#ifndef PETAPM_ORDER #define PETAPM_ORDER 1 #warning Using low resolution force differentiation kernel. Consider using -DPETAPM_ORDER=3 #endif #include #include #include #include "allvars.h" #include "proto.h" #include "forcetree.h" #include "petapm.h" #include "powerspectrum.h" #include "domain.h" #include "endrun.h" #include "mymalloc.h" /*Global variable to store power spectrum*/ struct _powerspectrum PowerSpectrum; static int pm_mark_region_for_node(int startno, int rid); static void convert_node_to_region(PetaPMRegion * r); static void potential_transfer(int64_t k2, int kpos[3], pfft_complex * value); static void force_x_transfer(int64_t k2, int kpos[3], pfft_complex * value); static void force_y_transfer(int64_t k2, int kpos[3], pfft_complex * value); static void force_z_transfer(int64_t k2, int kpos[3], pfft_complex * value); static void readout_potential(int i, double * mesh, double weight); static void readout_force_x(int i, double * mesh, double weight); static void readout_force_y(int i, double * mesh, double weight); static void readout_force_z(int i, double * mesh, double weight); static PetaPMFunctions functions [] = { {"Potential", NULL, readout_potential}, {"ForceX", force_x_transfer, readout_force_x}, {"ForceY", force_y_transfer, readout_force_y}, {"ForceZ", force_z_transfer, readout_force_z}, {NULL, NULL, NULL}, }; static PetaPMRegion * _prepare(void * userdata, int * Nregions); void gravpm_init_periodic() { petapm_init(All.BoxSize, All.Nmesh, All.NumThreads); powerspectrum_alloc(&PowerSpectrum, All.Nmesh, All.NumThreads); } void gravpm_force() { PetaPMParticleStruct pstruct = { P, sizeof(P[0]), (char*) &P[0].Pos[0] - (char*) P, (char*) &P[0].Mass - (char*) P, (char*) &P[0].RegionInd - (char*) P, NumPart, }; powerspectrum_zero(&PowerSpectrum); /* * we apply potential transfer immediately after the R2C transform, * Therefore the force transfer functions are based on the potential, * not the density. * */ petapm_force(_prepare, potential_transfer, functions, &pstruct, NULL); powerspectrum_sum(&PowerSpectrum, All.BoxSize*All.UnitLength_in_cm); /*Now save the power spectrum*/ if(ThisTask == 0) powerspectrum_save(&PowerSpectrum, All.OutputDir, All.Time, All.cf.D1); } static double pot_factor; static PetaPMRegion * _prepare(void * userdata, int * Nregions) { /* fac is - 4pi G (L / 2pi) **2 / L ** 3 * Gravity k2 DFT (dk **3, but ) * */ pot_factor = - All.G / (M_PI * All.BoxSize); /* to get potential */ /* * * walks down the tree, identify nodes that contains local mass and * are sufficiently large in volume. * * for each nodes, a mesh region is created. * the particles in a node are linked to their hosting region * (each particle belongs * to exactly one region even though it may be covered by two) * * */ int no; /* In worst case, each topleave becomes a region: thus * NTopleaves is sufficient */ PetaPMRegion * regions = malloc(sizeof(PetaPMRegion) * NTopleaves); int r = 0; no = All.MaxPart; /* start with the root */ while(no >= 0) { force_drift_node(no, All.Ti_Current); if(!(Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags & (1 << BITFLAG_DEPENDS_ON_LOCAL_MASS))) { /* node doesn't contain particles on this process, do not open */ no = Nodes[no].u.d.sibling; continue; } if( /* node is large */ (Nodes[no].len <= All.BoxSize / All.Nmesh * 24) || /* node is a top leaf */ ( !(Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags & (1 << BITFLAG_INTERNAL_TOPLEVEL)) && (Nodes[no].u.d.bitflags & (1 << BITFLAG_TOPLEVEL))) ) { regions[r].no = no; r ++; /* do not open */ no = Nodes[no].u.d.sibling; continue; } /* open */ no = Nodes[no].u.d.nextnode; } *Nregions = r; int maxNregions; MPI_Reduce(&r, &maxNregions, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); message(0, "max number of regions is %d\n", maxNregions); /* now lets mark particles to their hosting region */ int numpart = 0; #pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: numpart) for(r = 0; r < *Nregions; r++) { regions[r].numpart = pm_mark_region_for_node(regions[r].no, r); numpart += regions[r].numpart; } /* All particles shall have been processed just once. Otherwise we die */ if(numpart != NumPart) { endrun(1, "numpart = %d\n", numpart); } for(r =0; r < *Nregions; r++) { convert_node_to_region(®ions[r]); } force_treefree(); walltime_measure("/PMgrav/Regions"); return regions; } static int pm_mark_region_for_node(int startno, int rid) { int numpart = 0; int p; int endno = Nodes[startno].u.d.sibling; int no = Nodes[startno].u.d.nextnode; while(no >= 0) { if(no < All.MaxPart) /* single particle */ { p = no; no = Nextnode[no]; drift_particle(p, All.Ti_Current); P[p].RegionInd = rid; /* * * Enlarge the startno so that it encloses all particles * this happens if a BH particle is relocated to a PotMin * out-side the (enlarged )drifted node. * because the POTMIN relocation is unphysical, this can * happen immediately after a BH is seeded at the dense-most * gas particle. rare rare event! * * */ int k; for(k = 0; k < 3; k ++) { double l = P[p].Pos[k] - Nodes[startno].center[k]; if (l < - 0.5 * All.BoxSize) { l += All.BoxSize; } if (l > 0.5 * All.BoxSize) { l -= All.BoxSize; } l = fabs(l * 2); if (l > Nodes[startno].len) { if(l > Nodes[startno].len * (1+ 1e-7)) message(1, "enlarging node size from %g to %g, due to particle of type %d at %g %g %g id=%ld\n", Nodes[startno].len, l, P[p].Type, P[p].Pos[0], P[p].Pos[1], P[p].Pos[2], P[p].ID); Nodes[startno].len = l; } } numpart ++; } else { if(no >= All.MaxPart + MaxNodes) /* pseudo particle */ { /* skip pseudo particles */ no = Nextnode[no - MaxNodes]; continue; } if(no == endno) /* we arrived to the sibling which means that we are done with the node */ { break; } force_drift_node(no, All.Ti_Current); no = Nodes[no].u.d.nextnode; /* ok, we need to open the node */ } } return numpart; } static void convert_node_to_region(PetaPMRegion * r) { int k; double cellsize = All.BoxSize / All.Nmesh; int no = r->no; #if 0 printf("task = %d no = %d len = %g hmax = %g center = %g %g %g\n", ThisTask, no, Nodes[no].len, Extnodes[no].hmax, Nodes[no].center[0], Nodes[no].center[1], Nodes[no].center[2]); #endif for(k = 0; k < 3; k ++) { r->offset[k] = floor((Nodes[no].center[k] - Nodes[no].len * 0.5) / cellsize); int end = (int) ceil((Nodes[no].center[k] + Nodes[no].len * 0.5) / cellsize) + 1; r->size[k] = end - r->offset[k] + 1; r->center[k] = Nodes[no].center[k]; } /* setup the internal data structure of the region */ petapm_region_init_strides(r); r->len = Nodes[no].len; r->hmax = Extnodes[no].hmax; } /******************** * transfer functions for * * potential from mass in cell * * and * * force from potential * *********************/ /* unnormalized sinc function sin(x) / x */ static double sinc_unnormed(double x) { if(x < 1e-5 && x > -1e-5) { double x2 = x * x; return 1.0 - x2 / 6. + x2 * x2 / 120.; } else { return sin(x) / x; } } static void potential_transfer(int64_t k2, int kpos[3], pfft_complex *value) { if(k2 == 0) { /* Remove zero mode corresponding to the mean, after saving it as the normalisation factor.