MPICC = mpiicc MPICXX = mpiicpc OPTIMIZE = -openmp -O0 -g GSL_INCL = -I/opt/gsl/impi/include/gsl GSL_LIBS = -L/opt/gsl/impi/lib64 -lgsl -lgslcblas # #--------------------------------------- Basic operation mode of code OPT += -DDENSITY_INDEPENDENT_SPH #OPT += -DLIGHTCONE # write a lightcone on the fly; in development OPT += -DPETAPM_ORDER=1 # order of finite differentiation kernel 1 is same as gadget #OPT += VALGRIND # allow debugging with valgrind, disable the GADGET memory allocator. # flags shall that always be there they need to be cleaned up OPT += -DOPENMP_USE_SPINLOCK OPT += -DSPH_GRAD_RHO # calculate grad of rho in SPH, required for Krumholtz & Gnedin H2 SFR #--------------------------------------- Multi-Domain and Top-Level Tree options OPT += -DTOPNODEFACTOR=5.0 #--------------------------------------- Things that are always recommended OPT += -DMYSORT #OPT += -DCPUSPEEDADJUSTMENT #OPT += -DHYDRO_COST_FACTOR=1000 #--------------------------------------- SFR/feedback model # most of the sfr modes are controled in paramfile (which needs a overhaul too!) OPT += -DSFR OPT += -DMETALS OPT += -DWINDS #-------------------------------------- AGN stuff OPT += -DBLACK_HOLES # enables Black-Holes (master switch) #-------------------------------------------- Things for special behaviour OPT += -DNO_ISEND_IRECV_IN_DOMAIN #sparse MPI_Alltoallv do not use ISEND IRECV OPT += -DINHOMOG_GASDISTR_HINT # if the gas is distributed very different from collisionless particles, this can helps to avoid problems in the domain decomposition -- increase All.MaxPartSph