#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "allvars.h" #include "proto.h" #include "forcetree.h" #include "domain.h" #include "mpsort.h" #include "mymalloc.h" #include "endrun.h" #include "treewalk.h" /*! \file fof.c * \brief parallel FoF group finder */ #include "fof.h" /* Never change the primary link it is always DM. */ #define FOF_PRIMARY_LINK_TYPES 2 /* FIXME: convert this to a parameter */ #define FOF_SECONDARY_LINK_TYPES (1+16+32) // 2^type for the types linked to nearest primaries #define LARGE 1e29 void fof_init() { All.FOFHaloComovingLinkingLength = All.FOFHaloLinkingLength * All.BoxSize / pow(All.TotN_dm, 1.0 / 3); All.TimeNextSeedingCheck = All.Time; } static double fof_periodic(double x) { if(x >= 0.5 * All.BoxSize) x -= All.BoxSize; if(x < -0.5 * All.BoxSize) x += All.BoxSize; return x; } static double fof_periodic_wrap(double x) { while(x >= All.BoxSize) x -= All.BoxSize; while(x < 0) x += All.BoxSize; return x; } static void fof_label_secondary(void); static int fof_compare_HaloLabel_MinID(const void *a, const void *b); static int fof_compare_Group_MinIDTask(const void *a, const void *b); static int fof_compare_Group_OriginalIndex(const void *a, const void *b); static int fof_compare_Group_MinID(const void *a, const void *b); static void fof_reduce_groups( void * groups, size_t nmemb, size_t elsize, void (*reduce_group)(void * gdst, void * gsrc)); static void fof_finish_group_properties(void); static void fof_compile_base(void); static void fof_compile_catalogue(void); static void fof_assign_grnr(); void fof_label_primary(void); extern void fof_save_particles(int num); extern void fof_save_groups(int num); static void fof_seed(void); uint64_t Ngroups, TotNgroups, NgroupsExt; int64_t TotNids; struct Group *Group; struct BaseGroup *BaseGroup; typedef struct { TreeWalkQueryBase base; MyFloat Hsml; MyIDType MinID; MyIDType MinIDTask; } TreeWalkQueryFOF; typedef struct { TreeWalkResultBase base; MyFloat Distance; MyIDType MinID; MyIDType MinIDTask; } TreeWalkResultFOF; typedef struct { TreeWalkNgbIterBase base; } TreeWalkNgbIterFOF; static struct fof_particle_list { MyIDType MinID; MyIDType MinIDTask; int Pindex; } *HaloLabel; static float *fof_secondary_distance; static float *fof_secondary_hsml; static MPI_Datatype MPI_TYPE_GROUP; void fof_fof(int num) { int i; double t0, t1; MPI_Type_contiguous(sizeof(Group[0]), MPI_BYTE, &MPI_TYPE_GROUP); MPI_Type_commit(&MPI_TYPE_GROUP); message(0, "Begin to compute FoF group catalogues... (presently allocated=%g MB)\n", AllocatedBytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); walltime_measure("/Misc"); message(0, "Comoving linking length: %g ", All.FOFHaloComovingLinkingLength); message(0, "(presently allocated=%g MB)\n", AllocatedBytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); HaloLabel = (struct fof_particle_list *) mymalloc("HaloLabel", NumPart * sizeof(struct fof_particle_list)); /* HaloLabel stores the MinID and MinIDTask of particles, this pair serves as a halo label. */ for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) { HaloLabel[i].Pindex = i; } /* Fill FOFP_List of primary */ t0 = second(); fof_label_primary(); t1 = second(); message(0, "group finding took = %g sec\n", timediff(t0, t1)); walltime_measure("/FOF/Primary"); /* Fill FOFP_List of secondary */ t0 = second(); fof_label_secondary(); walltime_measure("/FOF/Secondary"); t1 = second(); message(0, "attaching gas and star particles to nearest dm particles took = %g sec\n", timediff(t0, t1)); /* sort HaloLabel according to MinID, because we need that for compiling catalogues */ qsort(HaloLabel, NumPart, sizeof(struct fof_particle_list), fof_compare_HaloLabel_MinID); t0 = second(); fof_compile_base(); fof_assign_grnr(); fof_compile_catalogue(); t1 = second(); message(0, "compiling local group data and catalogue took = %g sec\n", timediff(t0, t1)); walltime_measure("/FOF/Compile"); t0 = second(); message(0, "group properties are now allocated.. (presently allocated=%g