#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "allvars.h" #include "cooling.h" #include "densitykernel.h" #include "proto.h" #include "forcetree.h" #include "treewalk.h" #include "domain.h" #include "mymalloc.h" #include "endrun.h" #include "fof.h" /*! \file blackhole.c * \brief routines for gas accretion onto black holes, and black hole mergers */ #ifdef BLACK_HOLES typedef struct { TreeWalkQueryBase base; MyFloat Density; MyFloat Hsml; MyFloat Mass; MyFloat BH_Mass; MyFloat Vel[3]; MyFloat Csnd; MyIDType ID; } TreeWalkQueryBHAccretion; typedef struct { TreeWalkResultBase base; MyFloat BH_MinPotPos[3]; MyFloat BH_MinPotVel[3]; MyFloat BH_MinPot; int BH_TimeBinLimit; MyFloat FeedbackWeightSum; MyFloat Rho; MyFloat SmoothedEntropy; MyFloat SmoothedPressure; MyFloat GasVel[3]; } TreeWalkResultBHAccretion; typedef struct { TreeWalkNgbIterBase base; DensityKernel accretion_kernel; DensityKernel feedback_kernel; } TreeWalkNgbIterBHAccretion; typedef struct { TreeWalkQueryBase base; MyFloat Hsml; MyFloat BH_Mass; MyIDType ID; MyFloat FeedbackEnergy; MyFloat FeedbackWeightSum; } TreeWalkQueryBHFeedback; typedef struct { TreeWalkResultBase base; MyFloat Mass; MyFloat BH_Mass; MyFloat AccretedMomentum[3]; int BH_CountProgs; } TreeWalkResultBHFeedback; typedef struct { TreeWalkNgbIterBase base; DensityKernel feedback_kernel; } TreeWalkNgbIterBHFeedback; /* accretion routines */ static void blackhole_accretion_postprocess(int n); /* feedback routines. currently also performs the drifting(move it to gravtree / force tree?) */ static int blackhole_accretion_isactive(int n); static void blackhole_accretion_reduce(int place, TreeWalkResultBHAccretion * remote, enum TreeWalkReduceMode mode); static void blackhole_accretion_copy(int place, TreeWalkQueryBHAccretion * I); static void blackhole_accretion_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryBHAccretion * I, TreeWalkResultBHAccretion * O, TreeWalkNgbIterBHAccretion * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv); /* swallow routines */ static void blackhole_feedback_postprocess(int n); static int blackhole_feedback_isactive(int n); static void blackhole_feedback_reduce(int place, TreeWalkResultBHFeedback * remote, enum TreeWalkReduceMode mode); static void blackhole_feedback_copy(int place, TreeWalkQueryBHFeedback * I); static void blackhole_feedback_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryBHFeedback * I, TreeWalkResultBHFeedback * O, TreeWalkNgbIterBHFeedback * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv); static double decide_hsearch(double h); #define BHPOTVALUEINIT 1.0e29 static int N_sph_swallowed, N_BH_swallowed; static double blackhole_soundspeed(double entropy, double pressure, double rho) { /* rho is comoving !*/ double cs; if (All.BlackHoleSoundSpeedFromPressure) { cs = sqrt(GAMMA * pressure / rho); } else { cs = sqrt(GAMMA * entropy * pow(rho, GAMMA_MINUS1)); } cs *= pow(All.Time, -1.5 * GAMMA_MINUS1); return cs; } void blackhole(void) { if(!All.BlackHoleOn) return; int i; int Ntot_gas_swallowed, Ntot_BH_swallowed; walltime_measure("/Misc"); TreeWalk tw_accretion[1] = {0}; tw_accretion->ev_label = "BH_ACCRETION"; tw_accretion->visit = (TreeWalkVisitFunction) treewalk_visit_ngbiter; tw_accretion->ngbiter_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkNgbIterBHAccretion); tw_accretion->ngbiter = (TreeWalkNgbIterFunction) blackhole_accretion_ngbiter; tw_accretion->isactive = blackhole_accretion_isactive; tw_accretion->postprocess = (TreeWalkProcessFunction) blackhole_accretion_postprocess; tw_accretion->fill = (TreeWalkFillQueryFunction) blackhole_accretion_copy; tw_accretion->reduce = (TreeWalkReduceResultFunction) blackhole_accretion_reduce; tw_accretion->UseNodeList = 1; tw_accretion->query_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkQueryBHAccretion); tw_accretion->result_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkResultBHAccretion); TreeWalk tw_feedback[1] = {0}; tw_feedback->ev_label = "BH_FEEDBACK"; tw_feedback->visit = (TreeWalkVisitFunction) treewalk_visit_ngbiter; tw_feedback->ngbiter_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkNgbIterBHFeedback); tw_feedback->ngbiter = (TreeWalkNgbIterFunction) blackhole_feedback_ngbiter; tw_feedback->isactive = blackhole_feedback_isactive; tw_feedback->fill = (TreeWalkFillQueryFunction) blackhole_feedback_copy; tw_feedback->postprocess = (TreeWalkProcessFunction) blackhole_feedback_postprocess; tw_feedback->reduce = (TreeWalkReduceResultFunction) blackhole_feedback_reduce; tw_feedback->UseNodeList = 1; tw_feedback->query_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkQueryBHFeedback); tw_feedback->result_type_elsize = sizeof(TreeWalkResultBHFeedback); message(0, "Beginning black-hole accretion\n"); /* Let's first compute the Mdot values */ int Nactive; int * queue = treewalk_get_queue(tw_accretion, &Nactive); for(i = 0; i < Nactive; i ++) { int n = queue[i]; Local_BH_mass -= BHP(n).Mass; Local_BH_dynamicalmass -= P[n].Mass; Local_BH_Mdot -= BHP(n).Mdot; if(BHP(n).Mass > 0) { Local_BH_Medd -= BHP(n).Mdot / BHP(n).Mass; } int j; for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { BHP(n).MinPotPos[j] = P[n].Pos[j]; BHP(n).MinPotVel[j] = P[n].Vel[j]; } BHP(n).MinPot = P[n].Potential; } myfree(queue); /* Now let's invoke the functions that stochasticall swallow gas * and deal with black hole mergers. */ message(0, "Start swallowing of gas particles and black holes\n"); N_sph_swallowed = N_BH_swallowed = 0; /* Let's determine which particles may be swalled and calculate total feedback weights */ treewalk_run(tw_accretion); /* Now do the swallowing of particles and dump feedback energy */ treewalk_run(tw_feedback); MPI_Reduce(&N_sph_swallowed, &Ntot_gas_swallowed, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&N_BH_swallowed, &Ntot_BH_swallowed, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); NLocal[0] -= N_sph_swallowed; NLocal[5] -= N_BH_swallowed; message(0, "Accretion done: %d gas particles swallowed, %d BH particles swallowed\n", Ntot_gas_swallowed, Ntot_BH_swallowed); double total_mass_real, total_mdoteddington; double total_mass_holes, total_mdot; MPI_Reduce(&Local_BH_mass, &total_mass_holes, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&Local_BH_dynamicalmass, &total_mass_real, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&Local_BH_Mdot, &total_mdot, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Reduce(&Local_BH_Medd, &total_mdoteddington, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if(ThisTask == 0) { /* convert to solar masses per yr */ double mdot_in_msun_per_year = total_mdot * (All.UnitMass_in_g / SOLAR_MASS) / (All.UnitTime_in_s / SEC_PER_YEAR); total_mdoteddington *= 1.0 / ((4 * M_PI * GRAVITY * C * PROTONMASS / (0.1 * C * C * THOMPSON)) * All.UnitTime_in_s); fprintf(FdBlackHoles, "%g %td %g %g %g %g %g\n", All.Time, NTotal[5], total_mass_holes, total_mdot, mdot_in_msun_per_year, total_mass_real, total_mdoteddington); fflush(FdBlackHoles); } /* this will find new black hole seed halos */ if(All.Time >= All.TimeNextSeedingCheck) { /* Seeding */ fof_fof(-1); All.TimeNextSeedingCheck *= All.TimeBetweenSeedingSearch; } walltime_measure("/BH"); } static void blackhole_accretion_postprocess(int i) { int k; /* disable jumping in predict.c*/ BHP(i).JumpToMinPot = 0; /* message(1, "xxx_BH_xxx Drifting from %g %g %g to %g %g %g , Time: %g, Time Bin: %2d, id = %ld.