensity_in_cgs = %g \n", All.UnitDensity_in_cgs); message(1, "UnitEnergy_in_cgs = %g \n", All.UnitEnergy_in_cgs); message(1, "Photon density OmegaG = %g\n",All.CP.OmegaG); message(1, "Massless Neutrino density OmegaNu0 = %g\n",All.CP.OmegaNu0); message(1, "Curvature density OmegaK = %g\n",All.CP.OmegaK); if(All.CP.RadiationOn) { /* note that this value is inaccurate if there is massive neutrino. */ message(1, "Radiation is enabled in Hubble(a). " "Following CAMB convention: Omega_Tot - 1 = %g\n", All.CP.OmegaG + All.CP.OmegaNu0 + All.CP.OmegaK + All.CP.Omega0 + All.CP.OmegaLambda - 1); } message(1, "\n"); } MPI_Bcast(&All, sizeof(All), MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } /*! Computes conversion factors between internal code units and the * cgs-system. */ static void set_units(void) { /*With slightly relativistic massive neutrinos, for consistency we need to include radiation. * A note on normalisation (as of 08/02/2012): * CAMB appears to set Omega_Lambda + Omega_Matter+Omega_K = 1, * calculating Omega_K in the code and specifying Omega_Lambda and Omega_Matter in the paramfile. * This means that Omega_tot = 1+ Omega_r + Omega_g, effectively * making h0 (very) slightly larger than specified, and the Universe is no longer flat! */ All.CP.OmegaCDM = All.CP.Omega0 - All.CP.OmegaBaryon; All.CP.OmegaK = 1.0 - All.CP.Omega0 - All.CP.OmegaLambda; /* Omega_g = 4 \sigma_B T_{CMB}^4 8 \pi G / (3 c^3 H^2) */ All.CP.OmegaG = 4 * STEFAN_BOLTZMANN * pow(All.CP.CMBTemperature, 4) * (8 * M_PI * GRAVITY) / (3*C*C*C*HUBBLE*HUBBLE) / (All.CP.HubbleParam*All.CP.HubbleParam); /* Neutrino + antineutrino background temperature as a ratio to T_CMB0 * Note there is a slight correction from 4/11 * due to the neutrinos being slightly coupled at e+- annihilation. * See Mangano et al 2005 (hep-ph/0506164) * The correction is (3.046/3)^(1/4), for N_eff = 3.046 */ double TNu0_TCMB0 = pow(4/11., 1/3.) * 1.00328; /* For massless neutrinos, * rho_nu/rho_g = 7/8 (T_nu/T_cmb)^4 *N_eff, * but we absorbed N_eff into T_nu above. */ All.CP.OmegaNu0 = All.CP.OmegaG * 7. / 8 * pow(TNu0_TCMB0, 4) * 3; double meanweight; All.UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s = 1e5; /* 1 km/sec */ All.UnitLength_in_cm = 3.085678e21; /* 1.0 Kpc /h */ All.UnitMass_in_g = 1.989e43; /* 1e10 Msun/h*/ All.UnitTime_in_s = All.UnitLength_in_cm / All.UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s; All.UnitTime_in_Megayears = All.UnitTime_in_s / SEC_PER_MEGAYEAR; All.G = GRAVITY / pow(All.UnitLength_in_cm, 3) * All.UnitMass_in_g * pow(All.UnitTime_in_s, 2); All.UnitDensity_in_cgs = All.UnitMass_in_g / pow(All.UnitLength_in_cm, 3); All.UnitPressure_in_cgs = All.UnitMass_in_g / All.UnitLength_in_cm / pow(All.UnitTime_in_s, 2); All.UnitCoolingRate_in_cgs = All.UnitPressure_in_cgs / All.UnitTime_in_s; All.UnitEnergy_in_cgs = All.UnitMass_in_g * pow(All.UnitLength_in_cm, 2) / pow(All.UnitTime_in_s, 2); /* convert some physical input parameters to internal units */ All.Hubble = HUBBLE * All.UnitTime_in_s; meanweight = 4.0 / (1 + 3 * HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC); /* note: assuming NEUTRAL GAS */ All.MinEgySpec = 1 / meanweight * (1.0 / GAMMA_MINUS1) * (BOLTZMANN / PROTONMASS) * All.MinGasTemp; All.MinEgySpec *= All.UnitMass_in_g / All.UnitEnergy_in_cgs; #ifdef SFR All.OverDensThresh = All.CritOverDensity * All.CP.OmegaBaryon * 3 * All.Hubble * All.Hubble / (8 * M_PI * All.G); All.PhysDensThresh = All.CritPhysDensity * PROTONMASS / HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC / All.UnitDensity_in_cgs; All.EgySpecCold = 1 / meanweight * (1.0 / GAMMA_MINUS1) * (BOLTZMANN / PROTONMASS) * All.TempClouds; All.EgySpecCold *= All.UnitMass_in_g / All.UnitEnergy_in_cgs; meanweight = 4 / (8 - 5 * (1 - HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC)); /* note: assuming FULL ionization */ All.EgySpecSN = 1 / meanweight * (1.0 / GAMMA_MINUS1) * (BOLTZMANN / PROTONMASS) * All.TempSupernova; All.EgySpecSN *= All.UnitMass_in_g / All.UnitEnergy_in_cgs; if(HAS(All.WindModel, WINDS_FIXED_EFFICIENCY)) { All.WindSpeed = sqrt(2 * All.WindEnergyFraction * All.FactorSN * All.EgySpecSN / (1 - All.FactorSN) / All.WindEfficiency); message(1, "Windspeed: %g\n", All.WindSpeed); } else { All.WindSpeed = sqrt(2 * All.WindEnergyFraction * All.FactorSN * All.EgySpecSN / (1 - All.FactorSN) / 1.0); if(All.WindModel != WINDS_NONE) message(1, "Reference Windspeed: %g\n", All.WindSigma0 * All.WindSpeedFactor); } #endif }