MB)\n", AllocatedBytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); walltime_measure("/FOF/Prop"); t1 = second(); message(0, "computation of group properties took = %g sec\n", timediff(t0, t1)); if(num < 0) fof_seed(); walltime_measure("/FOF/Misc"); if(num >= 0) { fof_save_groups(num); } myfree(Group); myfree(BaseGroup); myfree(HaloLabel); if(num >= 0) { /* need to rebuild the tree because particle order has changed. */ force_treefree(); /* I am not sure why we need a full domain decomposition here. But simple peano reorder will produce * a tree that misses a few particles and crash PM. */ domain_Decomposition(); force_treebuild_simple(); } message(0, "Finished computing FoF groups. (presently allocated=%g MB)\n", AllocatedBytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); walltime_measure("/FOF/MISC"); MPI_Type_free(&MPI_TYPE_GROUP); } static MyIDType * FOFOldMinID; static char * FOFPrimaryActive; static int * FOFHead; static int HEADl(int stop, int i) { int r; if (i == stop) { return -1; } // printf("locking %d by %d in HEADl stop = %d\n", i, omp_get_thread_num(), stop); lock_particle(i); // printf("locked %d by %d in HEADl, next = %d\n", i, omp_get_thread_num(), FOFHead[i]); if(FOFHead[i] == i) { /* return locked */ return i; } /* this is not the root, keep going, but unlock first, since even if the root is modified by * another thread, what we get here is on the path, */ int next = FOFHead[i]; unlock_particle(i); // printf("unlocking %d by %d in HEADl\n", i, omp_get_thread_num()); r = HEADl(stop, next); return r; } static void update_root(int i, int r) { while(FOFHead[i] != i) { int t = FOFHead[i]; FOFHead[i]= r; i = t; } } static int HEAD(int i) { /* accelerate with a splay: see https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.03224 */ int r; r = i; while(FOFHead[r] != r) { r = FOFHead[r]; } while(FOFHead[i] != i) { int t = FOFHead[i]; FOFHead[i]= r; i = t; } return r; } static void fof_primary_copy(int place, TreeWalkQueryFOF * I) { int head = HEAD(place); I->MinID = HaloLabel[head].MinID; I->MinIDTask = HaloLabel[head].MinIDTask; } static int fof_primary_isactive(int n) { return (((1 << P[n].Type) & (FOF_PRIMARY_LINK_TYPES))) && FOFPrimaryActive[n]; } static void fof_primary_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryFOF * I, TreeWalkResultFOF * O, TreeWalkNgbIterFOF * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv); void fof_label_primary(void) { int i; int64_t link_across; int64_t link_across_tot; double t0, t1; message(0, "Start linking particles (presently allocated=%g MB)\n", AllocatedBytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); TreeWalk tw[1] = {0}; tw->ev_label = "FOF_FIND_GROUPS"; tw->visit = (TreeWalkVisitFunction) treewalk_visit_ngbiter; tw->ngbiter = (TreeWalkNgbIterFunction) fof_primary_ngbiter; tw->ngbiter_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkNgbIterFOF); tw->isactive = fof_primary_isactive; tw->fill = (TreeWalkFillQueryFunction) fof_primary_copy; tw->reduce = NULL; tw->UseNodeList = 1; tw->UseAllParticles = 1; tw->query_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkQueryFOF); tw->result_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkResultFOF); FOFHead = (int*) mymalloc("FOF_Links", NumPart * sizeof(int)); FOFPrimaryActive = (char*) mymalloc("FOFActive", NumPart * sizeof(char)); FOFOldMinID = (MyIDType *) mymalloc("FOFActive", NumPart * sizeof(MyIDType)); /* allocate buffers to arrange communication */ t0 = second(); for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) { FOFHead[i] = i; FOFOldMinID[i]= P[i].ID; FOFPrimaryActive[i] = 1; HaloLabel[i].MinID = P[i].ID; HaloLabel[i].MinIDTask = ThisTask; } do { t0 = second(); treewalk_run(tw); t1 = second(); /* let's check out which particles have changed their MinID, * mark them for next round. */ link_across = 0; #pragma omp parallel for for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) { MyIDType newMinID = HaloLabel[HEAD(i)].MinID; if(newMinID != FOFOldMinID[i]) { FOFPrimaryActive[i] = 1; #pragma omp atomic link_across += 1; } else { FOFPrimaryActive[i] = 0; } FOFOldMinID[i] = newMinID; } MPI_Allreduce(&link_across, &link_across_tot, 1, MPI_LONG, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); message(0, "Linked %ld particles %g seconds\n", link_across_tot, t1 - t0); } while(link_across_tot > 0); /* Update MinID of all linked (primary-linked) particles */ for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) { HaloLabel[i].MinID = HaloLabel[HEAD(i)].MinID; HaloLabel[i].MinIDTask = HaloLabel[HEAD(i)].MinIDTask; } message(0, "Local groups found.