# This File is based on CONVENTIONS from fftw-3.3alpha1
# TODO: I still have to check some files, if this coding
#       standard was applied correctly. 
#       Double commented lines mark coding standards that
#       are introduced by FFTW but are not yet used in all 
#       the PFFT code. 
#       (Because I found the CONVENTIONS file of FFTW after 
#       I had written a lot of PFFT code - Sorry)

Code conventions (hopefully everywhere) used internally by pfft (not in API):

LEARN FROM THE MASTERS: read Ken Thompson's C compiler in Plan 9.
   Avoid learning from C++/Java programs.

## INDENTATION: K&R, 5 spaces/tab.  In case of doubt, indent -kr -i5.
# TODO: We have used another indentation with 2 spaces/tab. I search for
#       an editor with nice automatic indentation (that covers all the nasty
#       special cases).

## NAMES: keep them short.  Shorter than you think.  The Bible was written
##   without vowels.  Don't outsmart the Bible.

   Common names:

   R       : real type, aka fftw_real
##   E       : real type for local variables (possibly extra precision)
   C       : complex type
##   sz      : size
##   vecsz   : vector size
   is, os  : input/output stride
##   ri, ii  : real/imag input (complex data)
##   ro, io  : real/imag output (complex data)
##   I, O    : real input/output (real data)
##   A       : assert
##   CK      : check
##   S       : solver, defined internally to each solver file
##   P       : plan, defined internally to each solver file
##   k       : codelet
   X(...)  : used for mangling of external FFTW names (see below)
   XM(...) : used for mangling of external FFTW_MPI names (see below)
   PX(...) : used for mangling of external PFFT names (see below)
##   K(...)  : floating-point constant, in E precision

   If a name is used often and must have the form pfft_foo to avoid
   namespace pollution, #define FOO pfft_foo and use the short name.

   Leave that hungarian crap to MS.  foo_t counts as hungarian: use
   foo instead.  foo is lowercase so that it does not look like a DOS
   program. Exception: typedef struct foo_s {...} foo;  instead of
   typedef struct foo {...} foo;  for C++ compatibility.

NAME MANGLING: use PX(foo) for external names instead of pfft_foo.
    PX(foo) expands to pfftf_foo, pfft_foo or pfftl_foo, depending on the
    precision.  (Unfortunately, this is a ugly form of hungarian
    notation.  Grrr...)  Names that are not exported do not need to be

## REPEATED CODE: favor a table.  E.g., do not write
##    foo("xxx", 1);
##    foo("yyy", 2);
##    foo("zzz", -1);
##    Instead write
##      struct { const char *nam, int arg } footab[] = {
##	{ "xxx", 1 },
##	{ "yyy", 2 },
##	{ "zzz", -1 }
##      };
##    and loop over footab.  Rationale: it saves code space.
##    Similarly, replace a switch statement with a table whenever
##    possible.
## C++: The code should compile as a C++ program. Run the code through
##    gcc -xc++ .  The extra C++ restrictions are unnecessary, of
##    course, but this will save us from a flood of complaints when
##    we release the code.