*/ PowerSpectrum.Norm = (value[0][0] * value[0][0] + value[0][1] * value[0][1]); value[0][0] = 0.0; value[0][1] = 0.0; return; } double asmth2 = (2 * M_PI) * All.Asmth[0] / All.BoxSize; asmth2 *= asmth2; double f = 1.0; const double smth = exp(-k2 * asmth2) / k2; /* the CIC deconvolution kernel is * * sinc_unnormed(k_x L / 2 All.Nmesh) ** 2 * * k_x = kpos * 2pi / L * * */ int k; for(k = 0; k < 3; k ++) { double tmp = (kpos[k] * M_PI) / All.Nmesh; tmp = sinc_unnormed(tmp); f *= 1. / (tmp * tmp); } /* * first decovolution is CIC in par->mesh * second decovolution is correcting readout * I don't understand the second yet! * */ const double fac = pot_factor * smth * f * f; /* Measure power spectrum: we don't want the zero mode. * Some modes with k_z = 0 or N/2 have weight 1, the rest have weight 2. * This is because of the symmetry of the real fft. */ int kint = floor(sqrt(k2)); if(kint >= 0 && kint < PowerSpectrum.size) { int w; const double keff = sqrt(kpos[0]*kpos[0]+kpos[1]*kpos[1]+kpos[2]*kpos[2]); const double m = (value[0][0] * value[0][0] + value[0][1] * value[0][1]); if(kpos[2] == 0 || kpos[2] == All.Nmesh/2) w = 1; else w = 2; /*Make sure we use thread-local memory to avoid racing.*/ const int index = kint + omp_get_thread_num() * PowerSpectrum.size; /*Multiply P(k) by inverse window function*/ PowerSpectrum.P[index] += w * m * f; PowerSpectrum.Nmodes[index] += w; PowerSpectrum.k[index] += w * keff; } value[0][0] *= fac; value[0][1] *= fac; } /* the transfer functions for force in fourier space applied to potential */ /* super lanzcos in CH6 P 122 Digital Filters by Richard W. Hamming */ #if PETAPM_ORDER == 3 static double super_lanzcos_diff_kernel_3(double w) { /* order N = 3*/ return 1. / 594 * (126 * sin(w) + 193 * sin(2 * w) + 142 * sin (3 * w) - 86 * sin(4 * w)); } #endif #if PETAPM_ORDER == 2 static double super_lanzcos_diff_kernel_2(double w) { /* order N = 2*/ return 1 / 126. * (58 * sin(w) + 67 * sin (2 * w) - 22 * sin(3 * w)); } #endif #if PETAPM_ORDER == 1 static double super_lanzcos_diff_kernel_1(double w) { /* order N = 1 */ /* * This is the same as GADGET-2 but in fourier space: * see gadget-2 paper and Hamming's book. * c1 = 2 / 3, c2 = 1 / 12 * */ return 1 / 6.0 * (8 * sin (w) - sin (2 * w)); } #endif static double diff_kernel(double w) { #if PETAPM_ORDER == 1 return super_lanzcos_diff_kernel_1(w); #endif #if PETAPM_ORDER == 2 return super_lanzcos_diff_kernel_2(w); #endif #if PETAPM_ORDER == 3 return super_lanzcos_diff_kernel_3(w); #endif #if PETAPM_ORDER > 3 #error PETAPM_ORDER too high. #endif } static void force_transfer(int k, pfft_complex * value) { double tmp0; double tmp1; /* * negative sign is from force_x = - Del_x pot * * filter is i K(w) * */ double fac = -1 * diff_kernel (k * (2 * M_PI / All.Nmesh)) * (All.Nmesh / All.BoxSize); tmp0 = - value[0][1] * fac; tmp1 = value[0][0] * fac; value[0][0] = tmp0; value[0][1] = tmp1; } static void force_x_transfer(int64_t k2, int kpos[3], pfft_complex * value) { force_transfer(kpos[0], value); } static void force_y_transfer(int64_t k2, int kpos[3], pfft_complex * value) { force_transfer(kpos[1], value); } static void force_z_transfer(int64_t k2, int kpos[3], pfft_complex * value) { force_transfer(kpos[2], value); } static void readout_potential(int i, double * mesh, double weight) { P[i].PM_Potential += weight * mesh[0]; } static void readout_force_x(int i, double * mesh, double weight) { P[i].GravPM[0] += weight * mesh[0]; } static void readout_force_y(int i, double * mesh, double weight) { P[i].GravPM[1] += weight * mesh[0]; } static void readout_force_z(int i, double * mesh, double weight) { P[i].GravPM[2] += weight * mesh[0]; }