\n"); myfree(FOFOldMinID); myfree(FOFPrimaryActive); myfree(FOFHead); } static void fofp_merge(int target, int other) { /* this will lock h1 */ int h1 = HEADl(-1, target); /* stop looking if we find h1 along the path (because it is already owned by us) */ int h2 = HEADl(h1, other); if(h2 == -1) { /* h1 is along the path of h2, already merged. **/ /* h1 must be the root of other and target both */ //printf("unlocking %d by %d in merge\n", h1, omp_get_thread_num()); update_root(target, h1); update_root(other, h1); unlock_particle(h1); return; } /* h2 as a sub-tree of h1 */ FOFHead[h2] = h1; /* update MinID of h1 */ if(HaloLabel[h1].MinID > HaloLabel[h2].MinID) { HaloLabel[h1].MinID = HaloLabel[h2].MinID; HaloLabel[h1].MinIDTask = HaloLabel[h2].MinIDTask; } //printf("unlocking %d by %d in merge\n", h2, omp_get_thread_num()); unlock_particle(h2); update_root(target, h1); update_root(other, h1); //printf("unlocking %d by %d in merge\n", h1, omp_get_thread_num()); unlock_particle(h1); } static void fof_primary_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryFOF * I, TreeWalkResultFOF * O, TreeWalkNgbIterFOF * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv) { if(iter->base.other == -1) { iter->base.Hsml = All.FOFHaloComovingLinkingLength; iter->base.symmetric = NGB_TREEFIND_ASYMMETRIC; iter->base.mask = FOF_PRIMARY_LINK_TYPES; return; } int other = iter->base.other; #pragma omp critical (_fofp_merge_) { if(lv->mode == 0) { /* Local FOF */ if(lv->target <= other) { // printf("locked merge %d %d by %d\n", lv->target, other, omp_get_thread_num()); fofp_merge(lv->target, other); } } else /* mode is 1, target is a ghost */ { // printf("locking %d by %d in ngbiter\n", other, omp_get_thread_num()); lock_particle(other); if(HaloLabel[HEAD(other)].MinID > I->MinID) { HaloLabel[HEAD(other)].MinID = I->MinID; HaloLabel[HEAD(other)].MinIDTask = I->MinIDTask; } // printf("unlocking %d by %d in ngbiter\n", other, omp_get_thread_num()); unlock_particle(other); } } } static void fof_reduce_base_group(void * pdst, void * psrc) { struct BaseGroup * gdst = pdst; struct BaseGroup * gsrc = psrc; gdst->Length += gsrc->Length; /* preserve the dst FirstPos so all other base group gets the same FirstPos */ } static void fof_reduce_group(void * pdst, void * psrc) { struct Group * gdst = pdst; struct Group * gsrc = psrc; int j; gdst->Length += gsrc->Length; gdst->Mass += gsrc->Mass; for(j = 0; j < 6; j++) { gdst->LenType[j] += gsrc->LenType[j]; gdst->MassType[j] += gsrc->MassType[j]; } #ifdef SFR gdst->Sfr += gsrc->Sfr; #endif #ifdef BLACK_HOLES gdst->BH_Mdot += gsrc->BH_Mdot; gdst->BH_Mass += gsrc->BH_Mass; if(gsrc->MaxDens > gdst->MaxDens) { gdst->MaxDens = gsrc->MaxDens; gdst->seed_index = gsrc->seed_index; gdst->seed_task = gsrc->seed_task; } #endif int d1, d2; for(d1 = 0; d1 < 3; d1++) { gdst->CM[d1] += gsrc->CM[d1]; gdst->Vel[d1] += gsrc->Vel[d1]; gdst->Jmom[d1] += gsrc->Jmom[d1]; for(d2 = 0; d2 < 3; d2 ++) { gdst->Imom[d1][d2] += gsrc->Imom[d1][d2]; } } } static void add_particle_to_group(struct Group * gdst, int i) { /* My local number of particles contributing to the full catalogue. */ const int index = i; if(gdst->Length == 0) { struct BaseGroup base = gdst->base; memset(gdst, 0, sizeof(gdst[0])); gdst->base = base; gdst->seed_index = gdst->seed_task = -1; } gdst->Length ++; gdst->Mass += P[index].Mass; gdst->LenType[P[index].Type]++; gdst->MassType[P[index].Type] += P[index].Mass; #ifdef