\n", P[i].Pos[0],P[i].Pos[1],P[i].Pos[2], BHP(i).MinPotPos[0],BHP(i).MinPotPos[1],BHP(i).MinPotPos[2], All.Time, P[i].TimeBin, P[i].ID); */ /* jumping here. may break consistency of tree. */ if(BHP(i).MinPot < 0.5 * BHPOTVALUEINIT) { for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) P[i].Pos[k] = BHP(i).MinPotPos[k]; } if(BHP(i).Density > 0) { BHP(i).Entropy /= BHP(i).Density; BHP(i).Pressure /= BHP(i).Density; BHP(i).SurroundingGasVel[0] /= BHP(i).Density; BHP(i).SurroundingGasVel[1] /= BHP(i).Density; BHP(i).SurroundingGasVel[2] /= BHP(i).Density; } double mdot = 0; /* if no accretion model is enabled, we have mdot=0 */ double rho = BHP(i).Density; double bhvel = sqrt(pow(P[i].Vel[0] - BHP(i).SurroundingGasVel[0], 2) + pow(P[i].Vel[1] - BHP(i).SurroundingGasVel[1], 2) + pow(P[i].Vel[2] - BHP(i).SurroundingGasVel[2], 2)); bhvel /= All.cf.a; double rho_proper = rho * All.cf.a3inv; double soundspeed = blackhole_soundspeed(BHP(i).Entropy, BHP(i).Pressure, rho); /* Note: we take here a radiative efficiency of 0.1 for Eddington accretion */ double meddington = (4 * M_PI * GRAVITY * C * PROTONMASS / (0.1 * C * C * THOMPSON)) * BHP(i).Mass * All.UnitTime_in_s; double norm = pow((pow(soundspeed, 2) + pow(bhvel, 2)), 1.5); if(norm > 0) mdot = 4. * M_PI * All.BlackHoleAccretionFactor * All.G * All.G * BHP(i).Mass * BHP(i).Mass * rho_proper / norm; else mdot = 0; if(All.BlackHoleEddingtonFactor > 0.0 && mdot > All.BlackHoleEddingtonFactor * meddington) { mdot = All.BlackHoleEddingtonFactor * meddington; } BHP(i).Mdot = mdot; double dt = (P[i].TimeBin ? (1 << P[i].TimeBin) : 0) * All.Timebase_interval / All.cf.hubble; BHP(i).Mass += BHP(i).Mdot * dt; } static void blackhole_feedback_postprocess(int n) { if(BHP(n).accreted_Mass > 0) { /* velocity feedback due to accretion; momentum conservation. no sense * if we jump in predict.c */ int k; for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) P[n].Vel[k] = (P[n].Vel[k] * P[n].Mass + BHP(n).accreted_momentum[k]) / (P[n].Mass + BHP(n).accreted_Mass); P[n].Mass += BHP(n).accreted_Mass; BHP(n).Mass += BHP(n).accreted_BHMass; BHP(n).accreted_Mass = 0; } #pragma omp atomic Local_BH_mass += BHP(n).Mass; #pragma omp atomic Local_BH_dynamicalmass += P[n].Mass; #pragma omp atomic Local_BH_Mdot += BHP(n).Mdot; if(BHP(n).Mass > 0) { #pragma omp atomic Local_BH_Medd += BHP(n).Mdot / BHP(n).Mass; } } static void blackhole_accretion_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryBHAccretion * I, TreeWalkResultBHAccretion * O, TreeWalkNgbIterBHAccretion * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv) { if(iter->base.other == -1) { O->BH_TimeBinLimit = -1; O->BH_MinPot = BHPOTVALUEINIT; int d; for(d = 0; d < 3; d++) { O->BH_MinPotPos[d] = I->base.Pos[d]; O->BH_MinPotVel[d] = I->Vel[d]; } double hsearch; hsearch = decide_hsearch(I->Hsml); iter->base.mask = 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32; iter->base.Hsml = hsearch; iter->base.symmetric = NGB_TREEFIND_ASYMMETRIC; density_kernel_init(&iter->accretion_kernel, I->Hsml); density_kernel_init(&iter->feedback_kernel, hsearch); return; } int other = iter->base.other; double r = iter->base.r; double r2 = iter->base.r2; if(P[other].Mass < 0) return; if(P[other].Type != 5) { if (O->BH_TimeBinLimit <= 0 || O->BH_TimeBinLimit >= P[other].TimeBin) O->BH_TimeBinLimit = P[other].TimeBin; } #ifdef WINDS /* BH does not accrete wind */ if(P[other].Type == 0 && SPHP(other).DelayTime > 0) return; #endif /* Drifting the blackhole towards minimum. This shall be refactored to some sink.c etc */ if(r2 < iter->accretion_kernel.HH) // && r < All.FOFHaloComovingLinkingLength) { if(P[other].Potential < O->BH_MinPot) { if(P[other].Type == 0 || P[other].Type == 1 || P[other].Type == 4 || P[other].Type == 5) { /* FIXME: compute peculier velocities between two objects; this shall be a function */ int d; double vrel[3]; for(d = 0; d < 3; d++) vrel[d] = (P[other].Vel[d] - I->Vel[d]); double vpec = sqrt(dotproduct(vrel, vrel)) / All.cf.a; /* disable the sound speed check as we suspect this is causing the BH to drift away from center.*/ // if(vpec <= 0.25 * I->Csnd) { O->BH_MinPot = P[other].Potential; for(d = 0; d < 3; d++) { O->BH_MinPotPos[d] = P[other].Pos[d]; O->BH_MinPotVel[d] = P[other].Vel[d]; } } } } } /* Accretion / merger doesn't do self iteraction */ if(P[other].ID == I->ID) return; if(P[other].Type == 5 && r2 < iter->accretion_kernel.HH) /* we have a black hole merger */ { /* compute relative velocity of BHs */ lock_particle(other); int d; double vrel[3]; for(d = 0; d < 3; d++) vrel[d] = (P[other].Vel[d] - I->Vel[d]); double vpec = sqrt(dotproduct(vrel, vrel)) / All.cf.a; if(vpec <= 0.5 * I->Csnd) { if(P[other].Swallowed) { /* Already marked, prefer to be swallowed by a bigger ID */ if(P[other].SwallowID < I->ID) { P[other].SwallowID = I->ID; } } else { /* Unmarked, the BH with bigger ID swallows */ if(P[other].ID < I->ID) { P[other].Swallowed = 1; P[other].SwallowID = I->ID; } } } unlock_particle(other); } if(P[other].Type == 0) { if(r2 < iter->accretion_kernel.HH) { double u = r * iter->accretion_kernel.Hinv; double wk = density_kernel_wk(&iter->accretion_kernel, u); double mass_j = P[other].Mass; /* FIXME: volume correction doesn't work on BH yet. */ O->Rho += (mass_j * wk); O->SmoothedPressure += (mass_j * wk * SPHP(other).Pressure); O->SmoothedEntropy += (mass_j * wk * SPHP(other).Entropy); O->GasVel[0] += (mass_j * wk * SPHP(other).VelPred[0]); O->GasVel[1] += (mass_j * wk * SPHP(other).VelPred[1]); O->GasVel[2] += (mass_j * wk * SPHP(other).VelPred[2]); /* here we have a gas particle; check for swallowing */ lock_particle(other); /* compute accretion probability */ double p, w; if((I->BH_Mass - I->Mass) > 0 && I->Density > 0) p = (I->BH_Mass - I->Mass) * wk / I->Density; else p = 0; /* compute random number, uniform in [0,1] */ w = get_random_number(P[other].ID); if(w < p) { if(P[other].Swallowed) { /* Already marked, prefer to be swallowed by a bigger ID */ if(P[other].SwallowID < I->ID) { P[other].SwallowID = I->ID; } } else { /* Unmarked mark it */ P[other].Swallowed = 1; P[other].SwallowID = I->ID; } } unlock_particle(other); } if(r2 < iter->feedback_kernel.HH) { /* update the feedback weighting */ double mass_j; if(HAS(All.BlackHoleFeedbackMethod, BH_FEEDBACK_OPTTHIN)) { double nh0 = 1.0; double nHeII = 0; double ne = SPHP(other).Ne; struct UVBG uvbg; GetParticleUVBG(other, &uvbg); AbundanceRatios(DMAX(All.MinEgySpec, SPHP(other).Entropy / GAMMA_MINUS1 * pow(SPHP(other).EOMDensity * All.cf.a3inv, GAMMA_MINUS1)), SPHP(other).Density * All.cf.a3inv, &uvbg, &ne, &nh0, &nHeII); if(r2 > 0) O->FeedbackWeightSum += (P[other].Mass * nh0) / r2; } else { if(HAS(All.BlackHoleFeedbackMethod, BH_FEEDBACK_MASS)) { mass_j = P[other].Mass; } else { mass_j = P[other].Hsml * P[other].Hsml * P[other].Hsml; } if(HAS(All.BlackHoleFeedbackMethod, BH_FEEDBACK_SPLINE)) { double u = r * iter->feedback_kernel.Hinv; O->FeedbackWeightSum += (mass_j * density_kernel_wk(&iter->feedback_kernel, u) ); } else { O->FeedbackWeightSum += (mass_j); } } } } } /** * perform blackhole swallow / merger; */ static void blackhole_feedback_ngbiter(TreeWalkQueryBHFeedback * I, TreeWalkResultBHFeedback * O, TreeWalkNgbIterBHFeedback * iter, LocalTreeWalk * lv) { if(iter->base.other == -1) { double hsearch; hsearch = decide_hsearch(I->Hsml); iter->base.mask = 1 + 32; iter->base.Hsml = hsearch; /* Swallow is symmetric, but feedback dumping is asymetric; * we apply a cut in r to break the symmetry. */ iter->base.symmetric = NGB_TREEFIND_SYMMETRIC; density_kernel_init(&iter->feedback_kernel, hsearch); return; } int other = iter->base.other; double r2 = iter->base.r2; double r = iter->base.r; /* Exclude self interaction */ if(P[other].ID == I->ID) return; #ifdef WINDS /* BH does not accrete wind */ if(P[other].Type == 0 && SPHP(other).DelayTime > 0) return; #endif if(P[other].Swallowed && P[other].Type == 5) /* we have a black hole merger */ { if(P[other].SwallowID != I->ID) return; lock_particle(other); O->Mass += (P[other].Mass); O->BH_Mass += (BHP(other).Mass); int d; for(d = 0; d < 3; d++) O->AccretedMomentum[d] += (P[other].Mass * P[other].Vel[d]); O->BH_CountProgs += BHP(other).CountProgs; #pragma omp atomic Local_BH_mass -= BHP(other).Mass; #pragma omp atomic Local_BH_dynamicalmass -= P[other].Mass; #pragma omp atomic Local_BH_Mdot -= BHP(other).Mdot; if(BHP(other).Mass > 0) { #pragma omp atomic Local_BH_Medd -= BHP(other).Mdot / BHP(other).Mass; } P[other].Mass = 0; BHP(other).Mass = 0; BHP(other).Mdot = 0; #pragma omp atomic N_BH_swallowed++; unlock_particle(other); } /* Dump feedback energy */ if(P[other].Type == 0) { if(r2 < iter->feedback_kernel.HH && P[other].Mass > 0) { double u = r * iter->feedback_kernel.Hinv; double wk; double mass_j; lock_particle(other); if(HAS(All.BlackHoleFeedbackMethod, BH_FEEDBACK_MASS)) { mass_j = P[other].Mass; } else { mass_j = P[other].Hsml * P[other].Hsml * P[other].Hsml; } if(HAS(All.BlackHoleFeedbackMethod, BH_FEEDBACK_SPLINE)) wk = density_kernel_wk(&iter->feedback_kernel, u); else wk = 1.0; if(I->FeedbackWeightSum > 0) { SPHP(other).Injected_BH_Energy += (I->FeedbackEnergy * mass_j * wk / I->FeedbackWeightSum); } unlock_particle(other); } } /* Swallowing a gas */ if(P[other].Swallowed && P[other].Type == 0) { if(P[other].SwallowID != I->ID) return; lock_particle(other); O->Mass += (P[other].Mass); int d; for(d = 0; d < 3; d++) O->AccretedMomentum[d] += (P[other].Mass * P[other].Vel[d]); P[other].Mass = 0; #pragma omp atomic N_sph_swallowed++; unlock_particle(other); } } static int blackhole_accretion_isactive(int n) { return (P[n].Type == 5) && (P[n].Mass > 0); } static void blackhole_accretion_reduce(int place, TreeWalkResultBHAccretion * remote, enum TreeWalkReduceMode mode) { int k; if(mode == 0 || BHP(place).MinPot > remote->BH_MinPot) { BHP(place).MinPot = remote->BH_MinPot; for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { /* Movement occurs in predict.c if we set JumpToPotMin to 1. Currently we set it to 0.