#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mymalloc.h" #include "endrun.h" #define MAXBLOCKS 500 #define MAXCHARS 16 #define ALIGNMENT 4096 static size_t TotBytes; static char *Base; static unsigned long Nblocks; static char *Table[MAXBLOCKS] = {NULL}; static size_t BlockSize[MAXBLOCKS] = {0}; static char MovableFlag[MAXBLOCKS] = {0}; static char VarName[MAXBLOCKS][MAXCHARS] = {0}; static char FunctionName[MAXBLOCKS][MAXCHARS] = {0}; static char FileName[MAXBLOCKS][MAXCHARS] = {0}; static int LineNumber[MAXBLOCKS] = {0}; static int ThisTask; static int NTask; size_t AllocatedBytes; size_t HighMarkBytes; size_t FreeBytes; static void strncpy_basename(char * target, const char * name, int nchars) { int i = 0; int len = strlen(name); int cpylen; for(cpylen = 0; cpylen < nchars && cpylen < len; cpylen ++) { if(cpylen < len - 1 && name[len - cpylen - 1] == '/') break; } for(i = 0; i < cpylen; i ++) { target[i] = name[len - cpylen + i]; } } static size_t align_size(size_t n) { return ((size_t) ((n + ALIGNMENT - 1) / ALIGNMENT)) * ALIGNMENT; } void mymalloc_init(size_t limit) { size_t n; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &NTask); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ThisTask); /* n is aligned*/ n = align_size(limit) + ALIGNMENT; #ifndef VALGRIND /* extra space for aligning Base */ if(!(Base = malloc(n))) { endrun(122, "Failed to allocate memory for `Base' (%d Mbytes).\n", n / (1024. * 1024)); } /* Pre-fault all pages in main storage. On a system without swap this effectively lock all pages. * Added to avoid phys memory fragmentation during the run. * This won't help fragmentation due to the stack growth or due to glibc malloc. * */ //memset(Base, 0, n); Base = (char*) align_size((size_t) Base); #else Base = NULL; #endif TotBytes = FreeBytes = n; AllocatedBytes = 0; Nblocks = 0; HighMarkBytes = 0; } void report_detailed_memory_usage_of_largest_task(const char *label, const char *func, const char *file, int line) { size_t *sizelist, maxsize, minsize; double avgsize; int i, task; static size_t highmarks[1024] = {0}; static char * labels[1024] = {0}; size_t * OldHighMarkBytes = NULL; for(i = 0; i < 1024; i ++) { if(labels[i] == NULL) { labels[i] = strdup(label); break; } if(!strcmp(labels[i], label)) { break; } } if(i == 1024) { //"need more label space;" endrun(33214, "out of label space"); } OldHighMarkBytes = &highmarks[i]; sizelist = (size_t *) mymalloc("sizelist", NTask * sizeof(size_t)); MPI_Allgather(&AllocatedBytes, sizeof(size_t), MPI_BYTE, sizelist, sizeof(size_t), MPI_BYTE, MPI_COMM_WORLD); for(i = 1, task = 0, maxsize = minsize = sizelist[0], avgsize = sizelist[0]; i < NTask; i++) { if(sizelist[i] > maxsize) { maxsize = sizelist[i]; task = i; } if(sizelist[i] < minsize) { minsize = sizelist[i]; } avgsize += sizelist[i]; } myfree(sizelist); if(maxsize > 1.1 * (*OldHighMarkBytes)) { *OldHighMarkBytes = maxsize; avgsize /= NTask; if(ThisTask == task) { printf ("\nAt '%s', %s()/%s/%d: Largest Allocation = %g Mbyte (on task=%d), Smallest = %g Mbyte, Average = %g Mbyte\n\n", label, func, file, line, maxsize / (1024.0 * 1024.0), task, minsize / (1024.0 * 1024.0), avgsize / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); dump_memory_table(); } fflush(stdout); MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); } } void dump_memory_table(void) { int i; size_t totBlocksize = 0; printf("------------------------ Allocated Memory Blocks----------------------------------------\n"); printf("Task Nr F Variable MBytes Cumulative Function/File/Linenumber\n"); printf("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(i = 0; i < Nblocks; i++) { totBlocksize += BlockSize[i]; printf("%4d %4d %d %16s %10.4f %10.4f %s:%d:%s\n", ThisTask, i, MovableFlag[i], VarName[i], BlockSize[i] / (1024.0 * 1024.0), totBlocksize / (1024.0 * 1024.0), FileName[i], LineNumber[i], FunctionName[i]); } printf("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } void *mymalloc_fullinfo(const char *varname, size_t n, const char *func, const char *file, int line) { #ifdef VALGRIND return malloc(n); #endif n = align_size(n); if(Nblocks >= MAXBLOCKS) { endrun(813, "Task=%d: No blocks left in mymalloc_fullinfo() at %s()/%s/line %d. MAXBLOCKS=%d\n", ThisTask, func, file, line, MAXBLOCKS); } if(n > FreeBytes) { dump_memory_table(); endrun (812, "\nTask=%d: Not enough memory in mymalloc_fullinfo() to allocate %g MB for variable '%s' at %s()/%s/line %d (FreeBytes=%g MB).\n", ThisTask, n / (1024.0 * 1024.0), varname, func, file, line, FreeBytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); } Table[Nblocks] = Base + (TotBytes - FreeBytes); FreeBytes -= n; strncpy(VarName[Nblocks], varname, MAXCHARS - 1); strncpy(FunctionName[Nblocks], func, MAXCHARS - 1); strncpy_basename(FileName[Nblocks], file, MAXCHARS - 1); LineNumber[Nblocks] = line; AllocatedBytes += n; BlockSize[Nblocks] = n; MovableFlag[Nblocks] = 0; Nblocks += 1; if(AllocatedBytes > HighMarkBytes) HighMarkBytes = AllocatedBytes; return Table[Nblocks - 1]; } void myfree_fullinfo(void *p, const char *func, const char *file, int line) { #ifdef VALGRIND free(p); return; #endif if(Nblocks == 0) endrun(76878, "too may frees"); if(p != Table[Nblocks - 1]) { dump_memory_table(); endrun(814, "Task=%d: Wrong call of myfree() at %s()/%s/line %d: not the last allocated block!\n", ThisTask, func, file, line); } Nblocks -= 1; AllocatedBytes -= BlockSize[Nblocks]; FreeBytes += BlockSize[Nblocks]; } void *myrealloc_fullinfo(void *p, size_t n, const char *func, const char *file, int line) { #ifdef VALGRIND return realloc(p, n); #endif n = align_size(n); if(Nblocks == 0) endrun(76879, "too many frees."); if(p != Table[Nblocks - 1]) { dump_memory_table(); endrun(815, "Task=%d: Wrong call of myrealloc() at %s()/%s/line %d - not the last allocated block!\n", ThisTask, func, file, line); } AllocatedBytes -= BlockSize[Nblocks - 1]; FreeBytes += BlockSize[Nblocks - 1]; if(n > FreeBytes) { dump_memory_table(); endrun(812, "Task=%d: Not enough memory in myremalloc(n=%g MB) at %s()/%s/line %d. previous=%g FreeBytes=%g MB\n", ThisTask, n / (1024.0 * 1024.0), func, file, line, BlockSize[Nblocks - 1] / (1024.0 * 1024.0), FreeBytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); } Table[Nblocks - 1] = Base + (TotBytes - FreeBytes); FreeBytes -= n; AllocatedBytes += n; BlockSize[Nblocks - 1] = n; if(AllocatedBytes > HighMarkBytes) HighMarkBytes = AllocatedBytes; return Table[Nblocks - 1]; }