SFR if(P[index].Type == 0) { gdst->Sfr += get_starformation_rate(index); } #endif #ifdef BLACK_HOLES if(P[index].Type == 5) { gdst->BH_Mdot += BHP(index).Mdot; gdst->BH_Mass += BHP(index).Mass; } if(P[index].Type == 0) { #ifdef WINDS /* make bh in non wind gas on bh wind*/ if(SPHP(index).DelayTime <= 0) #endif if(SPHP(index).Density > gdst->MaxDens) { gdst->MaxDens = SPHP(index).Density; gdst->seed_index = index; gdst->seed_task = ThisTask; } } #endif int d1, d2; double xyz[3]; double rel[3]; double vel[3]; double jmom[3]; for(d1 = 0; d1 < 3; d1++) { double first = gdst->base.FirstPos[d1]; rel[d1] = fof_periodic(P[index].Pos[d1] - first) ; xyz[d1] = rel[d1] + first; vel[d1] = P[index].Vel[d1]; } crossproduct(rel, vel, jmom); for(d1 = 0; d1 < 3; d1++) { gdst->CM[d1] += P[index].Mass * xyz[d1]; gdst->Vel[d1] += P[index].Mass * vel[d1]; gdst->Jmom[d1] += P[index].Mass * jmom[d1]; for(d2 = 0; d2 < 3; d2++) { gdst->Imom[d1][d2] += P[index].Mass * rel[d1] * rel[d2]; } } } static void fof_finish_group_properties(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < Ngroups; i++) { int d1, d2; double cm[3]; double rel[3]; double jcm[3]; double vcm[3]; struct Group * gdst = &Group[i]; for(d1 = 0; d1 < 3; d1++) { gdst->Vel[d1] /= gdst->Mass; vcm[d1] = gdst->Vel[d1]; cm[d1] = gdst->CM[d1] / gdst->Mass; rel[d1] = fof_periodic(cm[d1] - gdst->base.FirstPos[d1]); cm[d1] = fof_periodic_wrap(cm[d1]); gdst->CM[d1] = cm[d1]; } crossproduct(rel, vcm, jcm); for(d1 = 0; d1 < 3; d1 ++) { gdst->Jmom[d1] -= jcm[d1] * gdst->Mass; } for(d1 = 0; d1 < 3; d1 ++) { for(d2 = 0; d2 < 3; d2++) { /* Parallel Axis theorem: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_axis_theorem ; * J was relative to FirstPos, I is relative to CM. * * Note that our definition of Imom follows the astronomy one, * * I_ij = sum x_i x_j (where x_i x_j is relative displacement) * */ double diff = rel[d1] * rel[d2]; gdst->Imom[d1][d2] -= gdst->Mass * diff; } } } } static void fof_compile_base(void) { NgroupsExt = 0; int i; int start; for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i ++) { if(i == 0 || HaloLabel[i].MinID != HaloLabel[i - 1].MinID) NgroupsExt ++; } /* The first round is to eliminate groups that are too short. */ /* We create the smaller 'BaseGroup' data set for this. */ BaseGroup = (struct BaseGroup *) mymalloc("BaseGroup", sizeof(struct BaseGroup) * NgroupsExt); memset(BaseGroup, 0, sizeof(BaseGroup[0]) * NgroupsExt); start = 0; for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) { if(i == 0 || HaloLabel[i].MinID != HaloLabel[i - 1].MinID) { BaseGroup[start].MinID = HaloLabel[i].MinID; BaseGroup[start].MinIDTask = HaloLabel[i].MinIDTask; int d; for(d = 0; d < 3; d ++) { BaseGroup[start].FirstPos[d] = P[HaloLabel[i].Pindex].Pos[d]; } start ++; } } /* count local lengths */ /* This works because BaseGroup is sorted by MinID by construction. */ start = 0; for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt; i++) { /* find the first particle */ for(;start < NumPart; start++) { if(HaloLabel[start].MinID >= BaseGroup[i].MinID) break; } /* count particles */ for(;start < NumPart; start++) { if(HaloLabel[start].MinID != BaseGroup[i].MinID) { break; } BaseGroup[i].Length ++; } } /* update global attributes */ fof_reduce_groups(BaseGroup, NgroupsExt, sizeof(BaseGroup[0]), fof_reduce_base_group); /* eliminate all groups that are too small */ for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt; i++) { if(BaseGroup[i].Length < All.FOFHaloMinLength) { BaseGroup[i] = BaseGroup[NgroupsExt - 1]; NgroupsExt--; i--; } } } static void fof_compile_catalogue(void) { int i, start; Group = (struct Group *) mymalloc("Group", sizeof(struct Group) * NgroupsExt); memset(Group, 0, sizeof(Group[0]) * NgroupsExt); /* copy in the base properties */ /* at this point base group shall be sorted by MinID */ for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt; i ++) { Group[i].base = BaseGroup[i]; } start = 