*/ BHP(place).MinPotPos[k] = remote->BH_MinPotPos[k]; BHP(place).MinPotVel[k] = remote->BH_MinPotVel[k]; } } if (mode == 0 || BHP(place).TimeBinLimit < 0 || BHP(place).TimeBinLimit > remote->BH_TimeBinLimit) { BHP(place).TimeBinLimit = remote->BH_TimeBinLimit; } TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).Density, remote->Rho); TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).FeedbackWeightSum, remote->FeedbackWeightSum); TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).Entropy, remote->SmoothedEntropy); TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).Pressure, remote->SmoothedPressure); TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).SurroundingGasVel[0], remote->GasVel[0]); TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).SurroundingGasVel[1], remote->GasVel[1]); TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).SurroundingGasVel[2], remote->GasVel[2]); } static void blackhole_accretion_copy(int place, TreeWalkQueryBHAccretion * I) { int k; for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { I->Vel[k] = P[place].Vel[k]; } I->Hsml = P[place].Hsml; I->Mass = P[place].Mass; I->BH_Mass = BHP(place).Mass; I->Density = BHP(place).Density; I->Csnd = blackhole_soundspeed( BHP(place).Entropy, BHP(place).Pressure, BHP(place).Density); I->ID = P[place].ID; } static int blackhole_feedback_isactive(int n) { return (P[n].Type == 5) && (!P[n].Swallowed); } static void blackhole_feedback_copy(int i, TreeWalkQueryBHFeedback * I) { I->Hsml = P[i].Hsml; I->BH_Mass = BHP(i).Mass; I->ID = P[i].ID; I->FeedbackWeightSum = BHP(i).FeedbackWeightSum; double dt = (P[i].TimeBin ? (1 << P[i].TimeBin) : 0) * All.Timebase_interval / All.cf.hubble; I->FeedbackEnergy = All.BlackHoleFeedbackFactor * 0.1 * BHP(i).Mdot * dt * pow(C / All.UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s, 2); } static void blackhole_feedback_reduce(int place, TreeWalkResultBHFeedback * remote, enum TreeWalkReduceMode mode) { int k; TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).accreted_Mass, remote->Mass); TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).accreted_BHMass, remote->BH_Mass); for(k = 0; k < 3; k++) { TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).accreted_momentum[k], remote->AccretedMomentum[k]); } TREEWALK_REDUCE(BHP(place).CountProgs, remote->BH_CountProgs); } void blackhole_make_one(int index) { if(P[index].Type != 0) endrun(7772, "Only Gas turns into blackholes, what's wrong?"); int child = domain_fork_particle(index); NLocal[5] ++; P[child].PI = atomic_fetch_and_add(&N_bh_slots, 1); P[child].Type = 5; /* make it a black hole particle */ P[child].StarFormationTime = All.Time; P[child].Mass = All.SeedBlackHoleMass; P[index].Mass -= All.SeedBlackHoleMass; BHP(child).ID = P[child].ID; BHP(child).Mass = All.SeedBlackHoleMass; BHP(child).Mdot = 0; /* It is important to initialize MinPotPos to the current position of * a BH to avoid drifting to unknown locations (0,0,0) immediately * after the BH is created. */ int j; for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { BHP(child).MinPotPos[j] = P[child].Pos[j]; BHP(child).MinPotVel[j] = P[child].Vel[j]; } BHP(child).MinPot = P[child].Potential; BHP(child).CountProgs = 1; } static double decide_hsearch(double h) { if(All.BlackHoleFeedbackRadius > 0) { /* BlackHoleFeedbackRadius is in comoving. * The Phys radius is capped by BlackHoleFeedbackRadiusMaxPhys * just like how it was done for grav smoothing. * */ double rds; rds = All.BlackHoleFeedbackRadiusMaxPhys / All.cf.a; if(rds > All.BlackHoleFeedbackRadius) { rds = All.BlackHoleFeedbackRadius; } return rds; } else { return h; } } #endif