0; for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt; i++) { /* find the first particle */ for(;start < NumPart; start++) { if(HaloLabel[start].MinID >= Group[i].base.MinID) break; } /* add particles */ for(;start < NumPart; start++) { if(HaloLabel[start].MinID != Group[i].base.MinID) { break; } add_particle_to_group(&Group[i], HaloLabel[start].Pindex); } } /* collect global properties */ fof_reduce_groups(Group, NgroupsExt, sizeof(Group[0]), fof_reduce_group); /* count Groups and number of particles hosted by me */ Ngroups = 0; int64_t Nids = 0; for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt; i ++) { if(Group[i].base.MinIDTask != ThisTask) continue; Ngroups++; Nids += Group[i].base.Length; if(Group[i].base.Length != Group[i].Length) { /* These two shall be consistent */ endrun(3333, "Group base Length mismatch with Group Length"); } } fof_finish_group_properties(); MPI_Allreduce(&Ngroups, &TotNgroups, 1, MPI_UINT64, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Allreduce(&Nids, &TotNids, 1, MPI_INT64, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* report some statictics */ int largestgroup; if(TotNgroups > 0) { int largestloc = 0; for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt; i++) if(Group[i].Length > largestloc) largestloc = Group[i].Length; MPI_Allreduce(&largestloc, &largestgroup, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else largestgroup = 0; message(0, "Total number of groups with at least %d particles: %ld\n", All.FOFHaloMinLength, TotNgroups); if(TotNgroups > 0) { message(0, "Largest group has %d particles.\n", largestgroup); message(0, "Total number of particles in groups: %012ld\n", TotNids); } } static void fof_reduce_groups( void * groups, size_t nmemb, size_t elsize, void (*reduce_group)(void * gdst, void * gsrc)) { /* slangs: * prime: groups hosted by ThisTask * ghosts: groups that spans into ThisTask but not hosted by ThisTask; * part of the local catalogue * images: ghosts that are sent from another rank. * images are reduced to prime, then the prime attributes * are copied to images, and sent back to the ghosts. * * in the begining, prime and ghosts contains local group attributes. * in the end, prime and ghosts all contain full group attributes. **/ int * Send_count = alloca(sizeof(int) * NTask); int * Recv_count = alloca(sizeof(int) * NTask); void * images = NULL; void * ghosts = NULL; int i; int start; MPI_Datatype dtype; MPI_Type_contiguous(elsize, MPI_BYTE, &dtype); MPI_Type_commit(&dtype); /* local groups will be moved to the beginning, we skip them with offset */ qsort(groups, nmemb, elsize, fof_compare_Group_MinIDTask); /* count how many we have of each task */ memset(Send_count, 0, sizeof(int) * NTask); for(i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) { struct BaseGroup * gi = (struct BaseGroup *) (((char*) groups) + i * elsize); Send_count[gi->MinIDTask]++; } /* Skip local groups */ int Nmine = Send_count[ThisTask]; Send_count[ThisTask] = 0; MPI_Alltoall(Send_count, 1, MPI_INT, Recv_count, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); int nimport = 0; for(i = 0; i < NTask; i ++) { nimport += Recv_count[i]; } images = mymalloc("images", nimport * elsize); ghosts = ((char*) groups) + elsize * Nmine; MPI_Alltoallv_smart(ghosts, Send_count, NULL, dtype, images, Recv_count, NULL, dtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD); for(i = 0; i < nimport; i++) { struct BaseGroup * gi = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) images + i * elsize); gi->OriginalIndex = i; } /* sort the groups according to MinID */ qsort(groups, Nmine, elsize, fof_compare_Group_MinID); qsort(images, nimport, elsize, fof_compare_Group_MinID); /* merge the imported ones with the local ones */ start = 0; for(i = 0; i < Nmine; i++) { for(;start < nimport; start++) { struct BaseGroup * prime = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) groups + i * elsize); struct BaseGroup * image = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) images + start * elsize); if(image->MinID >= prime->MinID) { break; } } for(;start < nimport; start++) { struct BaseGroup * prime = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) groups + i * elsize); struct BaseGroup * image = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) images + start * elsize); if(image->MinID != prime->MinID) { break; } reduce_group(prime, image); } } /* update the images, such that they can be send back to the ghosts */ start = 0; for(i = 0; i < Nmine; i++) { for(;start < nimport; start++) { struct BaseGroup * prime = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) groups + i * elsize); struct BaseGroup * image = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) images + start * elsize); if(image->MinID >= prime->MinID) { break; } } for(;start < nimport; start++) { struct BaseGroup * prime = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) groups + i * elsize); struct BaseGroup * image = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) images + start * elsize); if(image->MinID != prime->MinID) { break; } int save = image->OriginalIndex; memcpy(image, prime, elsize); image->OriginalIndex = save; } } /* reset the ordering of imported list, such that it can be properly returned */ qsort(images, nimport, elsize, fof_compare_Group_OriginalIndex); for(i = 0; i < nimport; i++) { struct BaseGroup * gi = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) images + i * elsize); if(gi->MinIDTask != ThisTask) { abort(); } } void * ghosts2 = mymalloc("TMP", NgroupsExt * elsize); MPI_Alltoallv_smart(images, Recv_count, NULL, dtype, ghosts2, Send_count, NULL, dtype, MPI_COMM_WORLD); for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt - Nmine; i ++) { struct BaseGroup * g1 = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) ghosts + i * elsize); struct BaseGroup * g2 = (struct BaseGroup*) ((char*) ghosts2 + i* elsize); if(g1->MinID != g2->MinID) { abort(); } if(g1->MinIDTask != g2->MinIDTask) { abort(); } } memcpy(ghosts, ghosts2, elsize * (NgroupsExt - Nmine)); myfree(ghosts2); myfree(images); MPI_Type_free(&dtype); /* At this point, each Group entry has the reduced attribute of the full group */ /* And the local groups (MinIDTask == ThisTask) are placed at the begining of the list*/ } static void fof_radix_Group_TotalCountTaskDiffMinID(const void * a, void * radix, void * arg); static void fof_radix_Group_OriginalTaskMinID(const void * a, void * radix, void * arg); static void fof_assign_grnr() { int i, j; int64_t ngr; for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt; i++) { BaseGroup[i].OriginalTask = ThisTask; /* original task */ } mpsort_mpi(BaseGroup, NgroupsExt, sizeof(BaseGroup[0]), fof_radix_Group_TotalCountTaskDiffMinID, 24, NULL, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* assign group numbers * at this point, both Group are is sorted by length, * and the every time OriginalTask == MinIDTask, a list of ghost BaseGroup is stored. * they shall get the same GrNr. * */ ngr = 0; for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt; i++) { if(BaseGroup[i].OriginalTask == BaseGroup[i].MinIDTask) { ngr++; } BaseGroup[i].GrNr = ngr; } int64_t * ngra; ngra = alloca(sizeof(ngra[0]) * NTask); MPI_Allgather(&ngr, 1, MPI_INT64, ngra, 1, MPI_INT64, MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* shift to the global grnr. */ int64_t groffset = 0; for(j = 0; j < ThisTask; j++) groffset += ngra[j]; for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt; i++) BaseGroup[i].GrNr += groffset; /* bring the group list back into the original task, sorted by MinID */ mpsort_mpi(BaseGroup, NgroupsExt, sizeof(BaseGroup[0]), fof_radix_Group_OriginalTaskMinID, 16, NULL, MPI_COMM_WORLD); for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++) P[i].GrNr = -1; /* will mark particles that are not in any group */ int start = 0; for(i = 0; i < NgroupsExt; i++) { for(;start < NumPart; start++) { if (HaloLabel[start].MinID >= BaseGroup[i].MinID) break; } for(;start < NumPart; start++) { if (HaloLabel[start].MinID != BaseGroup[i].MinID) break; P[HaloLabel[start].Pindex].GrNr = BaseGroup[i].GrNr; } } } void fof_save_groups(int num) { double t0, t1; message(0, "start global sorting of group catalogues\n"); t0 = second(); fof_save_particles(num); t1 = second(); message(0, "Group catalogues saved. took = %g sec\n", timediff(t0, t1)); } static void fof_secondary_copy(int place, TreeWalkQueryFOF * I) { I->Hsml = fof_secondary_hsml[place]; } static int fof_secondary_isactive(int n) { return (((1 << P[n].Type) & (FOF_SECONDARY_LINK_TYPES))); } static void fof_secondary_reduce(int place, TreeWalkResultFOF * O, enum TreeWalkReduceMode mode) { if(O->Distance < fof_secondary_distance[place]) { fof_secondary_distance[place] = O->Distance; HaloLabel[place].MinID = O->MinID; HaloLabel[place].MinIDTask = O->MinIDTask; } } static void fof_secondary_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryFOF * I, TreeWalkResultFOF * O, TreeWalkNgbIterFOF * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv); static void fof_label_secondary(void) { int i, n, iter; int64_t ntot; TreeWalk tw[1] = {0}; tw->ev_label = "FOF_FIND_NEAREST"; tw->visit = (TreeWalkVisitFunction) treewalk_visit_ngbiter; tw->ngbiter = (TreeWalkNgbIterFunction) fof_secondary_ngbiter; tw->ngbiter_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkNgbIterFOF); tw->isactive = fof_secondary_isactive; tw->fill = (TreeWalkFillQueryFunction) fof_secondary_copy; tw->reduce = (TreeWalkReduceResultFunction) fof_secondary_reduce; tw->UseNodeList = 1; tw->UseAllParticles = 1; tw->query_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkQueryFOF); tw->result_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkResultFOF); message(0, "Start finding nearest dm-particle (presently allocated=%g MB)\n", AllocatedBytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); fof_secondary_distance = (float *) mymalloc("fof_secondary_distance", sizeof(float) * NumPart); fof_secondary_hsml = (float *) mymalloc("fof_secondary_hsml", sizeof(float) * NumPart); for(n = 0; n < NumPart; n++) { if(((1 << P[n].Type) & (FOF_SECONDARY_LINK_TYPES))) { fof_secondary_distance[n] = LARGE; if(P[n].Type == 0) { /* use gas sml as a hint (faster convergence than 0.1 All.FOFHaloComovingLinkingLength at high-z */ fof_secondary_hsml[n] = 0.5 * P[n].Hsml; } else { fof_secondary_hsml[n] = 0.1 * All.FOFHaloComovingLinkingLength; } } } /* allocate buffers to arrange communication */ iter = 0; /* we will repeat the whole thing for those particles where we didn't find enough neighbours */ message(0, "fof-nearest iteration started\n"); do { treewalk_run(tw); int Nactive; int * queue = treewalk_get_queue(tw, &Nactive); /* do final operations on results */ int npleft = 0; int count = 0; int64_t counttot = 0; /* CRAY cc doesn't do this one right */ //#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: npleft) for(i = 0; i < Nactive; i++) { int p = queue[i]; count ++; if(fof_secondary_distance[p] > 0.5 * LARGE) { if(fof_secondary_hsml[p] < 4 * All.FOFHaloComovingLinkingLength) /* we only search out to a maximum distance */ { /* need to redo this particle */ npleft++; fof_secondary_hsml[p] *= 2.0; /* if(iter >= MAXITER - 10) { endrun(1, "i=%d task=%d ID=%llu Hsml=%g pos=(%g|%g|%g)\n", p, ThisTask, P[p].ID, fof_secondary_hsml[p], P[p].Pos[0], P[p].Pos[1], P[p].Pos[2]); } */ } else { fof_secondary_distance[p] = 0; /* we not continue to search for this particle */ } } } sumup_large_ints(1, &npleft, &ntot); sumup_large_ints(1, &count, &counttot); message(0, "fof-nearest iteration %d: need to repeat for %010ld /%010ld particles.\n", iter, ntot, counttot); if(ntot < 0) abort(); if(ntot > 0) { iter++; if(iter > MAXITER) { endrun(1159, "Failed to converge in fof-nearest"); } } myfree(queue); } while(ntot > 0); myfree(fof_secondary_hsml); myfree(fof_secondary_distance); message(0, "done finding nearest dm-particle\n"); } static void fof_secondary_ngbiter( TreeWalkQueryFOF * I, TreeWalkResultFOF * O, TreeWalkNgbIterFOF * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv) { if(iter->base.other == -1) { O->Distance = LARGE; iter->base.Hsml = I->Hsml; iter->base.mask = FOF_PRIMARY_LINK_TYPES; iter->base.symmetric = NGB_TREEFIND_ASYMMETRIC; return; } int other = iter->base.other; double r = iter->base.r; if(r < O->Distance && r < I->Hsml) { O->Distance = r; O->MinID = HaloLabel[other].MinID; O->MinIDTask = HaloLabel[other].MinIDTask; } } /* * Deal with seeding of particles At each FOF stage, * if seed_index is >= 0, then that particle on seed_task * will be converted to a seed. * * */ static int cmp_seed_task(const void * c1, const void * c2) { const struct Group * g1 = c1; const struct Group * g2 = c2; return g1->seed_task - g2->seed_task; } static void fof_seed_make_one(struct Group * g); static void fof_seed(void) { int i, j, n, ntot; int * Send_count = alloca(sizeof(int) * NTask); int * Recv_count = alloca(sizeof(int) * NTask); for(n = 0; n < NTask; n++) Send_count[n] = 0; char * Marked = mymalloc("SeedMark", Ngroups); int Nexport = 0; for(i = 0; i < Ngroups; i++) { Marked[i] = (Group[i].Mass >= All.MinFoFMassForNewSeed) && (Group[i].LenType[5] == 0) && (Group[i].seed_index >= 0); if(Marked[i]) Nexport ++; } struct Group * ExportGroups = mymalloc("Export", sizeof(Group[0]) * Nexport); j = 0; for(i = 0; i < Ngroups; i ++) { if(Marked[i]) { ExportGroups[j] = Group[i]; j++; } } qsort(ExportGroups, Nexport, sizeof(ExportGroups[0]), cmp_seed_task); for(i = 0; i < Nexport; i++) { Send_count[ExportGroups[i].seed_task]++; } MPI_Alltoall(Send_count, 1, MPI_INT, Recv_count, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); int Nimport = 0; for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++) { Nimport += Recv_count[j]; } struct Group * ImportGroups = (struct Group *) mymalloc("ImportGroups", Nimport * sizeof(struct Group)); MPI_Alltoallv_smart(ExportGroups, Send_count, NULL, MPI_TYPE_GROUP, ImportGroups, Recv_count, NULL, MPI_TYPE_GROUP, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Allreduce(&Nimport, &ntot, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD); message(0, "Making %d new black hole particles.\n", ntot); for(n = 0; n < Nimport; n++) { fof_seed_make_one(&ImportGroups[n]); } myfree(ImportGroups); myfree(ExportGroups); myfree(Marked); } static void fof_seed_make_one(struct Group * g) { if(g->seed_task != ThisTask) { endrun(7771, "Seed does not belong to the right task"); } #ifdef BLACK_HOLES int index = g->seed_index; blackhole_make_one(index); #endif } static int fof_compare_HaloLabel_MinID(const void *a, const void *b) { if(((struct fof_particle_list *) a)->MinID < ((struct fof_particle_list *) b)->MinID) return -1; if(((struct fof_particle_list *) a)->MinID > ((struct fof_particle_list *) b)->MinID) return +1; return 0; } static int fof_compare_Group_MinID(const void *a, const void *b) { if(((struct BaseGroup *) a)->MinID < ((struct BaseGroup *) b)->MinID) return -1; if(((struct BaseGroup *) a)->MinID > ((struct BaseGroup *) b)->MinID) return +1; return 0; } static int fof_compare_Group_MinIDTask(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct BaseGroup * p1 = a; const struct BaseGroup * p2 = b; int t1 = p1->MinIDTask; int t2 = p2->MinIDTask; if(t1 == ThisTask) t1 = -1; if(t2 == ThisTask) t2 = -1; if(t1 < t2) return -1; if(t1 > t2) return +1; return 0; } static int fof_compare_Group_OriginalIndex(const void *a, const void *b) { return ((struct BaseGroup *) a)->OriginalIndex - ((struct BaseGroup *) b)->OriginalIndex; } static void fof_radix_Group_TotalCountTaskDiffMinID(const void * a, void * radix, void * arg) { uint64_t * u = (uint64_t *) radix; struct BaseGroup * f = (struct BaseGroup *) a; u[0] = labs(f->OriginalTask - f->MinIDTask); u[1] = f->MinID; u[2] = UINT64_MAX - (f->Length); } static void fof_radix_Group_OriginalTaskMinID(const void * a, void * radix, void * arg) { uint64_t * u = (uint64_t *) radix; struct BaseGroup * f = (struct BaseGroup *) a; u[0] = f->MinID; u[1] = f->OriginalTask; }